Chapter 252


It’s three o’clock in the middle of the night!

But in the military area refuge, the research institute is still brightly lit.

Researchers on the night shift,

He Hong, the scientists who are obsessed with research, did not rest because of time.

Data room,

The staff on duty received Liang Yu’s message.

“Send me a copy of the latest information about the parasite.”

“Yes! Miss Liang Yu.”

The staff did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly gathered the parasite data.

Sent over.

the other side,

Liang Yu, who got the information, did not hesitate, and decisively sent it to Wu Di.


Your friend “Liang Yu” has sent you a document.


Wu Di received the file.

Liang Yu: “I can’t tell for a while, look at it and be careful! The military also attaches great importance to this thing!”

Wu Di: “Good!”

Liang Yu: “By the way, did your drone find something wrong with the shelter that you found?”

Wu Di: “The villa area of ​​the third satellite city is over there…”

Liang Yu: “Thank you, I’ll go and inform my boss that the missile may wash the ground.”

Missile washing the ground?

Such a decisive tone!

Wu Di’s eyes narrowed,

It seems that

The military has nothing to do with these things, and can only choose to destroy them all!

Hang up the call,

Liang Yu went to inform the military,

Wu Di did not hesitate, opened the document directly, and looked at it carefully.


It’s what Daming calls these monsters.

To be more specific, it is “suspected alien spores parasitize the human body”!

Everything originated from the meteorite crisis,

Countries around the world have launched the “Smashed Star Project”,

Modern thermal weapons shine and smash meteorites!

Pieces of meteorite fragments scattered around the world,

Without the danger of the extinction era of dinosaurs,

But in the meteorite… there are “things”.

The craters, including the Tiankeng in Heyang City, were officially discovered and blocked news.


People find that radiation sickness is no longer random, but each has gray scales and eyeballs!

After many studies,

The researchers discovered that it is a kind of microorganism, a kind of spore, parasites in the human body!

Whenever radiation lesions, it will inevitably move in one direction!

Interestingly, there are two types of parasitic spores,

One is living human parasitism,

One is parasitic death.

Living people are parasitic, they tend to change slowly, with gray scales and eyeball-like lines on their bodies.

This type of parasite is easy to die,

Because the spores absorb the energy of the human body!

Only by eating continuously can death be avoided.

During this process, if the scales are scratched, death phenomena such as “self-destruction” and “withering” will occur!

The living human parasite finally became skinny and weird, but it was so powerful that it even mutated into a monster!

Like Luo Qiang before!

The second type is parasitic death!

The dead will also be parasitized. The spore creatures will grow a “spore brain” on the back of the corpse, manipulate the corpse, and grow a weird mutant body with powerful destructive power, and even spit strong acid.

Such parasites will also eat frantically, concentrating all the energy to the “spore brain”, causing the spore brain to metamorphose.

But there is currently no result data.

It seems that no one knows why the “spore brain” will eventually change.


A lot of information,

There are a lot of data from other official refuges!

For example, a super large refuge called “Haicheng Refuge” used some death row prisoners for capital crimes and thugs caught during the catastrophe to conduct human experiments.

Unearth the characteristics of many spores.

One by one experimental data, written in the document, contains countless horrible human experiments!

This document,

Has the official characteristics of Ming Dynasty,

Detailed and accurate!

There is no exaggeration and no beautification.

“so much……”

Wu Di’s eyes moved, and he looked at it carefully.

for a long time,

He closed the document, squinted his eyes and thought.

have to say,

The parasite’s information explained many of his previous doubts.

Why did the person with radiation lesions in the parking lot blew himself up?

Why do people with radiation lesions die, but cult people can live forever?

and also,

The idols in the cult lair are undoubtedly the cultists who use food to feed the “spores.”

“Those cultists are indeed lunatics, they treat the spores as gods.”

Wu Di suddenly felt a chill.


From the perspective of normal people, spores can make people stronger,

Although the price is to become a monster.

But some crazy people don’t care about this.

except this,

There are also some parasite data information on the document.

Some official refuges have done experiments, and the human body seems to be the favorite “parasitic carrier” of spores.

Secondly, there are cockroaches, mice, and mosquitoes!

“Yes, you can take precautions in the future!”

Wu Di nodded.

With this data, he knows what should be added to the shelter’s protection system!

First, anti-corrosion, such as strong acid.

Second, the pipeline system should not allow cockroaches, mosquitoes, and rats to approach the refuge!

Third, flame!

Of course, the major official refuges have cleared the parasites. Fortunately, the living parasites are extremely difficult to deal with. After all, people are dead, and it is useless to explode the “spore brain”.

In the end, it was the flames that used a flamethrower and a special fire-oil bomb to kill the spore parasites.

“So, it’s best to get some flame weapons in my refuge!”

“In this way, you can easily kill the spore parasite in the future.”

Wu Di clapped his hands and smiled.

This time the investigation of the shelter in the villa area is very useful!

“By the way, it’s the 9th today.”

Wu Di regained his senses, and said, “Machine Brain, look at yesterday’s settlement panel.”

Mechanical Brain: “Yes!”


【March 8, 2022】

Luxurious bedroom, let you have a quality sleep, points +4.

You get up to wash…

You have upgraded the signal base, and the signal reception and transmission are more stable! Points +10!

You upgraded the garage…

You upgraded…

You got the news, it seems that the villa area refuge is about to be renamed, a stupid political game, you disdain it! Points +20!


“Final settlement: 234 points!”

“Remaining points: 1842 points.”


“It’s more than 1,800. Do you want to upgrade today?”

Wu Di cocked his legs,

Thought about it,

I decided to be patient and wait until the “drone wing” mission is settled.

after all,

That’s a lot of points!

