Chapter 101

In addition to the oxygen generator,

Wu Di also needs some medicine.

He even wants to remove some medical equipment if possible!


After all, he didn’t drive there and wanted to move too much stuff…~….

Isn’t it impossible?

Wu Di’s eyes lit up,

Not once,

It can be multiple times!

But after thinking about it, the medical equipment is there, and it won’t be-someone will steal it.

Next time you need it-the same goes for later!

Ever since,

He changed his tone and said, “Just turn away these things first!”


Qin Wushu nodded without talking nonsense.

“May I be allowed to find a radiation suit and some medicines? I’m also in poor condition now.”


Wu Di is very refreshing.

Qin Wushu is not a dull person,

He went straight to get the previous radiation protection suit, and went to the pharmacy to find some radiation protection drugs to eat, and only then did he breathe a sigh of relief and began to disassemble the heater.

There are two types of oxygen generators used in this hospital,

One is convenient for large machines. The assembled oxygen generator is large in size and difficult to disassemble.

The other is a small, portable oxygen concentrator that is easy to transfer, only a few jins.

Qin Wushu found one in a high-end room and immediately disassembled it and brought it out.

“Is this all right?”

He explained what he had just done,

Seeing Qin Wushu’s cooperation,

Wu Di was also satisfied and said, “Yes, just tie the oxygen concentrator to it with a rope.”


Qin Wushu looked around and walked into the previous hall.

Speaking of rope,

Of course there are many cultists.

at this time,

The fire in the hall has been extinguished,

After all, it was snowy weather. As soon as the cold wind blew in, the flame behemoth would have to wither.

Those congregants have become fragments of stumps,

What appeared in the whole hall was a fragmented picture, bloody and beautiful.

Qin Wu wrote palely at this scene, and found some ropes beside the cross.

He took one,

Tie the oxygen generator to the drone.

“nailed it!”

Qin Wushu breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Di smiled and said, “Very well, Mr. Qin Wushu, goodbye!”

The voice fell,

The drone slowly lifted off and flew steadily into the wind and snow.

Qin Wushu watched the drone leave and wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it back.

He looked at his palm,

Inside… there seems to be something trying to get out.


Control the drone to come back automatically,

Wu Di looked at the daily tasks, and the [I am the killer] has been completed.


Points +10!

Remaining points: points!

“There is another low-level task, just squat for a few hours!”

Wu Di was lying on the chair, humming, very comfortable.


He just fell asleep like this,

Everything is so beautiful in the warm refuge.


After a few hours,


Qin Wushu collected some medicines, food and daily necessities and piled them up in a room in the hospital.

While eating bread, while reading a “Laser Medical Cabin Instructions”,

This is an advanced technologically anticipated device,

His body’s radiation exceeded the standard, and he could not completely deal with it by simply taking medicine. He must use a medical cabin!

“It doesn’t seem to be difficult, I need to get a generator… I don’t know if there are any spare generators in the hospital.”

Qin Wushu said to himself,

Out of the room,

Go to the spare basement storage room of the hospital.

···········Ask for flowers··············

But just went out,

Haven’t walked a few steps yet,

A thin claw suddenly appeared from behind and grabbed his neck!


Qin Wushu was almost choked to death, his eyes pale.

next moment,

With a bang,

He was pressed on the wall!

Between the neck,

A cool breath blows,

“Tell me, where are the people here?”


Qin Wushu’s pupils shrank, almost urinating in shock.

Turning his eyes,

Many thoughts came to mind.

The next moment, he said: “Dead.”

…. …… …….

“Dead? You killed?”

The people behind have some doubts.


In the case of Qin Wushu, he was almost killed, and the murder was really a bit reluctant.

“no no!”

Qin Wushu swallowed, and already had a bold guess in his mind.

“They were killed by drones, drones dropped bombs!”


The people behind were a little dissatisfied with this answer, but let go.

Qin Wushu just touched his neck and looked back timidly.

The man behind,

It is a person wearing a black tights and no radiation protection suit!

But his face,

But even more terrifying than the dozen or so believers before!

He was covered with gray scales, like a murloc, as if he was dying, but he looked full of air,

His claws are thin, with dense eye-like scales on them,

At a glance, Qin Wushu was dizzy and wanted to vomit!

fear! Weird!

“Humph! Even you are worthy of God’s mark!”

The man in black had a hoarse voice and asked, “Tell me! Who are you…?”.

(PS: The eyes are a bit swollen, very uncomfortable, facing the screen for a long time, easy to eye fatigue.). Where.

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