Chapter 183


The beautiful woman was taken aback,

Seeing Wu Di on the screen, a glimmer of enlightenment flashed in his beautiful eyes.

She used to be in a high position,

All kinds of people have seen it,

Wu Di suddenly changed his opinion, thinking about it because of his appearance.

She understands her charm…

In other words, this transaction is likely to go to the other side.

She frowned, thinking about a lot of things.

The smarter the person is, the more likely it is to analyze all possibilities and results.

She had already seen Wu Di’s mind, combined with her current situation, and her face suddenly became cold.


Xiao Guozi heard it too, and said eagerly: “Brother Wu Di, would you like to let us join your refuge?”

28 “Hmm…”

Wu Di’s eyes flickered, and he smiled: “Little fruit is so cute, of course it can.”

“Sorry, let’s talk about it next time!”

At this time,

The beautiful woman spoke coldly and hurriedly closed the video.


Xiao Guo was a little dazed.

The beautiful woman stared at her, and said coldly, “Zhu Guo, are you itchy?”

The girl was surprised,

Her mother usually calls her Guoguo directly, and she only calls herself Zhu Guo when she is really angry!


She confessed decisively and looked at the beautiful woman pitifully.

When the latter saw the appearance of a young girl, where could he be angry, he could only sigh helplessly, and touched the young girl’s head.

“Sorry, Guoguo. I know you have a crush on that person.”

“It can be seen that people know their faces and do not know their hearts. People in the world have all kinds of faces and all kinds of psychology. We can only be careful and careful!”

“It’s okay, mom!”

Xiao Guoguo’s face was dim, and he comforted: “No, it’s okay. Brother Wu Di is very nice and won’t be angry.”

“Of course he won’t be angry.”

The beautiful woman chuckled.

She sent out so many supplies from the beginning, naturally, there are many reasons.

If the negotiation is concluded, materials are one of the bargaining chips.

If it fails, the materials can also extinguish the opponent’s anger.

“But, mother…”

Xiao Guozi hesitated for a moment, and whispered: “I actually thought about the current situation. In the refuge, everyone was living together in peace, but it was fine.”

“Wang Dahai and others formed gangs, which can’t affect the overall situation.”

“But… there are too many disasters, causing huge losses to the refuge, and giving Wang Dahai and others a chance!”

“If we want to escape from here, Wu Di’s shelter is actually the best choice.”

“The other person is nice, the shelter is close, and his drone… has shown that his shelter is very strong.”

Take a glimpse and know the whole thing!

A drone, its technological level, energy,

And Wu Di can dispatch three drones at hand, which is enough to show that his refuge does not lack energy, materials, and materials, and it is very safe!

In this way, the beautiful woman was also startled,

She didn’t realize this either!


“Guoguo, you…you…”

The beautiful woman has complicated eyes.

The usually naive girl is so smart.

“Mom, my last name is Zhu after all…”

She smiled slyly.


The beautiful woman sighed slightly and rubbed the girl’s head.

“Mom, you think about it.”

The girl spoke.

The beautiful woman hesitated for a moment, and no longer regarded the girl as a silly girl, wondering: “Why do you have such confidence in him? What if he is a bad person?”

“Guoguo has been communicating with Wu Di for a while. In daily chats, it’s actually easy to see her personality and psychology.”

The girl smiled confidently and said: “He should be a very confident person. The source of confidence is probably that the refuge is perfect, or his own strength is strong, and he is a little selfish, but he has a bottom line.”

“In terms of personality, he doesn’t like crowds, never goes to nightclubs and other places, likes to delve into things alone…”

The girl talked freely,

If Wu Di heard this, he would probably be in a cold sweat!

He himself, it is possible that no girl can analyze it so thoroughly!

The beautiful woman groaned slightly and hugged the girl tightly, unable to tell what she was thinking.


“Hang up?”

Wu Di frowned, not angry.

after all,

The one who takes advantage is yourself, there is no need to be insatiable!

He didn’t think much about it, and opened a stand-alone game to play.

Shortly after,

The drone came back, bringing back a lot of supplies.

The result is that the materials in the warehouse do not increase but decrease.

Some fresh vegetables, fruits, and meat are full again.

Can eat fresh, who can eat canned food!

Wu Di put the materials in different categories, looked at the fish in the glass box, his eyes moved slightly.


Do you want to make a fish pond! ?

Regarding fresh meat, Wu Di has some mature ideas.

For example… pigs, sheep, cows, fish, chickens, ducks!

These six are the more common sources of meat,


There are many ways to raise these six types of meat in human society!

As far as Wu Di knew, most of the people in the chat group in the refuge area of ​​the villa raised chickens and ducks, and were able to raise fish, but there were few pigs, cattle and sheep.

after all,

Pigs, cattle and sheep need more food…. .

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