Chapter 208

“Visiting late at night, Vice Minister Chen seems to have something important.”

He Qianyu’s tone was cold, and he was not at all polite.

To know,

The other party is Chen Qianhu’s second son,

As the son of a thousand families.

Today’s Chen Erlang is also a Jinyiwei,

It’s just that Daming has a strict system, and he has become a hundred households just like he didn’t have Chen Dalang.

“Girl He, I’m sorry! I’ll disturb you late at night.”

Chen Erlang’s voice was cold, like a poisonous snake.

He is nearly fifty years old, but he is still like a man of middle age, full of anger.

“Since I know it’s an interruption, let’s talk about it tomorrow. I have to rest.”

The beautiful woman spoke coldly, without mercy.

In fact,

She has a bad relationship with Chen Qianhu’s two sons.


After seeing her beauty, the other party wanted to marry her as a concubine and use force!

Finally Chen Qianhu knew, and personally beat Chen Erlang.

Let the latter be more honest,

But it’s impossible for 28 relationships to change for the better.

“Hahaha, why girl He sees out like this, everyone is a family.”

Chen Erlang said with a smile.

He Qianyu sneered and said, “We are not a family, so let’s talk straight if you have something to say.”

“All right!”

Chen Erlang smiled faintly and said: “I won’t hide it from you, let me tell you something.”

“Wang Dahai, I have already wooed Boss Chen and Mr. Yu, as well as other wealthy people. After a while, he will attack you.”

“That foreigner Moran contacted the Tiancheng Foundation and tried to treat the entire shelter as a gift to join the Tiancheng Refuge.”

The language is not amazing and endless!

Chen Erlang actually revealed all the secrets,

Even though the beautiful woman already knew it, she was still very surprised to hear Chen Erlang confide in her own mouth!

Her pupils shrank, and she said solemnly: “What do you mean?”

“Huh? Are you surprised?”

Chen Erlang was surprised. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, “Interesting! It’s really very human, you should know it? Although I don’t know where the news channel came from!”

“let me guess……”

“You should have found a way out?”

Viper, calm and fierce.

Chen Erlang’s voice was calm, but his tone seemed to be chilly.

Bitterly cold,

Let the beautiful woman feel cold behind her back and tremble all over!

She forced herself to calm down and said indifferently: “Nothing, Vice Minister Chen stop talking nonsense, it’s not early, I want to rest.”

“You admit it.”

Chen Erlang spoke lightly, eyes like snakes and scorpions.

He was just testing, if He Qianyu didn’t do this, he would be furious.

Only if you really do this, will you try to cover it up!

The beautiful woman felt a chill, and for a while, she didn’t know what to say.

She has a feeling that the more she talks, the more secrets she will reveal!

At this time,

Chen Erlang said indifferently: “I am straight to the point today. I just confessed to you. From me, I will keep you safe for your life.”

“I know your secret. From me, I can protect Zhu Guo.”

“In the future, it is impossible to rely on Zhu Guo to win a good future.”

His ambitions are exposed,

Domineering and arrogant.

This is what a thousand words have been eaten, and I am not going to hide it at all!

The beautiful woman was frightened and angry, her eyes narrowed, and she hung up the communication without saying a word!


She came to the bedroom,

“Guoguo, go!”

“Leave now?”

Xiao Guo was a little surprised.

Wu Di hasn’t arrived yet!

“Well! The sooner you go, the better!”

The beautiful woman gritted her teeth, changed into a radiation-proof suit with Xiao Guo, dressed in a thick coat, took out firearms and weapons, and walked to the basement.


At the door of the villa,

Chen Erlang’s expression was gloomy.

“Smelly frame! Dare to refuse me!”

He snorted coldly, then turned his head and said, “Send Moran a message, let him do it!”


A young man immediately connected to the communicator.


“You leave the shelter in the villa area now?”

Wu Di was a little surprised, and nodded: “Okay! I will speed up and get over as soon as possible!”

on the screen,

The beautiful woman’s face was anxious, slightly pale,

Obviously there was an accident.

Wu Di looked out of the car window, the wind and snow gradually increased, and a blizzard was about to come!

In fact,

Driving in this kind of weather is very dangerous.

But snow RVs are not ordinary vehicles after all.

Wu Di decided to rush to the shelter in the villa area before the blizzard!

“Wutian! Go ahead at full speed! You can turn on the overload speed depending on the situation!”

Wutian: “Yes!”

boom–! ! !

The engine roared,

The power system runs at full power, and the touring car is like a behemoth with boiling blood, running rampant in the snow!

In case of flat ground, turn on overload and go crazy!

In case of uneven ground, the speed will return to normal. Some non-thick obstacles, such as snow-covered ice slopes, and even some simple houses, will not detour at all and hit them directly!


Crush the ice wall and rush out fiercely! . .

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