Chapter 104


【White Devil】

Task introduction: The white one is the devil, explode!

Mission requirements: detonate one hundred white terrorist bombs.

Task reward: 10 points.


It’s another one!

Still a low-level reward!

Wu Di’s pupils shrank, a little panicked.

Isn’t it… really bad luck today?

“It shouldn’t be…”

Wu Di thought for a while,

I still have 2041 now, why don’t you spend the odds?

“Brother, give me some strength!”

Wu Di feels like he is a gambling dog now,

His complexion was ashen,

Click to refresh!

Points -20!

Remaining points: 2021!


The task panel is refreshed.

This time, two tasks came out,

Wu Di was worried,

After a closer look, his complexion turned gray.

Two tasks!

However, they are all low-level reward tasks with 10 points!

One is to do 1,000 push-ups, the other is to light up 1,000 bullets,

They are all very simple tasks.

He touched his forehead, wanting to refresh it again.

“Do you spend 50 points to refresh daily tasks?”



50 points,

Next time, it is estimated to be 100 points!

Still gamble?

Wu Di’s complexion changed slightly, and he was hesitant.

When people are unlucky, drinking cold water will clog their teeth!

“Stop betting today! Stop betting!”

Wu Di comforted himself, looked away with difficulty, and opened the “important” category.

The previous “alive” task has been completed,

The follow-up is naturally updated.



Task introduction: Under the cataclysm, the only destiny is to live.

Task requirements: Live for one hundred days. Task reward: 5000 points, mysterious black technology x1.


“100 days, okay~”.

Wu Di nodded. In one hundred days, even if he was in the refuge, he could get 2000-3000 points.

not to mention,

He still has daily tasks every day!


One hundred days later, 5000 points is not an unattainable goal for him.

But it can be considered a huge sum of money, enough to make a “windfall.”

“Do two tasks first.”

Wu Di cheered up, got up and did 1,000 push-ups first.

Go and get another submachine gun,

There was a beep, 1000 rounds of bullets were fired,

2 tasks were completed quickly,

20 points arrived in the account, it is a wave of blood!


After finishing his work, Wu Di chose to take a nap,

Back to the bedroom,

Wuyi was sleeping quietly in the bed.

He got into the bed and hugged the plump maiden body.

The girl was awakened, opened her dim eyes, and looked at him with some confusion.

next moment,

She smiled, adjusted her posture a little, and curled up into his arms.

“Go to sleep!”

Wu Di smiled and closed his eyes.


Quiet and peaceful in the warm bed.



After waking up,

After Wu Di had breakfast, he took out the drawing of “Breaking Dawn No. 1 Exoskeleton Armor”.

Ask Han Xiaowu and Wuyi to study together.

He is quite interested in armor, but learning knowledge is a bit of a stretch.

Han Xiaowu looked dumbfounded,

Wuyi was very interested. He flipped through the drawings, and after a while, he shook his head and said, “Lack!”

“What is missing? Machine or material?”

Wu Di looked at her,

The girl thought slightly, and said: “Both!”

With that, she pointed out some marked things in the drawing.



“Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Table”


Wu Di took a look and calculated in his heart.

To upgrade the processing table, purchase the “Dawning Alloy” drawings, and then upgrade the “Bipolar Energy Battery”.

In total…thousands of points are required!

“It’s not expensive?”

Wu Di was a little surprised, scratching his head.

Also, only some of the above technologies are beyond modern, and other technologies are not so outrageous.

“¨” It’s done! ”


The scientific research is handed over to Wuyi who is interested in this,

Han Xiaowu actually went to study her plants,

Wu Di came to the workshop and spent 400 points to upgrade the processing table to [Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Table].

The new manufacturing platform is bigger, with eight robotic arms, and there are many parts on it, which looks very cool.

I spent another 200 points to purchase the “Broken Dawn Alloy” drawing,

Let Wuyi study and study,

You can also make Dawning Alloy on one side.

The material of Dawning Alloy is very simple. There are a lot of materials in the refuge, and after a little search, it is complete.


It took 100 points to purchase a “bipolar energy battery”.

This is a high-energy battery with slightly stronger performance than modern batteries, with stable power transmission and huge storage capacity!

After the technology is complete,

Wu Di and Wuyi began to produce alloys, and after obtaining (Mazhao’s) Dawning Alloy, they began to manufacture exoskeleton armor components!


Before this step, Wu Di had to scan his body shape for the exoskeleton armor to be used next to the body.

Head, arms, legs and feet, upper body, lower body…

An hour passed,

Obediently Wuyi didn’t say anything,

What Wu Di tells her to do, she will do it seriously, very efficient.

in this way,

By eight or nine o’clock in the evening, both of them were hungry!

The cabin of the “Weapon Manufacturing Station” opened with a chuckle,

The white mist disperses,

The last component lights up….

(PS: I don’t have hydrology, ah, young readers do not speak martial arts, and they slander me, a 69-year-old old comrade, I advise you to rattle!). Break.

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