Chapter 189

“It looks like it has not only shortened the time! Even the appearance of the plants has improved a lot.”

Wu Di took a closer look and confirmed this.

In this way,

The same goes for animal maturation potions!

“I don’t know what the final output is.”

Wu Di pondered slightly and walked out.


The two women are harvesting crops, threshing and so on.

The refuge purchased integrated automatic machinery and equipment, which is quite convenient to use.

In addition, the plant itself is not too much,

After Wu Di joined to help, he quickly gathered the harvest and weighed it!

400 catties of wheat, catties of rice!

“not bad!”

Wu Di nodded slightly.

This output is considered a normal category!


Thinking that there will be two more people in the refuge, Wu Di already has the idea to expand.

At least, there must be an acre of land!

“Wu Di, don’t you plant seeds today?”

“I’ll turn over the seedbed.”

Han Xiaowu came over.

Wu Di nodded slightly, shook his head and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll talk about it in two days!”

“All right.”

Han Xiaowu can only nod his head.

She knew Wu Di’s character, although she was puzzled in her heart, but she did not ask.


Wu Di used another 50 grams of mushrooms to make half a standard plant growth potion, and watered all the plants in the orchard.

The same is a drop, no more, no less,

Too much useless,

The effect is not satisfactory.

A drop of the potion dropped the plant abruptly, and it looked more agile.


Everything is done,

Wu Di clapped his hands and walked out.

Now that the points are insufficient, the fry and chickens and ducks have to be put down.

In addition, I wanted to expand the plant cultivation room later, and the required points suddenly increased.

This makes Wu Di a little depressed.


Relatively speaking, it does not require too many points to expand the space.

This “hole” is not too big.

Wu Di estimated that the three cultivation rooms can be settled with about 600 points.

after all,

Some building materials can be exempted!


February 17,

I once again dealt with the mother and daughter of the refuge in the villa area and obtained a batch of materials.

There are a large number of Chinese herbal medicines, which can be regarded as enriching the inventory of the refuge.


February 18,

Nothing happened in one day.

February 19,

Nothing happened in one day.

February 20!

12 o’clock noon,

The three of them had lunch,

Han Xiaowu graciously got up and cleaned up the dishes. Wu Di was full of warmth and desire. Looking at the girl’s unclothed smooth body, he swallowed and wanted to do it.

But just hugged the girl,

The latter giggled, and a plume of pink gas gushed out, making Wu Di sanity.

Stopped in a daze.

next moment,

I saw pink lines appearing on the girl’s body,

It’s like an imprint on fair skin,

Enchanting and charming!

Her petite body is pure style, especially after otherworldly,

Like a little fairy,

With an aura,

And like the pure angel who just descended,

Make Wu Di feel a sense of guilt for bullying her every night.

But now,

She seemed to suddenly transform into a little witch,

The pink lines outline a fuzzy pattern,

Very mysterious!

For a while,

Wu Di came back to his senses, and subconsciously laughed and cursed: “You are fascinated by me again!”

Ecstasy is their name for the characteristics of pink mushrooms,

It is also the extraordinary characteristics of today’s girls!


After seeing the changes in the girl’s body,

Wu Di couldn’t help being shocked, his heart beat!

This change…

Purity and charm coexist, angels and witches dance together,

have to say,

Any man will be extremely excited!


Han Xiaowu also saw this scene and couldn’t help but smile, and said: “¨” This was discovered when testing the characteristics yesterday. Trying to enhance the extraordinary characteristics, special lines will appear on our bodies, one by one, Form an unknown pattern! ”

“you also have?”

Wu Di turned around,

Han Xiaowu nodded.

next moment,

Her complexion condensed, and fiery red lines appeared on her body, twisted and surrounded, like a rising flame, lifelike!

“Anything has changed?”

Wu Di curiously asked.

“It’s not clear for the time being, but I can feel…I am more kind to the flame, it seems that the flame is calling me!”

Han Xiaowu hesitated for a moment, and shook his head.

“Let me go, you have all developed to this point, I haven’t even discovered my own extraordinary characteristics.”

Wu Di couldn’t help but complain.

The two women smiled softly and gave a comforting look.

“Wait, Xiaowu can improve his extraordinary characteristics by playing with fire. I can understand it so fast, why is it so fast without clothes?”

At this time,

Wu Di discovered the strangeness.

Han Xiaowu looked weird and whispered in his ear: “Thank you for this, day and night…”


Wu Di was startled, and his face turned weird.

The extraordinary characteristics of the girl can be improved in this way! ?

That’s… it’s so cool! . .

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