Chapter 224

Ultra-dimensional gene chip, the effect is obvious!

The two women tried it.

I already understand that I have a “computer” in my head.

But at the same time,

They also thought of a little for the first time!

Super-dimensional gene chip, except for those mentioned by Wu Di, is there any other means?

Such as control, even dangerous means…

Once they have bad intentions, the chips in their brains will explode.

“It should be there!”

Both of them guessed this, but they didn’t speak out.

Now that I have chosen to join Wu Di’s refuge,

With shackles,

On the contrary, they relaxed a little.

At least, Wu Di can rest assured that they can also live safely.

Although this refuge has many mysteries and is very strange, it is better than the villa refuge after all.

No intrigue, no conspiracy and oppressive struggle!

few people,

There are few benefits!

“Thank you, Brother Wu Di! I like this gift, Xiao Guo, very much.”

The girl smiled, cutely trying to make people commit crimes.

Wu Di squeezed her small face, his eyes were profound.

The beautiful woman opened her mouth, and finally swallowed the words in her throat.

fair enough……

“Wu Di, do you need to pay attention to the evacuation, such as where you can’t go, where you must be careful.”

The beautiful woman thought for a while and asked this question.

Wu Di pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, “It’s not a big problem, I will let Xiaowu take you around.”

No disaster has occurred in the shelter so far.

However, the “mysterious deep ~‖ hole” is a hidden danger after all.

Although the ground has been repaired, who knows if there will be a second one!

after all,

There is no logic at all.

“That’s right, you have to get a machine… just right, the plant cultivation room needs to get it done.”

Wu Di moved his eyes slightly and walked out.

“Xiao Wu, take them around!”


Han Xiaowu trot over and led beautiful women and girls to get to know the refuge.

Wu Di came to the workplace, looked around, and touched his chin.

He needs an instrument to detect the surrounding geology,

But in the shelter, there are no basic equipment!

Turned around,

Wu Di suddenly saw a signal base that was abandoned before.

Can’t help but brighten up!

From a certain angle, this thing can be regarded as part of the detector!

He activated the signal base and talked about his thoughts with the mechanical brain.

Mechanical brain: “Host, feasible.”


【Signal base】

Can be upgraded!

Upgrade direction: [underground detector]

Branches: enhanced microwave signal (100), detector (200), overall material (20).

Introduction: Transmit signals, receive signals, and see what you have done!



Wu Di got a positive answer and decided to upgrade decisively.

Points -320 points!

next moment,

The signal base in front of me was shrouded in white light.

In just a moment, the white light dissipated, and a complicated machine more than one meter high appeared in front of Wu Di!

He plugged it in, and a picture immediately appeared on the console.

“Startup successful!”

“[Underground Detector]! [On]/[Off]! Power supply: 100%! Geological map:…Geological data list:…”

Wu Di opened,

With a hum,

The instrument started up immediately, and countless data streams surged!

The microwave signals diverged, penetrating metal, earth and rock.

This black technology instrument can observe conditions within a kilometer radius.

Metals, soils and rocks, cavities, will be displayed in the form of 3D models!

can be seen,

The surrounding area of ​​Wu Di’s shelter is basically normal.

Only that mysterious cave is like a direct connection to the abyss!

“¨” In this way, you can deal with the situation in time in the future! ”

Wu Di nodded in satisfaction and said: “Wutian, control this detector and monitor the surroundings in real time!”

Wutian: “Yes! Access to the instrument control function…successful! Connecting to super-computing, data docking…”

“24-hour real-time monitoring has been turned on!”

on the screen,

The model diagram is slowly rotating, corresponding to the situation of the shelter and its surroundings.

At present, the underground is still very stable.

Get this done,

Wu Di got up and went to the plant cultivation room.

He is going to expand the area!


Three acres of land!

One mu is almost square meters in this life.

Can produce about 1,000 kilograms of grain!

If you replace it with a hydroponic vegetable room, it will be a square (Li Wanghao) glass greenhouse, and if you replace it with an orchard, it will be a square glass greenhouse!

This is a big project, if people come to develop it, it can take a month!

After all, this is underground!

Any act of opening up space is a big project.

But… it doesn’t often need to be the case.

“This is to expand the space, so I don’t need to expand the property panel for me!”

“Calculate the three together, how many points does it cost?”

Wu Di “has a lot of money” and speaks a lot louder.

Robotic Brain: “If the material is sufficient, a total of 1830 points are required. Host, currently your points are not enough.”

“…” Wu Di.

Grass grave!

Slap on the spot! . .

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