Chapter 159

Make genetic medicine,

Because there are too few pan-life materials, naturally you can’t mess around!


Wu Di first simulated production hundreds of times,

Almost failed at first,

The 2% basic success rate is not a joke.

But with the proficiency in the operation and the assistance of the “super-dimensional gene chip”, his success rate is getting higher and higher.

Today, 8 consecutive simulation productions have been successful!


He decided to make a real one!

“Disinfect the utensils!”

“The centrifuge starts…”

“Drip the No. 3 experimental liquid!”


Wu Di made meticulously,


The girl Wuyi is also silently helping,

She did not speak, but calmly and steadily assisted Wu Di.

She has been studying these days, but after all, she has learned more complicatedly, and her success rate is not stable.


This time making potions, Wu Di is the main one!

Step by step,

Wu Di is not in a hurry, it is much slower than the previous experiment, and strives to make every step extremely standard.

Nothing can go wrong.

At every step, he was engrossed, almost concentrating on one point,

Regardless of anything else!


Han Xiaowu originally wanted to ask them to eat,

But seeing the two of them being serious, their mouths opened, and finally they swallowed their words back.


A few hours later.

The final steps begin,

Wu Di took out the “pan-life materials”.

This pan-life material is a black grass.

In the list given by Liang Yu, this grass was found in the plateau area.

It is said that it was originally a lush grassland. After the emergence of this black grass, all the other vegetation on the grassland withered, and that area was almost turned into a wasteland!


After others discovered the strangeness there, they immediately collected this black grass.

After being tested by experts, it was found that this grass has an unimaginable plundering ability.

In nature,

It’s actually very common for plants to compete for resources.

For example, in dense forests, in order to compete for water and sunlight, the taller trees grow taller and denser on one side, while numerous tentacles grow from the roots of the trees.

If there are more trees, there will naturally be winners and losers.

But black grass is different,

This kind of powerful competitiveness, called “looting”, almost robbed the resources of other plants arbitrarily!


Black grass hasn’t changed much…


The conclusion of the research is that “there is not much research value.”


“Pour in!”

“Start Ultra Wave…”

Wu Di nervously started the last step,

Sweating palms.

next moment,

He exhaled and put his hand back!

It’s all over!

Now, just wait for time to pass, the ingredients merge…

In glassware,

The originally colorless liquid gradually turned into black. This is not because Wu Di made a mistake, but the black grass itself is black. After fusion, the overall medicine color is naturally black.

One second, two seconds…ten seconds…five minutes…ten minutes…

Wu Di stared closely, his face solemn.



A crisp sound appeared, and the liquid in the glassware suddenly swirled, as if something was churning inside.

after awhile,

The liquid calmed down. It was originally an inky black liquid, but it gradually became translucent, with a little bright crystal light, and gradually became beautiful!

Like a black gem, it’s fascinating!

“It’s done!”

Wu Di’s eyes lit up,

According to the instructions, the success of the first-order genetic medicine must be extremely beautiful.

This is an extraordinary medicine that can break through the limits of the body,

So it will be very in line with human aesthetics.

“Mechanical Brain, how much do I score with this potion?”

Wu Di smiled triumphantly and touched the utensil.

Mechanical Brain: “¨” host, the first-order genetic medicine is perfect. ”


Affirmed by the mechanical brain, Wu Di also completely relieved.

Picked up the utensil and took a closer look.

He hesitated for a moment, and asked, “I have this injection, will I have any abilities?”

Robotic Brain: “Host, there will be no mutation when taking genetic medicine. As for the ability, from the perspective of the host’s knowledge, the probability is almost 0.”

“Taking genetic medicine, removing all aspects of body strengthening, is the opening of the first-order gene lock. After success, you can overload the gene lock at any time and enter a perfect state.”

Perfect state! ?

Gene lock! ?

Wu Di was a little excited, after thinking about it, he took out a syringe.

Mechanical Zhi (Li Dezhao) Brain: “Host, the medicine can be taken orally or injected.”

Wu Di: “……”

“I almost forgot, the potion can be drunk!”

Wu Di’s face twitched, he hesitated, and drank the potion in the vessel in one gulp!

The medicine is not bitter, it feels like drinking cold water,

Wu Di smashed his mouth, didn’t taste any taste of Yu.

This disappointed him a bit,

I thought it would be ecstatic after drinking. .

(PS: I hope everyone will participate in the voting to see if you like adventure and catastrophe plot, or the daily salted fish in the refuge, and the upgrade plot. Both authors will write, but the proportion will be different according to the number of votes. If there are more people who like the former, Just write more of the former. Similarly, the latter is the same.). .

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