Global Bloodline, Fuse Saiyan Bloodline at the Start!

074 The Storm Is Coming (First Update!!)

With Yan Ji, came to the tall building.

The short-haired young man glanced at Qin Feng and said flatly, "Now is the final moment of the assessment."

"Everyone is from Hanhai City."

"With each other, solidarity is the right thing to do."

"A team naturally needs a leader.

"I am the leader."

"Of course, if someone feels that they are more suitable, they can also bring it up. I'm a good talker!"

That's what it says.

But the threat in the man's tone was very obvious.

Moreover, the whole expression, in Qin Feng's opinion, was incomparably in need of a beating.

However, Qin Feng had no interest in this so-called leader.

Pulling Yan Ji, she came to the corner of "017" of the tall building and sat down against the wall.

Sit for a while.

Feeling uncomfortable, Qin Feng got up, and walked downstairs amid the doubts on the short-haired man's face.

After a while.

When Qin Feng came to the roof of the building with a sofa amidst everyone's astonishment.

Everyone was taken aback.

A chubby-looking young man was sitting in the corner, watching this scene, and slapped his head: "Why didn't I think of that?"

Especially, when Qin Feng put the sofa in the corner of the wall, and pulled Yan Ji to lean on her, lying comfortably on the sofa.

The short-haired man froze a bit, his mouth opened, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end, it turned into a cold snort.

Qin Feng didn't care about it.

Anyway, they are waiting for the gray fog to come, so that they can make themselves more comfortable, isn't it good?

Just like that, leaning on the sofa, with one arm around Yan Ji's slender waist, Qin Feng didn't completely focus on resting, but glanced around.

some observation.

Qin Feng's complexion changed slightly.

At this time, the short-haired man was still talking.

"We don't have too many people in Hanhai City."

"The invasion of this gray fog should only break out in the last period of time."

"At that time, as long as we unite, we will have a chance to get a better ranking.

"The last assessment, although the top 100,000 can participate.

"But the higher the ranking, the more advantage it has."

Hearing these words, Qin Feng suddenly sneered: "Unity probably won't be of much use.

When the short-haired man heard the words, his expression sank, he looked at Qin Feng and asked coldly, "What do you mean?"

"If you are not convinced by me, you can speak out directly."

Qin Feng waved his hand: "It's not that I'm unconvinced."

"It just feels like you're a little too optimistic."

The expression of the short-haired man was still gloomy, and he said slowly: "Speak directly!"

Qin Feng smiled: "Do you feel that the biggest problem now lies in the wraiths in the gray mist?"

The short-haired man was taken aback for a moment, and asked back, "Isn't it?"

Qin Feng grinned at this time: "In the gray fog, there are at least dozens of level 6 wraiths, plus an unknown number of level 5 wraiths, and even level 4 wraiths.

"Even if everyone adds up, it's hard to fight against."

"And in this case, the order of elimination, how do you feel controlled?"


"No, it's luck!"

"Which direction the resentful spirits are mainly attacking, that direction will be the first to be defeated."

The short-haired man seemed to have grasped some important points, and said in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

Qin Feng quietly pointed to the surroundings, and said in a low voice, "Observe carefully."

"Now, most of the people in other cities look at us from time to time.

"Have some weak cities been united?"

Qin Feng said lightly: "In comparison, if you are the stronger person, hand over the final ranking to Wraith.

"What will you do now?"

The short-haired man finally understood.

"You mean, they might take the lead in cleaning up some of the people!"

"But, if we get rid of us, wouldn't the overall combat power be lowered by a bit, and wouldn't it be detrimental to resisting the general attack of the wraiths?"

Saying this, the short hair suddenly came back to life.


"In fact, there is no need to resist the attack of the wraith at all......."

"This is a competition for rankings. It doesn't matter whether you can survive fifteen days or not!"

Qin Feng nodded at this moment, and said with a teachable expression: "You finally understand."

The expression of the short-haired man became more and more dignified.

Take a deep breath: "Then, what should I do then!"

Qin Feng grinned: "Does this need to be said?"

"Should we find other weak main cities to unite, or... the first attack will be the strongest!"

"Directly disrupt the situation completely and let the battle break out in advance."

"It's up to you to figure out how, after all, you are the leader......

After finishing speaking, Qin Feng returned to the sofa and sat down again.

As for the short-haired man, at this time, he called the rest of the people together to discuss the next tactics.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

At this time, Qin Feng even observed that there seemed to be two tall buildings, and people from other cities began to move around.

And at this time, the short-haired man seemed to have made up his mind. At this time, he approached Qin Feng and said, "I discussed it with the rest of the people."


"According to observations, there should be at least three uneasy and well-meaning urban gathering places."?

"Among them, the strength is the closest to our main city, and just a few minutes ago on 5.9, their people have already looked at our side at least ten times."

"There must be a different idea in my heart."

"The strength of the opponent, if we take the initiative to attack, there is a high probability that we can take it down."

"Do you have any good strategies?"

Obviously, the short-haired man had already approved of Qin Feng after what he said before, and he came here to inquire now.

Qin Feng raised his brows when he heard the words: "Well, there is really a way."

"Next, you and me like this, like this..."

In a whisper, Qin Feng revealed his plan.

At this time, the short-haired man also had a flash of light in his eyes.

PS: The first update.

Today's first update, 2000 words, continue to code words, try to get the second update before 6 o'clock!!!.

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