Chapter 124

In the cozy restaurant,

Han Xiaowu was absent-mindedly drinking soup and eating food.

The fragrant meals and mutton soup should have been feasted,

But Han Xiaowu felt that the good things in front of him were not fragrant. He raised his head and glanced at the two people on the other side, his pretty face blushing.

“I don’t know how to be ashamed. Sprinkle dog food in public.”

Han Xiaowu murmured,

Regardless of the taste,

I ate it in big mouthfuls.


She didn’t take long before she glared!

Isn’t it,

This is a restaurant!


The next moment, she ran out in a hurry, her heart pounding,

Shame and angry.

These two are too bold!

“Forget it!”

Han Xiaowu sighed helplessly, put on his headphones, turned on the computer, and tried to cover up the sound of the restaurant with music.

After more than an hour,

Wu Di picked up the girl and came out of the restaurant and took a bath comfortably.

Carry the tired girl into the bedroom and put it away,

Then he walked out.

at this time,

Han Xiaowu was still listening to the song with his eyes closed, seemingly immersed in it.

Wu Di hesitated for a moment, and did not disturb her, and went to the incubation room by himself.

“Start building the orchard!”

Wu Di clapped his hands, the materials are already piled up like a mountain,

Opening up a new orchard is naturally not a problem!

As for points, that’s not even a problem!

For the past ten days, he has been doing daily tasks every day. Although he hasn’t brushed out intermediate and high-level reward tasks, he hasn’t missed some low-level reward tasks.


The reward for that serial task is already generous enough!

Ten tasks,

A total of 5500 points were awarded!

In addition to the daily settlement, all calculations, his current remaining points have reached the “~‖3” point!

Get rich!

“It’s a pity, random missions can’t be met.”

Wu Di glanced at the construction panel of the orchard and waved his hand!

Points -1300!

Remaining points: 4893 points!

Order it,

A splendid light enveloped the entire refuge!

One second later,

With a thud, the shelter quaked slightly.


A door appeared on the side wall of the incubation room!

It is a modern glass door, which is opened electronically.

As soon as Wu Di walked over, the electronic door sensed automatically, and the glass door opened towards both sides.

He walked in,

The entrance is a large glass greenhouse, there are transparent pipes inside, and there are imitation light corner lights stuck around!

In the greenhouse,

The land on one side has a clear plan, which adds up to about 500 square meters.

“Good guy, an orchard covers an area almost as big as my original shelter!”

Wu Di’s eyes shimmered slightly,

The current refuge has an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters, and it is relatively large in the personal refuge!

If it is an outside building, his shelter can cover an area of ​​more than 2,000 square meters!


It doesn’t make much sense to calculate this.

“Turn on the power…”

Wu Di tried to turn on the power one by one,


The lights in the orchard are bright, and the glass will glow with strange brilliance,

It seems very technological.

Wu Di touched his head, went back to the warehouse and took the plants and seeds, and then began to sow and plant patiently.


“Di——! The remaining power is less than 10%! Please charge it in time!”

There is a reminder sound in the headset,

Han Xiaowu woke up in a daze, took off the headphones and rubbed his eyes.

In the living room,

Still bright,

But she knew that she must have been sleeping for a long time!

“what time is it?”

She took the phone from the table and opened it…


“It’s half past 11!”

Han Xiaowu’s eyes widened and patted his head.

I feel I haven’t got enough sleep.

Mainly keep playing songs,

Sleeping with headphones is not a good habit!

Will have a great impact on the quality of sleep!

“¨” Are all asleep? ”

Han Xiaowu pursed his mouth.


She saw that there were still lights in the incubation room!

“I forgot to turn off the lights?”

Han Xiaowu was a little confused, and strode over.

The electricity consumption of the shelter is average,

However, a hydroponic vegetable room was recently opened, and the electricity was stretched.

She has already used some generators in the warehouse, but she can barely maintain stability.

“Now the government will definitely not provide electricity anymore, and the water supply will be cut off after a while!”

“I don’t know what Wu Di will do…”

Han Xiaowu thought for a while and shook his head.

Wu Di is too mysterious,

In the eyes of (Ma Qian Zhao) Han Xiaowu, Wu Di is really like an alien, who can always do many miracles.

Even like the fairy in the novel, with a little hand, a lot of things pop up out of thin air.

She couldn’t understand,

Knowing that I can’t ask nonsense, I simply ignore it.

“I’m a smart man!”

Han Xiaowu smiled slightly and walked to the incubation room to turn off the lights.

But once she passed,

I just saw a huge glass door on the side!

Inside, there seems to be another world!


Han Xiaowu looked dumbfounded and walked over curiously. When he took a closer look, he noticed the huge orchard character.

I also saw Wu Di who was still busy inside… .

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