Chapter 229

“Da Ming’s Iron Law: Those who harbor rebels are counted as accomplices!”

The beautiful woman smiled lightly, her pretty eyes with a trace of teasing,

“Wu Di, you are now guilty of rebellion.”

“Hahaha, fortunately no one came to arrest me. Besides, it’s a cataclysm now, Daming himself is all overwhelmed, so how can I take care of this kind of thing.”

Wu Di laughed.


Thinking of Liang Yu, he joked: “It just so happens that I know someone from the military. If I sell you, wouldn’t I be able to win a small official?”

“If your husband is willing, the slave family can’t resist.”

The beautiful woman chuckled,

In an instant,

Just like a thousand red, blooming at the same time!

Wu Di stared at her blankly, and after a while, he came back to his senses.

This woman… is so beautiful to the extreme!

The sister paper in this life seems to be much more beautiful than the women I have seen in the previous life.

I don’t know why.

In previous lives, various female stars and various P-picture cosmetic surgery make women’s appearance often look beautiful.

Compared with this life,

They are much worse.

The beauties in this life, such as Han Xiaowu, Wuyi, beautiful women, and small fruits, even with plain faces, look closely at them, they are much better than the people in the previous life!


Wu Di doesn’t know much either,

But he wanted to come,

Maybe it was God who let him travel into this world, and he also considered this…

“Thank you, God.”

Wu Di started thinking about it again.

When the beautiful woman saw him suddenly say this, she wondered: “What God?”

“Uh, nothing is nothing~”.

Wu Di recovered, and hurriedly expelled the miscellaneous thoughts in his head, and then sternly said: “So, you can’t be known by the official people.”

“Well, otherwise we will definitely die!”

The beautiful woman nodded and said: “Before, only a few people knew our information, and Chen Qianhu was one of them!”

“People such as Moran and others just thought that some big man fell in love with me, or they just fell in love with me and wanted to persecute me.”

Heard that,

Wu Di glanced at her with interest, “I also fell in love with you, why did you choose me in the end?”

He was too lazy to conceal it, so he spoke straightforwardly.

The beautiful woman blinked her beautiful eyes, hesitated, and said, “One, we feel that you are very different, and you are much better than others.”

“Secondly, we… feel that you are very mysterious! Maybe, there is some secret.”

She took a deep breath. Since she didn’t hide it, there was no need to hide it.

“Don’t laugh when you say it. At first, we thought that after the meteorite crisis, some alien technology fell and was picked up by you.”

After speaking, the beautiful woman couldn’t help but smile, feeling very outrageous.

Wu Di’s eyes moved slightly and he sighed slightly.

These two beauties, one big and one small, really are not simple generations.

I won’t say the identity,

Beautiful women with long sleeves are good at dancing, and can protect themselves and Xiao Guo under many crises. No need to say more about Scheming City.

In the royal family, how can Xiao Guo be stupid?

There must be purity, but naivety is not necessarily…

When he chose them, why didn’t they choose himself?

“There is no alien technology, but there are some black technologies.”

Wu Di smiled and said, “In the future, there must be more.”

The beautiful woman was taken aback.

At this time,

Wuyi got up and whispered: “Sleepy.”

“Well, you go to rest.”

Wu Di rubbed her little face,

The latter nodded, glanced at the beautiful woman faintly, and walked to the bedroom.

Disturbed by Wuyi so much, the atmosphere disappeared.

The beautiful woman pondered slightly and curiously said: “This unclothed girl, why… don’t you like clothes?”

“She had a bad experience, so she was a little autistic.”

Wu Di smiled.

“Psychological problems are troublesome and troublesome, but they are not difficult to treat. The shelter is very warm, and after a while, she will probably be normal.”


The beautiful woman grabbed the corner of the sofa and nodded.

“¨” What Qianyu is your real name? ”

Wu Di asked again.

The beautiful woman shook her head and whispered: “Fengwufang, Qianhuangyi.”

“My name is……”

“Feng Qianyi!”

“He Qianyu, who actually doesn’t know what Qianyiyu means…”


The beautiful woman walked away with some shame.

Wu Di watched her disappear, frowned, and said faintly: “Wutian, search for Fengwufang, Qianhuangyi, Feng Qianyi!”

Wutian: “Yes!”


“Search official servers, search major corporate servers…”

“Retrieved successfully! Information is being gathered…”

“Master, please see!”

On the tablet,

Immediately brushed out a document,

There are various related information.

(Li Wang Zhao)

Wu Di looked carefully, and after a while, he nodded secretly.

He… now it should be said that Feng Qianyi did not lie to him!

Fengwufang, Qianhuangyi.

In fact, in the Jiangnan area, Fengwufang is already considered a heavyweight brothel.

I don’t know how many literati and scholars have lingered in Fengwufang,

Phoenix dance, phoenix dance,

Actually, the most famous thing about Fengwufang is dance.

Often a phoenix dance is enough to make countless people crazy.

And Qianhuangyi is the best “Phoenix” of this generation, Fengwufang!

Not only to be beautiful, but also to have a good figure, but also to crush other people in dance!

In addition, piano, chess, calligraphy, sound, etiquette, demeanor…

All are beautiful!

Qianhuangyi is unique in the world! . .

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