Chapter 113

Among the rich,

Some are rich people with profound background and rich resources. Not only money, but also the connections and accumulation of resources in all aspects are not to be underestimated.

But there are also some upstarts…

High-quality and low-quality cannot be generalized!

Wang Dahai is a nouveau riche. He started as a group of coalfields. His hands were covered with the blood of innocent people.

But so what,

He is not afraid of being caught, but still does his own way.

Now that the cataclysm has arrived, his inner desire for power has swelled wildly, and he already has the idea of ​​”changing the day and changing the day”.

That’s why I am here to talk to the rich and powerful.

In his opinion, the fruit cultivation garden of Xiao Guozi’s mother is already something in his own hands!

“A pretty widow, with her daughter, where else can she go?”

Wang Dahai showed a hideous color, and a trace of madness flashed under his eyes.


At the same moment,

In a 28-panel villa with oriental garden style,

Xiao Guozi was wearing thin clothes and was chatting with a group of people on the forum wherever he was.

She has a simple and lovely face, but she has a little devil in her heart.

Scold others,

All kinds of fragrant mouth, yin and yang strange and insulting sentences emerge in endlessly.


She won five fights with one squirt. The girl was about to drink, and suddenly she saw the forum message from Wu Di.

Her eyes lit up, she stopped drinking the water, and directly replied: “Great God!!!”

Invincible: “My name is Wu, you don’t need to be called a great god.”

Xiao Guozi: “Okay, Angkor Brother!”

Brother is an intimate name,

However, symmetry among modern people is not so fancy, Wu Di didn’t feel anything, and said: “How are you doing?”

Xiao Guozi: “It’s okay. The generator has solved many of our problems, but recently… the pressure in the shelter has increased in vain. Those upstarts are really disgusting.”

Hearing this, Wu Di was taken aback and asked: “What’s the matter?”

Xiao Guozi: “What else? I just came to want to confiscate, saying that the orchard is returning to the refuge, the manager is still my mother, and what other resources are on call!”

“We are not fools. Guo Peiyuan has been handed over and turned from a boss to a worker?”

She seemed to have found a vent, and she was whining about something.

It is clear,

The shelter in the villa area is also not peaceful,

Some senior officials did not give up their plans to embezzle the orchard.

Wu Di didn’t have much to say, so he smiled and said, “If you need it, you can find me.”

Xiao Guozi: “Hmm! Angkor, what are you looking for me for?”

Wu Di: “I want to ask, is there any fruit plant on your mother’s side?”

“I am planning to build an orchard here too!”

Heard that,

The girl was surprised and said in surprise: “Guopeiyuan is very troublesome. Did you get one too, Angkor? Wait a minute, I’ll go and ask mom!”

She got up, put on her plush slippers, hugged the computer and ran off.

On the side of the villa area,

There is a huge orchard,

Under the dome of glass and metal creation, it is like another world!

The girl recognized the information, walked in, and came to some fruit trees.

Not far away, one

A graceful, tall beautiful woman is resting.

She sat by the tree, seeming to think about something, her beautiful and intellectual white cheeks, like a young girl of twenty-eight years, youth is still there! ”

mother! ”

Xiao Guo ran over and said, “Do we have fruit plants here?”


The beautiful woman looked over and said gently, “Yes, what’s wrong, Guoguo?”

“Hey, the big brother last time, wanted to trade some fruit plants with us!”

A sly color flashed in Xiao Guo’s big eyes,

“Mom, haven’t the shelter been blocking us recently? I think it’s better to look for external forces!”

Xiao Guo is not a fool, and some things can be understood.

Heard that,

The beautiful woman rubbed her head and smiled: “I’ll worry about the sanctuary. Don’t worry, they can’t take it away.”

“As for trading, you can trade with him to see what you want. We don’t have a shortage of plants.”

She smiled pettingly, but the fatigue on her face couldn’t stop her.

He squinted his eyes and took a nap.

Xiao Guofu frowned, came to the side cautiously, and typed: “Angkor, I want a weapon!”

On the other side, Wu Di was overjoyed when he got the news.

This tone shows that she has fruit plants there!

I just saw the content of the message and hesitated.


It is currently possible to make a lot of firearms,

But they are all basic firearms.

“It’s okay…”

“I now have the most advanced rifles, exoskeleton armor, and pistols like the Big Black Star will not be produced in the future. It is also good to trade.”

Wu Di thought for a moment, and replied: “Old-fashioned pistols and submachine guns are available, and bullets are fine.”

Xiao Guozi: “Big brother, just look at it. Give me a list of the fruit plants I need! By the way, how are you going to trade big brother?”

Wu Di: “Drone!”. .

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