Chapter 210


The blizzard came as scheduled and directly enveloped the whole world.

Moran and his men were also affected.

Hurried into the villa,

A violent search began.

Moran came to the living room, looked around, his face was gloomy.


He has not dared to do it, mainly because the security department has the most powerful armed forces.

All the wealthy people in the villa area, plus the support of thousands of retired households,

The Security Department not only has some armed equipment of the Ministry of Defense, but even armored vehicles, artillery, etc.!

Therefore, he never dared to force He Qianyu.

Now that the security department has changed the owner, Lao Qianhu has passed away, and his two sons are people who have forgotten the benefits, and immediately gave him the opportunity to make a violent move!

“Whether you can have a good future under the cataclysm, it depends on this time.”

“What a thousand words!”

Moran spoke in a low voice, using his native language from across the ocean.

boom! boom!

In the villa,

There was a sound of violence breaking into the door.

after awhile,

News came from armed men one by one.

“On the first floor, no one!”

“Second floor, no one!”

“On the third floor, no one!”


One by one, Moran looked gloomy.

after awhile,

Wang Dahai brought people here,

He heard the news, ran in and became angrily.

“Morren, what do you want to do?”

“Everyone has already run away, what do you want to say, what do I want to do?”

Moran snorted coldly.

“Impossible! No one went out today in the entire villa area refuge!”

Wang Dahai shook his head decisively.

“People go to the empty space, these are what you Da Ming said.”

Moran pointed to the villa.

Wang Dahai’s complexion changed, he looked around, gritted his teeth and said: “Search! Even if you scrape the ground three feet, you will find them for me!”


Everyone filed in, looking frantically.

Shortly after,

With a roar, someone ran out.

“Master Wang, found a tunnel!”

Hear this sentence,

Wang Dahai’s eyes lit up and he smiled and said, “I found her! Let’s go!”

A group of people rushed into the tunnel immediately!

The tunnel is dark, dead and quiet.

Looking for a trace,

Wang Dahai and Morun followed the trail.

And deep in the tunnel, near the exit!

Xiao Guofu, who was holding the signal receiver, frowned and looked back worriedly.

Beautiful woman holding a tablet,


On the tablet, in addition to Wu Di’s video screen, a message popped up!

“The automatic alarm has been triggered!”

“Someone has entered the tunnel!”

The beautiful woman’s face sank.

At this time, it is absolutely impossible to break into the tunnel to be a friend!

It can only be the enemy!

“In trouble?”

On the video, Wu Di hurriedly asked.

He looked out the car window, the violent snowstorm, almost buried the whole world!

The voice is endless,

The windows of the car were constantly “beaten” by the wind and snow, making a bounce sound.


Fortunately, the drone has been upgraded and has become larger and will not be easily blown by a snowstorm.

Rao is so,

The speed has also become much slower.


The snow RV also had to slow down!

“Well! Someone is coming, let’s get out of the tunnel first! We must not be found!”

The beautiful woman said in a deep voice.

“The blizzard is coming, and it is getting bigger and bigger, I guess this is not the peak!”

Wu Di warned: “You better find a place to hide.”

“Don’t worry, there is a safe house over there!”

The beautiful woman nodded slightly and took the girl’s hand and walked over there.

Heard that,

Wu Di was also relieved.

“Wutian, how long will it be?”

Wutian: “Master, with the current storm conditions, you can reach the target location in about 18 minutes!”

Ten minutes, okay.

Wu Di squinted slightly, sitting in the car and waiting silently!


He also kept looking at the screen, staring at the movement over there!

In fact,

Wang Dahai and others soon caught up.

The tunnel was not just built, so there are no violent protection measures inside.

The beautiful woman and the girl left the tunnel early, trying to hide in the safe house!

Authentic exit,

It is the basement of a hotel outside the shelter in the villa area!


The hotel has been frozen, but the basement is at the level of a safe house after all, it is still well preserved, and even the safe passage has not been damaged!

As soon as Wang Dahai and others came out of the tunnel, they were driven back by the snowstorm.

“Damn, I can’t get out at all!”

Helpless, a group of people hesitated at the tunnel exit.

They don’t know the safe house, they can only look at the blizzard outside and sigh.

Seeing this scene,

Wu Di also nodded secretly.

The preparation methods for beautiful women are still very sufficient!

after awhile,

The storm is getting bigger and bigger, and there are already obvious storms gathering in mid-air,

The drone couldn’t fly completely, and returned to the cabin of the RV!

The RV with a strong grip is advancing in the stormy snow,


Arrived at the tunnel exit! . .

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