Chapter 174

In the room,

The light of the candlelight was slightly dark yellow.

The door behind it was closed, and it was the evening again at this moment, and this scene seemed a bit quiet.

Wu Di opened his eyes, his extraordinary eyesight could see everything clearly in the dark.

This room,

It is a simple style.

Han Xiaowu is not the kind of person who likes gorgeous, so the room has never been too much decorated.

But today,

The room has a fiery red decoration!

Under candle light, tables and chairs, floors, benches, beds…

Fire-like color,

It’s like life beating.

On the golden silk quilt,

Han Xiaowu was dignified and elegant, sitting there quietly.

She didn’t wear shoes, her bare feet were white and smooth, not big or small, well-proportioned and delicate.

And on these beautiful bare feet are those beautiful ivory legs,

Slender and powerful.

She wore a thin red dress, like a famous lady,

The dress is luxurious and beautiful,

With her tall and bumpy figure, it is even more attractive.

Slender waist,

Proud upper body.

The dress is off-shoulder style, with a pair of white collarbones, which look like white jade under candle light.

On top, it is the neck that looks like fat,

A beautiful face that looked like anguish like a smile, cold-eyed and pure, was revealed.

Three thousand blue silks are scattered and fall, and every strand of hair seems to have the tenderness of the beautiful woman.

She put on makeup!

The normal makeup is different from the sky,

this time,

Han Xiaowu put on makeup specially,

The flaming lip makeup outlines a crazy angle,

Tall nose,

A pair of beautiful eyes pull out the Danfeng pattern,

Like a phoenix goddess, the charm is spontaneous!

Wu Di stared at this scene in a daze, a little obsessed, a little surprised, and a little confused.

Ever since,

He was dumbfounded for a few minutes.

Han Xiaowu just looked at him lightly, without speaking, like a jade sculpture, not a real person.

For a while,

Wu Di returned to his senses, and said in amazement: “Xiaowu~‖?”

“Why? Don’t you recognize me?”

Han Xiaowu smiled softly, and there seemed to be waves of mist in her beautiful eyes.

“Um… how come!”

Wu Di touched his neck,

For some reason, he felt a little flustered.

“What are you doing?”

“Isn’t it your birthday today, I’ll celebrate it for you!”

Han Xiaowu smiled slightly and explained.

Heard that,

Wu Di suddenly realized, and said with a smile: “I’m interested, but I have never cared about this, just say happy birthday.”

“That won’t work.”

Han Xiaowu got up and stepped barefoot on the ground.

White jade-like toes are slightly bent, cute and gorgeous.

She walked to the table.

On the table,

There are a bottle of fine wine and two glasses.

Han Xiaowu squeezed his finger and twisted the cap off the bottle, and then poured two glasses of fine wine into the glass.

“Please sit down!”

She turned her head and smiled.

In the dark yellow candlelight, Fanghua is peerless.

Wu Di nodded and sat on a chair.

Han Xiaowu sat next to him, her beautiful eyes staring at him without blinking.

Wu Di was a little confused, but he still held up his glass and wanted to drink.

But he just grabbed the wine glass,

Han Xiaowu grabbed his hand, shook his head and said, “Wait.”


Wu Di was taken aback, Han Xiaowu also grabbed a wine glass himself, stretched out his hand and crossed Wu Di’s arm, his face was bright red.

“Drink like this.”

This pose…

It’s a bit like a cup of wine for an ancient wedding!


this world,

Daming customs are still there,

Folk marriage is not a church wedding dress in a previous life, but a high-end maid, a wedding reception!

Hand over a glass of wine…

Wu Di suddenly understood.

As a programmer, his thinking is not so smooth, but he is not a fool.

Everything suddenly came to light!

Wu Di didn’t say anything horribly, just smiled faintly.

“Drink this cup together!”


The two drank a cup of wine.

The liquor is sweet and sweet, and the delicious wines of the past are not important to Wu Di at the moment.

His eyes are piercing, looking at the beauty in front of him.

Han Xiaowu looked at Wu Di obsessively. After a while, he smiled and said: “¨”You won. ”

The voice fell,

She stood up, her gorgeous dress slipped to the ground…

The next day.

February 12,

Eight in the morning!

Wu Di woke up, opened his eyes, and looked into the slightly dim room.

The candlelight has long gone out,

In the bed,

Han Xiaowu fell asleep deeply, his eyes faintly red and swollen.

Wu Di looked down at her for a while, touched her cheek, and couldn’t help smiling.

Wenxiang, nephrite, beauty!

“If you get a wife like this, what can your husband want?”

Wu Di was so satisfied that he couldn’t help but speak (Li Lizhao) and said to himself.

Next second,

He gave birth to infinite ambition again!

“How about two?”

Ambitions just swelled,

Wu Di’s calf suddenly twitched.

He calmed down suddenly, slightly embarrassed.

A bit soft…

It sounds like a fake tour,

Wu Di has used “Cell Strengthening Liquid” and “First-Order Gene Medicine”, and his physical fitness surpasses that of mortals, reaching a terrifying situation!

It stands to reason that he shouldn’t be like this.


Han Xiaowu has taken it too…

(PS: This one is very tiring, originally it was 50,000 characters, and it was very hilarious. Later, it was deleted, deleted, and changed. There is only a little left, everyone understand!). .

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