Chapter 111

The activation of the oxygen supply center quickly and obviously changed the air quality of the refuge!


different regions,

The air ratio is different.

In the living area of ​​Wu Di, the air is obviously suitable for the human body.

With every breath,-will be very comfortable.


With the support of powerful air purification and traction, the air in the refuge is relatively circulated with the outside world, dispelling the inherent dullness.

Wu Di sensed it carefully, then took another look in the nearby rooms, and nodded secretly.

With the oxygen supply center,

The problem of oxygen conversion will be much easier in the future.

“There are more than six hundred points left.”

Wu Di hesitated and did not continue to open up new spaces.

Now that the hydroponic vegetable room and the oxygen supply center have just been established, it has proved that there are not a lot of points required to open up a new space.

My six hundred points are definitely not enough.


January 20.

After Wu Di got up early, he took a look at the daily tasks,

Discovery is a boring task that can be completed,

It took time to complete it,

10 points is not too small.

Then, he tried to refresh his hand,

I just spent 1 point to try my luck.

Without any hope, as a result of this refresh, a mission that braved the silver light appeared!


【Deal under the Doomsday】

Task introduction: During the cataclysm, your refuge lacked some supplies, and it is a good choice to trade with other refuges.

Mission requirements: within 24 hours, reach a deal with a refuge.

Task reward: 50 points.


“Reminder: After completing this task, a random task [The Refuge of Rich and Flowing Oil] will be triggered.”


There is only one task on the daily task panel,

But this is the task,

Let Wu Di’s eyes shine brightly.

Intermediate reward task!

Moreover, random tasks can still be triggered!

“It looks like I have good luck!”

Wu Di showed excitement, and the long-hidden gambling idea came out again.

The next moment, reason came and forced the little devil away.

“It just so happens, I am going to contact the group today to make a deal!”

Wu Di thought for a while and accepted the task,

Then I looked at the settlement panel.

For the settlement on January 19, 38 points were given, which is not bad.

Wash well,

finish breakfast,

Wu Di took the laptop to the living room, put the computer on his lap, and opened the forum.

Enter the chat group.

Because they are all chat groups of the owner of the refuge, there is not much discussion information in the group.

There are a few occasionally, but they are also exchanging experiences and discussing news.

Dull, old-fashioned,

It’s completely different from the lively and messy atmosphere in the forum.

However, this is also understandable. If you want to brag about it, so many people in the forum are not good at bragging, there is no need to disturb others in the group.

Wu Di thought for a while, and aite directly said “all members”!

Invincible: “@All members! Are you all here, something important!”

Soon, a few people appeared.

Old farmer: “What’s wrong?”

A Zhe: “My son, there is nothing to do with my thinking now, I’m going to be boring to play with the soil.”

Silently: “Come on and wait for your son’s big event by the way!”


One after another, Lao Chen, Wang Haoran and others also came, and all of a dozen people spoke up.

Wu Di didn’t talk nonsense, and said directly: “It’s time for a wave of PY transactions!”

“I need all kinds of materials, everyone can trade!”

Heard that,

···········Ask for flowers··············

Everyone spoke one after another.

Wang Haoran: “The supplies are in short supply so soon, isn’t it?”

Old farmer: “It is estimated that this guy is opening a new underground room not long ago, preparing to plant crops.”

Silently: “Big brother, is it really good to open up new space indiscriminately? Will it collapse…”

A Zhe: “The son wants to be steady, there should be no problems, what do you need?”


Watching them speak, Wu Di thought a little bit.

The materials in his refuge are not too much, but not too much!

And around the shelter,

There are also many places where materials can be converged,

…. ……. …

Such as a hospital, such as a shopping plaza.

But… it also takes time and energy to collect, which is not cost-effective!

“I have upgraded a lot of black technology now, maybe I can trade with them!”

Wu Di’s eyes flickered, some things are naturally untradeable, but some things will not hinder him, such as the upgraded biological nutrient solution formula!

Such as the various Chinese language systems he produced,

These values ​​are not as high as they were before the peace era, but they are not cheap.


He is a man who can encrypt!

“Let me talk about what I have, beyond the 10-year biological nutrient solution on the market, the living water replacement system in the cultivation room…”

Wu Di typed slowly,

“I need building materials, rubber, glass, compounds…”

When other people saw this, they also said what they had and what they wanted to trade.

Old farmer: “I have enough fruit and vegetables on my side, and I need some weapons to defend myself.”

Old Chen: “I have a lot of metal materials, including crossbow arrows and pistols. I need some fresh food. Do you have fish?”

Silently: “I… I have a lot of snacks, wine and drinks here, I want all of you!”

…. Where.

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