He stretched his waist, returned to the bedroom, hugged the soft bodies of two beauties, one big and one small, and fell asleep in the fragrance.


Military area refuge,

Liang Yu put on his coat and came to a study room under the protection of two soldiers.

In the slightly gloomy study room,

Elegant style,

An old man with gray hair was sitting in a chair.

He looked at a document with a kind face.

“Head! Miss Liang Yu has arrived!”

A soldier came to report.

The white-haired old man nodded and smiled: “Okay, call her over!”


The soldiers went out,

After a while, Liangyu walked in with a solemn expression.

“Old Li!”

Liang Yu smiled.

“Old man Liang can talk about you in front of me every day, what’s wrong?”

Old Li smiled kindly.

Liang Yu pondered for a moment and said, “I have a friend, the one who sold us drone technology…”

“I know! A nice boy, if in peace times, I would definitely invite him to join the research institute!”

Old Li chuckled.

“When his drone was investigating outside.”

Liang Yu organized the language and said: “I found a shelter was attacked.”

“Assault? What attack?”

Old Li’s expression became solemn.

Liang Yu: “The parasite! Look at the picture, it should be a dead parasite!”

Heard that,

Old Li frowned and said solemnly: “Little fish, can you be sure?”

“He won’t be kidding me.”

Liang Yu is very determined.

She and Wu Di have known each other for a long time and both know each other’s character.

Wu Di is indeed not the kind of person who makes jokes!

Especially… about the parasite!


“In the third satellite city…”

Old Li groaned slightly, and said, “Immediately let the Minister of the Military Supplies Department and the Minister of Scientific Research come over!”


A soldier got up and went to connect the communicator.

Shortly after,

Two middle-aged men who were full of breath came,

It was Li Wugui, Minister of the Military Supplies Department, and the Minister of Scientific Research…

“Miss Liang!”

“Miss Liang!”

The two said hello and looked at Mr. Li.

Mr. Li explained the matter a bit.

After listening,

Li Wugui said: “The production of drones has come to an end, and the swarm tactics can be used!”

The Minister of Scientific Research seemed to understand, and nodded: “The Glacier 7 missile has been tested and can be detonated stably at minus 40 degrees Celsius!”

“Then go.”

Lao Li looked at the ceiling and whispered: “Check first and determine that it is a dead human parasite… razing it to the ground.”


March 9th!

2 o’clock in the afternoon!

Since the shelter is built underground, there is not much difference between morning and afternoon.

The girls have risen,

They are accustomed to the mystery of Wu Di, and they are not surprised at the newly-appearing forging room!

Han Xiaowu went to get hydroponic vegetables.

It takes time to change the plant and adjust the equipment.

The beautiful woman is in the comprehensive breeding room, carefully taking care of the chickens and ducklings.

Xiao Guo was playing with the computer, happily,

Unclothed reading quietly in the laboratory.


Warm and beautiful.

Wu Di saw this scene, and the trace of sorrow that had been caused by the horror scenes that Zuoye had seen was slowly calmed down.

“Fortunately, they are with me.”

Wu Di’s complexion is complex.

Human beings are strange creatures, gregarious, social, but also fond of infighting and loneliness.

Wu Di is just a person, not a monster,

Of course there are joys, angers, sorrows, and emotions.

Seeing the misery and horror of the outside world, it is an individual who feels sad and uneasy.


Seeing all the girls busy and fulfilling, or happy and attentive,

Wu Di felt relieved again.

No matter what the outside is, at least his sanctuary is all well!

This is enough!

“After dawn, it is dawn.”

“The two refuges are so cold, I wish you a good baby in your next life!”

Wu Di muttered and entered the hot spring bath.

After changing the water,

Lying in the warm water of the pool, closing your eyes and resting.

do not know when.


An electronic speaker plays.

Wutian: “Master, all the cameras in the shelter in the villa area were damaged, suspected of a large-scale bombing.”


Wu Di opened his eyes and said calmly: “It’s the change of hands from the military district, right, missile?”

Wutian: “Retrieving…The owner is multiple drones, which deployed small missiles regionally and detonated the entire villa area and surrounding areas!”

“Not a vehicle-mounted missile, or a missile silo?”

Wu Di was a little surprised,

Get up from the bath and move the table on the shore to the front.

Turn on the computer on the table!

“Wutian, how many surveillance videos have been captured?”

“Master, there are only 3 fragments. Those parasites seem to destroy the camera you see.”

“Come over and take a look at those 3 clips!”

Wutian: “Yes!”

The video transmission only took a few seconds,

3 videos open,

In the picture,

The wind and snow broke through, and a drone flew out.


A piece of Wuyangyang!

“This is……”

Wu Di squinted his eyes slightly, and remembered a modern information warfare method that people talked about on the Internet in the past-swarm tactics!

modern war,

From the previous era of giant ship artillery, to the era of mother ship missiles, and then to the later era of information warfare, powerful and large-yield weapons gradually withdrew from the stage.

More flexible,

More accurate weapons occupy the first place!

The swarm tactics are undoubtedly one of the best!

In the picture,

Countless drones flew in, dropped small missiles, and carpeted the entire shelter in the villa!

Large area, large area…

Don’t let it go!

Boom boom boom!

There was an explosion in Wu Di’s mind,

This is naturally his fantasy,

In the silent picture, the entire shelter in the villa area was shattered, like a fine porcelain, shattered to pieces!

It reveals…green sepsis.


It is a sky full of flames, covering the entire refuge,

The dead parasites ran wildly in it, but they couldn’t escape the flames. .

(PS: I have buried a lot of foreshadowings before, this time I filled the hole, the spores are parasitic!). .

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