Chapter 221

Simply tell,

The beautiful woman is not exaggerated,

The content alone made Han Xiaowu horrified!

Snowstorms, earthquakes, and natural disasters that change color when ordinary people hear it happen all coincidentally~ together!


Think about the cataclysm, such frequent local natural disasters-not uncommon.

After listening, Han Xiaowu thoughtfully, smiled and said: “It’s no wonder, your affairs, wait for Wu Di to wake up and then arrange-let’s.”

“You rest in the living room first, and you can ask me if you have something.”


Naturally, the two women would not refuse.

Xiaoguo’s eyes were dim, thinking of the “exoskeleton armor” and “artificial intelligence” that I had just heard, more doubts in his heart.


She didn’t ask this, but smiled and asked: “Sister Xiaowu, how many people have we taken refuge?”

“Three, um… plus you, five!”

Han Xiaowu opened his hand,

It’s a 5!

“Only five? Or after adding us?”

The beautiful woman was dumbfounded,

Xiao Guo was also surprised.


When chatting before, Wu Di casually mentioned that there were few people in the shelter.

But she always thought Wu Di was modest, joking…

There is really only a personal refuge for 3 people! ?

The beautiful woman was a little at a loss, subconsciously feeling that she was fooled!



Just a moment,

She calmed down again.

What she saw and heard during this time made her dare not to look down upon Wu Di.

Naturally, as a refuge for Wu Di, it is definitely not ordinary!

Without waiting for her to speak,

Xiao Guozi said in amazement: “There are so few people, but the shelter can operate smoothly. You must be very hard.”

“It’s okay, it’s actually fine.”

Han Xiaowu smiled and said, “The general things in the refuge are controlled by artificial intelligence. I will take care of planting plants and do some chores.”

“Even so, Sister Xiaowu, a beautiful and charming woman, must be very hard to do some tiring work!”

Xiao Guozi said with a smile.

Han Xiaowu shrugged and said helplessly: “No way, who told me to stand with such an enemy? I have work during the day, but I have to do it at night…”

“Hmm, is Sister Xiaowu the girlfriend of Brother Wu Di?”

The girl’s eyes flashed.

Han Xiaowu was startled, frowning slightly, and replied: “If he thinks it is, then so be it.”


The two women were dumbfounded.

What answer is this! ?

“He and Wuyi…the girl who doesn’t like to wear clothes in the laboratory are the first to be together.”

“Well, it’s Mrs. Yazhai who was snatched back by him!”

The content of Han Xiaowu’s words seems to be forced,

But the two of them looked at her look, the look of happiness and contentment, but they felt that they were showing off…

The beautiful woman and Xiao Guoxiu looked at each other, and both saw helplessness in each other’s eyes.

Without asking anything, he was stuffed with dog food.

Uncomfortable enough.


The three continued to talk again.


In the bedroom,

Wu Di woke up suddenly and sat up.


The soft light turned on, illuminating the entire room.

“It’s daytime?”

Wu Di looked at the alarm bell next to him.

February 30!


“It’s almost noon.”

Wu Di yawned and said habitually: “The brain of the machine, the settlement panel.”

Mechanical Brain: “Yes!”


【February 29, 2022】

You slept, very comfortable! Points +4!

The luxurious bedroom and living room will make you feel comfortable. Points +3!


You have a task, surprise! Points +10!


You found a virus, and the anti-intrusion was successful! Points +10!

You have discovered the secret, someone is dangerous! Points +5!


···········Ask for flowers··············

Without further ado, you are out of the refuge and go to save people! Points +2!


You encountered a blizzard and an earthquake! Points +10!


You rescued two people and unearthed your own extraordinary characteristics! Points +10!


You are being pursued and you decide to stop and fight back! Points +20!


You kill the armed men, and you get +10 points!


Three kills! Points +20!


You have killed two noble people, and the points are +40!


….. …… …

Refuge members +1, points +10!

Refuge members +1, points +20!

What you brought back are two extremely beautiful women, and they are both virgins, with +100 points!


You took someone to the treatment and made a bottle of nutrient solution! Points +10!


You are exhausted and you have chosen to sleep! Points +5!


“Final settlement: points +1205!”

“Remaining points: 1531 points.”


“So many things happened yesterday!”

Wu Di tweeted and shook his head.

One day yesterday,

It’s a task, it’s a natural disaster, it’s saving people, it’s killing people, and there are also Internet virus incidents.

Invasion, anti-invasion, and the members of the refuge brought two people!

All day,

He is almost busy!

“However, a lot of things can be considered a good thing, get rich overnight!”

“It’s 1531 now!”

Wu Di squinted slightly and laughed.

Looking at the settlement panel is his daily habit, and he has a feeling of reading yesterday’s “diary”.

And it’s cool to see the points increase!

After reading,

Wu Di is closed.

Suddenly… he frowned,

I feel something is wrong! . Where.

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