Chapter 200


Looks ugly,

It doesn’t make much sense for Qin Wushu now.

He knew what a monster he had become. He could break through the ice with his bare hands and break the wall with one punch.

What’s more terrifying is that

No matter how he damages him, his “eyes” will not be damaged at all.

He can feel,

Something lives in his body!

It looks like a parasite, but it feels more than that simple!

If there is a choice,

Qin Wushu didn’t want to stay with these parasites either.

But reality did not give him a choice.

By now,

He can only accept reality.

Now he, wearing a coat, looks like a survivor from a disaster,

If it weren’t for close observation, no one would find his strange skin.

“It’s really a drone!”

He saw two drones outside.

He was thoughtful when he noticed that the drone was over the ruins of the observing academy.

“Could it be an official person, come to check here?”

“No, I must hide!”

Qin Wushu became vigilant, and quietly hid in a cave.

Just walked a few steps,


He felt throbbing!

Something seems to attract him!

“Strange…it seems to be in this direction!”

He looked over there, the feeling became stronger and stronger,

Extremely intolerable!

He thought for a while, he was a monster anyway, he didn’t know if it was the living dead or something.

It’s okay to go and see,

Then he swiftly drilled out of the ice hole and sprinted towards that side!



Wu Di was a little surprised,

The drone was very close, but the red thing didn’t react at all.

And at a closer look, Wu Di also saw the true face of the thing.

Is indeed a fruit,

It seems to be the size of a fist. Around the fruit, there are some frozen exploded waste materials.

“Did it happen because of the missile leveling the college…?”

Wu Di immediately thought of this, his eyes moved slightly.

After thinking for a while, he whispered: “Shoot a bullet to the side, shoot it right!”


Wutian immediately controlled the drone to shoot,

A bullet shot aside,

Nothing has changed.

There is no such thing as the flower of ice crystals, freezing the air and so on.

He touched his chin and realized that this thing is not the kind of ice crystal flower that can affect the environment!

Thought about it,

He got up and changed into safety clothes, put on exoskeleton armor, and walked out of the shelter.

“Wutian, drive out the car.”

Wu Di stood outside and stretched.

“As you wish, Master.”

Wutian electronic sound.

next moment,

The garage door opened and the snow RV slowly drove out,

The door opened.

Wu Di got into the car, the RV immediately roared, turned on the lights, and rushed directly into the snow.

It smashed some ice and snow, and ran away.

Less than an hour,

He came to the destination.


Wearing exoskeleton armor,

Wu Di walked over, the mechanical armor stepped on the snowy ground step by step, and walked over there.

Nothing happened all the way,

He came not far from Red Fruit!

“The surrounding ice and snow are also very stable, there are no mysterious deep holes!”

“The weather is also very good, there is no blizzard, no acid rain, and no hail!”

Wu Di said, smashed the ice, grabbed a stone, crushed it, took out a small stone, and threw it to the explosion fruit!

call out–!

Little Rock was quick, Wu Di didn’t use any force, just aimed and hit.

The little stone hit the fruit directly!

next moment!


A huge explosion sounded,

Wu Di was startled and looked over there in amazement.

“It explodes at the touch of a touch?”

“Isn’t it?”

Wu Di’s face twitched.

Although destroying the fruit is considered as completing the task, the reason why he came by himself was not to get a pan-life material!

It’s ruined, so I’m just shit,

Isn’t it enough to just let the drone shoot and explode?


Wu Di sighed.

But when the explosion is over and the smoke disperses, the fruit is still…


The fruit from the beginning has become a flower!


Wu Di understood a little bit, and lost another little stone and hurry up.

There was no response this time.

He estimated the magnitude of the explosion just now, and his exoskeleton armor should be no problem.

He walked over and touched it.


Still nothing happened.

“It seems that this thing can’t be exploded now, it is either to absorb something, or to recover naturally!”

Wu Di nodded, plucked the “explosive fruit” and put it in a strengthened glass box.


Without stopping, he got into the car and rushed to the refuge.


When Wu Di went home, Qin Wushu also came to the Podawn Refuge.

He is fast,

I thought I would see a tall refuge with a closed door, as cold as ever, as he had seen before.

But when it was really there, he discovered the changes in the Dawn Refuge!

Outside the gate,

One by one ice sculptures… there are dozens or hundreds of them! .

(PS: Yesterday

Chapter 4 has been banned and has been submitted for review. Let’s wait for it to be released…). .

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