Chapter 193

time flies,

In the blink of an eye,

One hour passed.

Han Xiaowu and Wuyi came back to report on the situation.

The rest of the shelter is normal, and there are no breakages or cracks.

Wu Di confirmed it, and relieved himself.

“Wu Di, actually you don’t have to worry so much, it’s just an earthquake.”

Han Xiaowu groaned slightly, and said, “The shelter has not been damaged so easily.”


Wu Di scratched his head and said helplessly: “I just feel a little uneasy. I have seen a mysterious deep hole before. This is the second one. Although I don’t know if there is a connection between the two holes, anyway… …. All must be investigated carefully!”

“All right.”

Han Xiaowu bit his lip and said softly: “We can’t help you much.”


She walked behind Wu Di and slowly pressed his shoulder.

“Help you rub your shoulders.”

“Haha, thanks a lot.”

Wu Di smiled and continued to pay attention to the screen.

one day,

It just passed.

February 21,

In a day,

Wu Di made another deal with the mother and daughter in the shelter in the villa area.

Obtained a lot of materials.

He also tested the other party’s tone, and didn’t ask anything.

February 22.

30 hours have passed since the drone descended,

just in case,

He still took the drone back.

February 23!


Wu Di woke up from his sleep, opened his dim eyes,

Into the head,

Are two white jade bodies,

One big and one small, leaning on the left and right sides of his arms.

Two beautiful faces, Loli + Onee-san,

Just seeing this scene in the morning, Wu Di was satisfied.

Not to mention,

It was hot outside the Western style last night.

Just as he recalled, on the side of the bed, the mobile phone turned on and Wutian’s voice rang.

“Master, the drone has returned last night and is waiting for instructions at the console.”

“I’m back? Have the records been organized? Where’s the video?”

Wu Di was shocked and dispelled all the thoughts in his mind.

The secret of the mysterious deep hole,

He has been curious for a long time!

Maybe you can get a glimpse of the true face today!

Wutian: “The clips have been classified, waiting for the owner to check them at any time!”


Wu Di nodded and came out of the two beauties lightly.

Got out of bed,

To wash up, and then to the living room,

Sitting on the sofa,

Brought the computer over.

He turned on the computer and connected to the LAN!


The supercomputer in the computer room is naturally not a display.

Just for a while,

One by one videos appeared on Wu Di’s computer! And divided into categories, each video is named.

“Let me see!”

Wu Di opened the led video and took a look.

The first video is when the drone just descends, while descending, while surveying the surrounding area,

Explore the surrounding geology!

The drone’s exploration equipment is very powerful, not only can explore the terrain, but also can detect the surrounding geological components in detail!

The soil layer is evacuated or tight, whether there are stone veins, mineral veins, etc.

The first video is nothing good,

Wu Di looked at it for a while, then closed it.

Keep watching!

He just glanced at it,

There are too many videos, and the drone exploration site is very detailed, and there is no rapid decline.

Rao is so,

Thirty hours is enough for this mysterious deep hole to be bottomless!

One, 2, 3, 4…10…20…

The 72 videos have been browsed roughly, and the time has come to noon.

Wu Di is a little confused!

It doesn’t matter if there are too many videos.

He is already a first-order life form, and with the aid of the “super-dimensional gene chip”, even if all these videos are recorded, it will be a very easy thing.


After 30 hours of exploration, it still didn’t reach the bottom!

But halfway through, a strange mineral vein was discovered,

The drone surveyed there for quite a while.

“This mysterious deep hole, doesn’t it really come from the depths of the earth?”

“Is there a mysterious underground world like in the novel?”

“In the underground world, will there be other humans, or dinosaurs, or earth-centered people?”

Wu Di’s divergent thinking started all of a sudden, and many thoughts popped up in his mind.

for a long time,

He shook his head abruptly, dispelling these messy thoughts!

Since there is no result, he will not force it.

In the exploration results, the geology around the refuge is normal, and there will be no collapse or fall!

Unless there is a “bottomless abyss” below the refuge, but it is impossible to think about it.


Among the exploration results, there is also a small strange mineral vein!


Naturally, the mineral layer is very small.

As for the singularity, it’s because this vein is different from ordinary veins.

There are copper, iron, and coal!

The three kinds of veins are closed into a circle, diverging into the circle!

This made Wu Di have to guess, is there something in the center that created this strange vein? .

(PS: One eye is swollen, and the code word in one eye is cool. If something is wrong, please remind me, thank you~). .

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