Chapter 255

A ton of durian,

For the five people in the shelter, it is indeed a large number.

Although after taking genetic medicine,

Three people can eat a lot regardless of their consumption, and their digestion speed is super fast!

But Wu Di does not have obsessive-compulsive disorder, why bother to eat up the durian forcibly?


Thinking of this, Wu Di suddenly had the intention to build a special warehouse.

The kind that can keep fresh for a long time!

In modern technology, there are such things,

Fruit cold storage, fresh-keeping storage!

It’s just that the time saved is so-so.

But after all, Wu Di is a bad guy… even better things can be made!

“What’s wrong?”

Han Xiaowu saw Wu Di lost in thought, and couldn’t help but wonder: “What is durian doing?”


Wu Di shook his head and said with a smile: “I just thought about whether to build a fresh-keeping room or something like that.”

“It can be, but it is not necessary now.”

Han Xiaowu groaned slightly and shook his head.


Wu Di thought for a while, but decided to get one.

But before that,

You can send some durians to friends first.

Liang Yu and Lao Chen helped him many times, and it was not bad to send some durians in the past.


He came to the drone console.

“Open the console.”

Wu Di walked to the console,

The screen lights up,

There are options.

He opens the drone interface, which shows that the number of idle drones is “30”.


30 drones!

These days, he and Wuyi have thoroughly understood the technology of drones. After learning new knowledge, they have earned a lot of points, and they can also make their own drones.

Engineer type,

Guard type!

As of today, there are a total of 15 engineer-soldiers, and 15 “escort-types”!

Naturally, there are not so many drones in the shelter,

He specially built a drone warehouse next to the garage, with automatic doors and smart switch devices, specifically for storing drones.


A point was also spent on building this drone warehouse.

“The metal is almost exhausted!”

“Wu Tian, ​​is there so little metal in the neighbors’ buildings?”

Wu Di asked as he browsed the catalog of drone drones.

Wutian: “Yes, master, most of the buildings surrounded by ice are cement buildings with less metal!”

“Where is the vehicle?”

Wutian: “All the abandoned vehicles found are recycled, and there are no more surrounding areas.”

These days, Wu Di is not doing nothing in the refuge, controlling drones, carts, blazing ice roads around the refuge, and demolishing his home frantically!

The houses, shops, and parking lots of the surrounding neighbors have all become Wu Di’s “Nether Energy Crystals” and “Basic Materials”!


Mostly building materials,

There are a lot of wood, stone bricks, and cement.

Can be metal,

It’s relatively less.

Followed by materials like rubber!


Wu Di pondered slightly.

He intends to build a metal processing factory, but the source of metal materials is indeed a big problem!

“Forget it, don’t worry about this!”

“Wutian, control the two drones and send them separately…”

Wu Di went and took some durians and put them in two boxes with radiation-proof packaging.

Mounted on two engineering drones respectively,

Then it was protected by an “escort-type” drone and sent to Liang Yu and Lao Chen.

The artificial intelligence control drones are old and proficient, so naturally there is no need to order more, just give them a command, immediately connect to the network, and start to control the drone to start!


Wu Di came to the warehouse!

The warehouse, which has been expanded several times, is very large.

All kinds of boxes, shelves, sorted out.

Wu Di came to the wall and said, “The brain of the machine, open up a warehouse for storing fruits.”

Mechanical Brain: “Yes!”


【Fruit Fresh-keeping Warehouse】(opened up)

Branches: Open up space (100), overall materials (50-20), preservation equipment (50), sanitation system (50).

Introduction: You can use it to store vegetables with the same effect!


“Not expensive! You can also use one library for multiple purposes, not bad!”

Wu Di moved his eyes and chose to confirm.

He has a lot of points now,

The points in his early 200s didn’t hurt him.

next moment,

A white light flashed, and a door appeared in front of Wu Di!

Sand glass door!

It also looks like an automatic door. As soon as Wu Di reached out, the door opened automatically.

A white gas sprayed out, smelling a bit like lemonade.

He walked in,

This newly opened “fruit fresh-keeping warehouse” is not large, with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, and it is empty.

On the walls and ceiling, there are strange devices.

Black, like an air conditioner, but much more complicated than an air conditioner!

“Wutian, can you control the equipment here?”

Wutian: “Master, already connected! All devices can operate normally.”

Thought about it,

Wu Di brought in a box of durians and asked, “How long can this thing be kept?”

Wutian: “In the fresh-keeping warehouse, it can be stored for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 12 months.”


Wu Di’s eyes lit up and he curiously asked, “Is this fresh-keeping warehouse, regardless of the type of fruit?”

He knew that the fruit cold storage built by normal humans would have different storage times because of the different types of fruits.

