Chapter 168

This mouse,

It is very different from other tumor mice,

Thick tail,

Not an ordinary rat tail,

But bones!

After it raised its tail and aimed it at the drone, the tail immediately became thicker and closed up section by section, turning into a sharp bone spur!

next moment,

It neighed,

The bone spurs were separated from the body, and under a terrifying explosive force, they flew towards the drone!

call out–!

The sound of breaking through the air rang,

Wu Di moved his ears and hurriedly looked over there!

Different from him,

Artificial intelligence does not require observation,

Judging the situation directly, controlling the drone to dodge, and avoiding the bone spurs dangerously.

But the drone avoided,

The glass on the drone was shattered,

Expose the drone to acid rain!

“Dip! Warning! A mutant mouse has been found, capable of long-range attacks!”

“Drip! The drone body was exposed to acid rain!”

“Completeness: 98.4%!”

28   “Completeness: 98.1%!”

“Completeness: 97.7%!”


Wutian sent a warning!

Wu Di was surprised,

Hastily let Wutian control the drone to hide in the building.


the other side,

Seeing the two bombs from the drone blow up the mice seven or eighty-eight, the three of them looked a little gloomy.

“Damn, those stinky mice seem useless!”

“The attraction of the blood bag is still there, it’s a pity!”

Several people looked solemn and prepared to evacuate.

They are not brainless gang members, it is not their character to be brave and cruel.

But a few people just got up to pack their things and want to leave quickly.

The door behind him shook suddenly!


Someone frowned and wanted to open the door to have a look.

But he just walked over and the door opened!

Do not,

The door was broken,

A bone pierced through the air and flew directly through his body, even with his body inserted into the wall!

“what happened!?”

The remaining two people were taken aback and looked at the door with a look of horror.

“No! Impossible!”

“How can this thing run out of it!”




Suddenly came.

Wu Di was thinking of a way to deal with the acid rain, when he suddenly heard this scream, he was taken aback.

What happened to Lao Chen?

Wutian: “Master, analyze the position of the voice, in this place.”

The artificial intelligence opened the map and marked Wu Di.

The source of the sound was actually a house in Lao Chen’s refuge, not the underground passage!

“Could it be that the people on Lao Chen’s side, who have not had time to evacuate to the ground, have already suffered?”

Wu Di secretly guessed,

At this time,

Wu Tian, ​​who had been observing outside, suddenly made a sound.

“Master, the mouse is evacuating!”


Wu Di frowned and switched screens to take a look.


The mice in the building complex are evacuating, and they file out one by one, without any hesitation!

In the refuge, only the corpses of countless rats were left.


Wu Di breathed a sigh of relief.

These rats have been evacuated, so there is no need to worry about the safety of Lao Chen and others.

He immediately let the drone find a monitoring device and contacted Lao Chen.

“The mouse outside has retreated!”

In the underground room,

Hearing that the mice had evacuated, Old Chen was overjoyed, thinking that Wu Di had solved it, and thanked him again and again.

But the next moment,

Wu Di said again: “However, the screams of someone just now may be that one of you is suffering, sorry!”


Old Chen was a little confused, stood up and looked outside, counted them one by one, and replied: “Wu Di, I have no shortage of people here.”


Wu Di was a little confused,

It’s not Old Chen who died, who else would be there! ?

He immediately became vigilant and felt tedious.


The acid rain is still falling outside,

It’s not easy to investigate.

Old Chen naturally didn’t dare to come out!

After about an hour and a half, the acid rain finally stopped.

The cloud disappears and the rain disappears,

Everything is restored as before.

Under Wu Di’s order, the drone flew towards that location and saw a room.

Through the window, he found the human body,

There are three in total,

Unless otherwise, it is a package that has been torn open.

Of the three corpses, one of them was pierced by a bone spur, and the other two were torn apart. The cause of death is unknown.

“Without weapons, these people…”

Wu Di immediately notified Old Chen.


Old Chen came out of the underground wearing thick radiation protection obedience and came here.

At first glance,

He exclaimed: “It’s a person from Tiancheng refuge!”

Wu Di: “You know?”

Old Chen nodded, and said solemnly: “You should also know Wu Di, Tiancheng Consortium!”

Wu Di: “Yes! One of the three major consortia in Heyang City!”

Old Chen: “Tiancheng Refuge is a large-scale enterprise refuge, led by the Tiancheng Consortium! Their clothes are the standard radiation protection suits made by the Tiancheng Consortium!”

“Not long ago, people from Tiancheng Refuge came to me and asked me to join Tiancheng Refuge, but I declined!”

“They… actually died here!”.

(PS: A reader contacted me and sent me a link, saying that it is a new integrated version of Fallout 4 with 200G. The content is completely different from the original version. I am very curious, and I will check it later.). .

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