Chapter 186


Wu Di was surprised!

Take a closer look,

Good guy, even the air is frozen!

That little rock was also unlucky, it was so cold as soon as it passed, and it was frozen in a dense layer of ice!

And the flower of ice crystal below,

Spit out a burst of strong freezing air,

Freezing the surrounding air, another layer of frost “ground” is formed!

Seeing this scene,

Wu Di also suddenly realized that the previous ice sculpture pits came from this way.

“Fortunately, I didn’t let the drone go without authorization-hand!”

Wu Di frowned, feeling a bit tricky.

This ice crystal flower will spit out frosty air. What method can be used to take it away?

If it doesn’t work, it can only be destroyed…


This is the next best thing to use in desperation!

A pan-life material, and it doesn’t look simple…

Wu Di doesn’t want to let it go!

“I don’t know if there is any restriction on the spit volume of this ice crystal flower?”

After thinking for a while, Wu Di’s eyes moved.

There are limits to the abilities of everything,

Pan life, even more so!

For example, what kind of things he knows,

Fire-resistant vines can resist forest fires, but if they are exposed to magma or even high temperature rays, they will be burnt through at once!

Some experts have done experiments. They took a small section of living fire-resistant vines and burned them for eight days and nights after adapting to flames. Eventually the vines withered and were burned to fly ash.

This is enough to prove that pan-life creatures are not permanently special.

Before the cataclysm,

Many scholars in the country put forward a hypothesis,

There is a substance in the air or in the universe, which is the main reason why pan-life organisms are so special!

This kind of substance cannot be observed by humans, but its real existence is right beside humans!

In countries around the world,

For the research of pan-life organisms, every year will not fall,

There are some technological advances in all aspects,

But most of them seem to be state secrets and are not used for civilian purposes.

“This kind of ice crystal flower, I don’t believe that it can breathe strong freezing air indefinitely!”

Wu Di thought for a while, crushing stones from the broken wall,

Take out small stones,

One by one, throw it towards the ice crystal flower!

Although the flower of ice crystal is pan-life, it does not have much spirituality.

A small stone was thrown over, and the flower of ice crystal immediately spewed out a large amount of strong freezing air.


The surrounding area was frozen again!


It’s another small rock, and another layer is frozen,

It’s another small rock, and another layer is frozen…

do not know when,

The potholes were almost frozen into dense cobwebs.

The flower of the ice crystal in the center stood still, like the eternal blazing sun, with strong frozen air layer by layer!

Wu Di is a little impatient,

Where does the strong freezing air come from for such a small flower!

at this time,

He happened to throw out another small stone!


The sound of hitting the ice layer sounded,

The little rocks rolled around on the ice!


Wu Di’s eyes lit up,

“Good fellow, finally withered! Little flower, ridiculous and ridiculous, and want to fight me!”

He smiled smugly.

Hesitate for a moment,

I took a few more small stones and smashed them everywhere.

The banging sound keeps ringing,

The little stones kept rolling, and did not cause the flower of ice crystals to react.

Wu Di tried harder and threw it fiercely. The little rock gained a huge amount of kinetic energy and penetrated the ice layer, but it still didn’t cause the flower of ice crystal to react!

···········Ask for flowers··············

After a while, he was sure that the ice crystal flower was really “withered”!

“Finally done!”

Wu Di breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Wu Tian, ​​bring the tools here!”

Wutian: “Yes!”

after awhile,

The drone flew with some tools and there was a glass box in it,

A long pole, and a claw-style mechanical arm.

This was made temporarily in his workshop,

A small mechanical arm. The technical content is not high.

….. … …….

His strength is terrifying,

First use a metal pole to destroy the ice layer around the ice crystal flower arbitrarily, and forcefully break the ice layer with a few bangs.


Install the robotic arm and slowly approach the flower of ice crystal!

Until near,

The ice flower still has no response,

Wu Di pulled the mechanism, and the mechanical arm opened its claws, covering the flower of ice crystal and a section of icicle below!



Just grabbed the icicle and the flower of the ice crystal above it. Wu Di carefully retracted the pole, crushed the ice cube, and put the flower of the ice crystal inside into the glass box.

Put it away,

Wu Di was relieved.


He looked around and asked with some doubts: “Machine brain, this ice crystal flower does not cause any dangerous mutations due to radiation, right?”

Mechanical Brain: “No, the host.”

Get an answer,

Wu Di finally stopped thinking about it, and returned to the RV with his things.

Then the drone and the RV turned around and drove towards the shelter. .

(PS: It’s so cold. In this horrible weather, my hands are freezing.). Where.

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