Although the Holy Pegasus has completed its evolution and become a Holy Spirit Fighter, its power is stronger in terms of holy attributes.

With a wave of Su Bai's hand, the burly Holy Spirit Warrior appeared out of thin air, and then snorted in dissatisfaction.

It can't stand the evil power, and immediately stretched out its palm to the young man, concentrating energy in the palm.

There was a look of pain on the face of the tribal boy, and the bulging **** kept moving around on the surface of the body.

This is the dying force of evil.

But under the power of the Holy Spirit Warrior, this not-so-powerful evil force could not survive at all, and was dispelled in an instant.

As the evil forces were eliminated, the tribal boy also regained his calm, his expression soothed, and his breathing became smoother.

Su Bai felt it, and the evil power was indeed gone, so he took the Holy Spirit Warrior back to the pet space.

Before Su Bai could speak, the chief stood up and shouted, "God of wisdom!"

The surrounding tribe members agreed one after another, appearing very excited.

Su Bai was a little shy.

These people are so enthusiastic.

When the crowd was almost cheering, with Su Bai's eyes signaling, the chief asked the others to go back to work, but he stayed.

"Where was the boy injured?" Su Bai asked.

The chief thought for a moment and said, "According to Plaque, they found a cave in the west of the village, but he fainted before he went in. Someone else carried him back."


Hearing this, Su Bai frowned slightly, "Take me to see."

The chief hesitated and said, "Lord God of Wisdom, this is not right. What if something unexpected happens."

Su Bai held his forehead with a headache, then rolled his eyes, and said righteously, "This is an oracle."

As soon as these words came out, the chief immediately got up and arranged to go.

Not long after, more than a dozen people came outside the thatched hut, among them the teenagers who had been treated earlier.

Su Bai stepped forward and asked, "Are you alright?"

The boy named Pluck flushed with excitement, and said quickly, "Lord God, I'm fine now."

Su Bai was immune to the name of the gods. Hearing this, he showed a relieved smile. He stroked the boy's hair and said with a smile, "It's fine. Now I need you to take me to that cave, okay?"

Although there were still lingering fears in his eyes, Plaque still nodded without hesitation, "I am willing to lead the way for the Lord God!"

The chief next to him smiled and was very satisfied with Plaque's performance.

Only then can they be considered members of their Black Tower tribe.

Originally, the chief wanted to go with him, but was persuaded by Su Bai.

If there was any danger there, he might not be able to take care of too many people.

The Black Tower tribe can be without him, the so-called **** of wisdom, but it cannot be without the chief.

The chief was quite regretful, but he was still convinced by Su Bai's words, and he didn't say anything, just instructed his clan to obey Su Bai's arrangement.

In this regard, others patted their chests and expressed their will to obey the will of the gods.

Seeing this, Su Bai felt that this inexplicable identity of a **** was quite useful.

At least don't have to worry about the command of the team.

When the arrangements were in place, everyone walked out of the village and headed for the cave that Plaque said.

Su Bai kept thinking in his heart.

What is in the cave, and why is there movement now?

From the previous questioning, Su Bai learned that the cave was only more than ten kilometers away from the Heita tribe's village.

At such a close distance, if the cave has always been abnormal and has been discovered long ago, how could it be possible to wait until now.

So, is it because of his arrival that the cave has changed?

Su Bai was full of thoughts.

After walking for a while, Plaque next to him finally summoned up the courage to ask, "Lord God, is your hometown in the kingdom of heaven."

After thinking for a while, Su Bai decided to keep the lie and said with a smile, "Yes, it is the kingdom of heaven. There is no sadness in it, only joy. We call it a paradise of joy."

It was an illusion anyway, so Su Bai simply talked nonsense, saying whatever came to his mind.

・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・

In fact, just from the name alone, the Paradise of Joy and the Kingdom of Heaven should not be much different, so Su Bai said that, no problem.

At least he thought so.

Hearing this, not only Plaque, but also more than a dozen other tribe members were very excited, and couldn't help guessing in their hearts how magical the Pleasure Paradise was.

However, with their knowledge, they can only think of food that can't be eaten, and a peaceful world without Zerg.

Su Bai uphold the mentality of doing one thing and another, picking a few leaves at random, and then drawing a few pictures on it with a charcoal pen, drawing some strange things in the Federation.

Although Su Bai's painting skills were touching, it didn't prevent Plaque and others from watching them with fascination and tears.


"Lord God, can we also enter the Paradise of Pleasure?" Plaque asked.

Su Bai patted his head and said with a smile, "Of course, as long as you keep doing good deeds, your souls will enter the Paradise of Pleasure."

Plaque and others were excited again, talking about doing good deeds.

Judging from their appearance, if they were still thinking about leading the way to the cave, they would be rushing back to the village now to do good deeds.

Originally, Su Bai was going to throw away those few leaves, but Pulak's eyes were sharp and he immediately said, "Master God, can you give me these sacred objects?"


For this kind of thing, what else can Su Bai say, he can only pass the leaves over.

He felt like he was about to lose himself.

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