Chapter 215

Escort drones,

The whole is silver gray,

Carrying various weapons!

Flying out of the wind and snow,

An escort drone corresponds to an armed truck,

The assault machine gun popped out and aimed at the vehicle!

“Hurry up, attack the drone!”

Wang Dahai roared,

The armed men immediately shot, rifles, submachine guns, pistols in their hands,

Someone even raised the vehicle-mounted machine gun and tried to smash the drone!


After all, the drone is the first to do it!


The crisp sound of breaking through the air kept ringing in mid-air,

In the night, the peace is torn apart,

The wind and snow were all suppressed, and bullets flew out, forming a “torrential rain.”

Under this heavy rain,

The steel skin of the modified truck was smashed,

The bulletproof glass was shattered,

The horrified personnel inside were also killed one by one!

Someone had just grabbed the grip of a vehicle-mounted machine gun and was blasted to his head.

Someone’s head was broken by a bullet just as he pulled a firearm’s thermal device.

The driver of the first armed truck was rather unlucky. He was shot through his head by a bullet. He tilted his head. The driving truck was out of control and hit 557 an icy building!

With a bang,

The people inside are staggering!

The driver of another armed truck hurriedly turned to avoid the bullet and stopped behind the frozen building.

“Activate the gun oil hot brake and counterattack Laozi! Counterattack!”

Wang Dahai rolled out of the truck in embarrassment and took refuge in the ice.

The rest of the people counterattacked in horror, and the scattered gunfire “suddenly” sounded, but they were suppressed by the two drones!

At this time,

The support of the armored vehicles is finally here!

The alloy top is cracked, and a vehicle-mounted machine gun equipped with an electric heating furnace rises!

Boom boom boom!


Erupt in the snowy night sky!

Bullets were shot directly on the drone!

The two drones were frustrated and even caused some damage.

Next to the RV,

Wu Di leaned against the car and looked over there in silence.

Wutian: “Master, the integrity of the No. 1 escort drone is %, and the integrity of the No. 2 drone is 96.5%!”

“The target armored vehicle has fierce firepower, and the UAV cannot be effectively strafed. Should it be bombarded with micro-missiles?”

The escort UAV, as a combat UAV, not only has the ability to fight in the ice and snow, but also has multiple attack methods!

Machine guns, missiles, missiles!

Three different weapons represent three levels of combat effectiveness!


UAVs are limited in size, and are equipped with miniature series.

“Blow up, give me the armored car!”

Wu Di moved and walked over there step by step.

Wutian: “Yes!”

Get the order,

The drone immediately stopped rubbing against the armored vehicle. It rotated, turned in mid-air, dived again, and opened the corner!

next moment,

The machine gun is put away,

Under the wing of the drone, six prismatic bullets popped out!

“The guard missile is ready!”

“The target is locked… The lock is successful!”

“Smart boot start!”


White smoke rises,

The drone flew in mid-air,

Twelve small missiles flew through the air and landed on two armed trucks respectively!

boom–! boom–!

Huge explosion,

Black smoke, fire, roar!

The people in the two armed trucks instantly turned into fragments, torn to pieces by the explosion, or swallowed by flames!

In the ice field, Wang Dahai, who was hiding on the side of the frozen building, was taken aback.

As soon as the legs became soft, some water marks appeared on the lower part of the radiation protection suit.

He was scared to pee!

Moran was not much better, his face pale, and roared: “Are the people in the armored car stupid?”

“Grass, I knew Laozi was in an armored vehicle!”

The armored car was lent to them by Chen Erlang.

The suspicious Chen Erlang didn’t allow them to ride in armored vehicles, so Morun’s roar was purely a mental breakdown.

Death, flames, explosions almost made him lose his composure.

next moment,

He found that the drone had left!

“what happened?”

Moran was a little confused,

Wang Dahai was also a little stupid, so he sneaked out and looked over there.

Notice that a dark shadow is striding forward!

Steel soldier! ?

“Is it someone from the military?”

“No, does He Qianyu dare to contact the military? If she dares to contact, Zhu Guo will definitely die!”

The two were extremely shocked, and their minds were full of suspicions.

next moment,

The two looked at each other!

Wang Dahai immediately opened the communicator and roared: “The personnel in the armored vehicle, immediately! Kill the steel soldier, he should be the drone controller!”


Inside the armored vehicle, armed men immediately took action.

The huge explosion-proof armored car turned around and slammed into Wu Di fiercely!

On the roof,

The vehicle-mounted machine gun was also shot first, and bullets passed through the wind and snow!

A rain of guns and bullets, it’s on the verge of fire!

Wu Di strode away, his complexion unchanged, and he didn’t avoid it at all!

Boom boom boom!

One by one bullets came and landed on the exoskeleton armor,

There was a crisp sound!

next moment,

I saw countless bullets bounced off,

It seems that these are rubber bullets, blocked by steel.

Actually… these are armor-piercing bullets.

“How can it be!?”

Inside the armored vehicle, everyone looked dumbfounded.

The driver gritted his teeth and roared: “Knock him to death!”

Armored vehicles weigh more than 20 tons and can only travel on hard snowy roads.


Two armed trucks in front and one in the back are also useful for exploring roads.

Once the road conditions are not going well, choose another route immediately!

And an armored vehicle of more than 20 tons hits head-on, even a small building can’t hold it!

not to mention,

This is a person!

“Knock him to death!”


“kill him!”

Someone roared with red eyes,

Wang Dahai and Mo Lun also saw this scene, and at the same time showed joy.

This must not smash people into a mess! ?



Roaring like a giant beast,

The armored vehicle roared in the wind and snow and hit at full speed!

Wu Di smiled faintly, the blood in his body seemed to be boiling at this moment…

Muscles, five internal organs, blood, bones…

Extraordinary life, let him move with his heart,

Step forward…

Rushed over!

“Overload mode…start!”


The solid ice was shattered!

A few bursts of steam came out,

The huge exoskeleton armor rushed away with Wu Di, the mechanical metal fist slammed out, and it slammed into the oncoming armored car! . .

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