Global Bloodline, Fuse Saiyan Bloodline at the Start!

012 Martial Artist Level Body (Fourth Update!!)

"Comprehensive strength: 680KG."

"Burst speed: 26.8m/S"

"Sustained speed: 20.5m/S"

"Reactivity: Level 4"

Look at the data after the test.

At this time, Qin Feng's eyes flashed with joy.


There is no complete doubling of this data.

But in fact.

However, Qin Feng clearly knew that his real combat power was at least three times stronger than yesterday.

The intensity of combat power.

But it can't be done by doubling and superimposing some kind of data.

In actual combat, even a strength advantage of 100 kilograms can form absolute crushing.

not to mention.

Compared with yesterday, the strength alone has increased by 250KG.

"Try your fist."

At this time, Qin Feng came to the boxing test room.

for this data.

He is the most concerned.

after all.

The various forces of other bodies are also good, the data are just data.

But the level of punching strength really represents the strength of the attack.

Some people have never practiced special force.

Maybe the bench press is 200KG, but the ultimate burst of punching power is not as good as a professional boxer with a bench press of only 120KG.

Before the fist tester.

Qin Feng's feet formed a front and rear triangular fighting force, while the fighting style was laid out, in his mind, he also recalled yesterday's training.


He spent a full four hours training his skills.

Among them, the fighting skills in terms of fists and feet took a full three hours.

The remaining one hour is for agility training.

"Strength starts from the root... Sink your shoulders and exert your strength!"


The fist suddenly bombarded out.

The huge force made the cushion on the boxing tester suddenly sink deeply.

Until the fist was retracted, the cushion was still shaking at a high frequency.

The sound of the equipment resounded at this moment.

[Ding, fist power burst: 1802KG]

[Strength Amplification Factor: 265%]

【Rating: Ordinary】

"Still normal."

"But compared to yesterday, the increase coefficient is much higher, and it is not far from the excellent level."

For this result, Qin Feng is relatively satisfied.

after all.

The progress is not small.

"I'm testing the left fist, kicking, etc..."

Not in a hurry to start training immediately, Qin Feng spent another few minutes to complete the test of the amplification factors of various attacks.


Swing punches, straight punches, uppercuts, elbows, knee kicks, side kicks, side kicks, whip kicks, etc.

The final rating is still not surprising: average

But compared with yesterday, there has been obvious progress.

in particular.

Low whip legs.

Now one kick can cause an impact force of more than 3000KG.

This kind of power, even a real warrior, will fall to the ground if he is a little careless.

"Continue training!"

After the test was over, Qin Feng also started the second day of death training.

Such a training intensity is enough to make countless people give up in despair.

After experiencing the first time, Qin Feng chose to open it for the second time without any hesitation.

This is also the hidden benefit brought by Saiyan blood.

As long as the strength can be improved, even if it is death, there is no fear!


Time passed.

According to the current physical fitness, the training intensity is increased again.

Still on time.

But just like yesterday, with the end of the training, the exhausted breath was released, and the body collapsed almost instantly.

While directly chewing the spirit grass, the body was soaked in the green spirit grass liquid.

Kankan completed self-rescue before hanging up.

The body is recovering, and the muscle fibers are constantly reorganizing and becoming more resilient.

The internal organs all over the body have a terrifying ability to resist pressure.

Under the training of triple gravity, the high-load cardiopulmonary has almost completed the transformation in terms of oxygen supply and hematopoietic ability.

Even in an oxygen-free environment, you can hold your breath for more than five minutes.

And this is just the result of the second day's training.


third day.

fourth day.

Still doing death training.

until the sixth day.

early morning.

Came to the strength test area as usual.

When the overall test was completed, a notification sound made the corners of Qin Feng's mouth rise slightly.

[Current comprehensive strength: 1025KG]

"Finally, it's reached!"

The time was fully half faster than the so-called ten days planned by the system.

Even in terms of speed and reaction, it has already reached the standard of a warrior yesterday.

Being able to do this is naturally due to the terrifying potential talent of the Saiyan bloodline and near-death transformation.

Otherwise, with a normal A-level bloodline, I'm afraid it would really take ten days of training like this.

"However, I have already improved so fast, those geniuses from the aristocratic family are even faster than me."

At this time, Qin Feng sighed again.


In fact, just the day before yesterday.

He has left the training space.

Then, I saw the news headlines on the campus network, and it said.

There are already seven people who have completed the trial tower.

Two days ago.

That is, after the third day in the training space, it is under the gap of time velocity.

Almost on the second day after the awakening, someone completed the promotion of warriors and completed the trial of breaking through the tower.

"However, there is no need to be so impatient."

"In the next two days, there is no need to continue the death training."

"The spirit grass that just recovered has also been consumed."

"In the past two days, train your combat skills with all your strength!"

"However, what needs to be done now is to complete the cyclone condensation of warriors first."

Qin Feng made a decision, and the next moment he had a thought, he went directly from the gravity training space to the Yuanli practice space.

With three times the potency turned on.

Qin Feng also sat down cross-legged, and slowly closed his eyes.

In a moment of silence, Qin Feng sensed strange energy fluctuations.

There is no difficulty at all.

Such a situation, apart from benefiting from the higher concentration of elemental force in the elemental force space.

Also, Qin Feng's physical strength is actually much stronger than most of the people who become warriors.

PS; the fourth change, ask for flowers, evaluation votes! ! !

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