Generally, some fruits can be stored for seven or eight months, but some fruits can only be stored for two or three months!

Wutian: “Searching…”

“The retrieval is successful! Master, according to the equipment information, as long as the equipment has been operating normally, the freshness of the fruit can be guaranteed for 6-12 months!”

“Any fruit will do!”

Heard that,

Wu Di thoughtfully, looked at the black devices on top of his head.

Understand that this must be a technology beyond modern times.

As for how dark it is, it doesn’t matter.

“Yes, you can, you can put fruits and vegetables here.”

Wu Di rubbed his hands.

In the refuge, except for the “hydroponic vegetable room”, there are not many fresh fruits and vegetables in the warehouse.

I got some from Xiaoguo before, but it was quickly eaten by a few people.

He went back,

Put all the durians in the “Fruit Preservation Warehouse”.

After finishing the matter, Wu Di went out and contacted Liang Yu and Lao Chen.

Hearing that he has already controlled the drone,

Both of them were surprised.

Because… they thought Wu Di was just joking!

Liang Yu: “Really delivered? My God, I thought you were joking! Thanks! I’ll wait!”

Old Chen: “Okay! I won’t say more nonsense! Call me if you have something to do in the future!”

Finish talking with the two.

Wu Di hung up the call, opened a game and started playing.

Peaceful day,

The drone delivered the durian smoothly,

There was no cold current in the middle, it seems that the world has really entered peace,

Cataclysm…looks dormant.




Something is shaking, wriggling!

In view,

Total darkness.


Very hungry!

Wu Di opened his eyes, and the world he saw was cold.

There is no temperature, nothing, not even the sky and the earth, nothingness.

“So hungry!”

He was extremely hungry and looked around blankly in the cold and dark world.


A scent of Ruoruuoruuo came out,

Smelling this scent,

Wu Di was too hungry, and just opened his mouth to bite in the endless darkness!



Wu Di woke up suddenly, his eyes pale.


The girl’s low sob came.

Wu Di recovered, feeling the fragrance and softness of his mouth, and hurriedly let go.

“No clothes!”

He was a little confused,

I actually bit Wuyi just now…


The girl pursed her mouth, her small face under her short hair wrinkled, a little pale.

“Are you not hurt?”

Wu Di hurriedly lowered his head and took a closer look.

After all, he is a Tier 1 being. If he is careless and bites it with all his strength, he will probably lose a piece of unclothed flesh!

Fortunately, the unclothed body is not lacking in weight.

Can’t see the wound.

There is no broken skin and no bleeding.


The girl shook her head, but her face was still pale.

“Feel sorry.”

Wu Di felt distressed, hugged her and rubbed her small face.

The latter moved, shaking slightly.

“what happened?”

Wu Di was a little strange.

Since he wasn’t injured, with his unclothed physique, he shouldn’t be so weak.

He didn’t mess around last night, and fell asleep after paying the rations for the day!

“Wuyi, what’s wrong with you? How do you feel?”

Wu Di frowned and said in a low voice, “Sick?”


The girl shook her head, thought for a moment, and suddenly said: “Xu.”

Her eyes changed, and pink lines appeared on her white and beautiful body.

The temperament suddenly became pure and feminine, like a fusion of angels and demons.

“Extraordinary characteristics?”

Wu Di understood, his eyes moved.

next moment,

He has also entered a state of his own extraordinary characteristics.

In an instant,

Gold lines appear on the neck,

In his vision, his own vitality is like a fire, and the vitality without clothes in front of him is also a fire!

It’s just that the unclothed fire is obviously “suffering”,

It looks like the fire is small!

“This is?”

Wu Di noticed that in his body, after removing the “fire” of the body’s vitality, there was actually a fire!

With a thought in his mind, he immediately understood.

This is because he accidentally robbed Wuyi’s vitality with just one bite!

“There is still this kind of mistake?”

Wu Di’s face twitched, no wonder the girl looked so weak,

The vitality is plundered,

It must be false!

Thought of here,

Wu Di hurriedly said in embarrassment: “It’s okay, I will help you recover immediately!”

The voice fell,

With a move in his heart, he sent the fire back.

The invisible vitality poured in, and Wuyi looked ruddy.

The condition is much better!


The girl smiled, not complaining at all.

“It’s okay, you continue to sleep!”

Wu Di smiled and looked at the alarm clock next to him.

March 28.


Five o’clock in the morning!


The girl fell asleep quietly,

Wu Di rose from the warm bed,

Frown frowning.

He recalled that dream, although it was just a dream, the feeling was very real!

Hungry, very hungry!

In that dream, Wu Di was extremely hungry,

After waking up from the dream, he is no longer hungry,

But that feeling is engraved in the bottom of my heart, I can’t forget it at all!

“As the saying goes, you have thoughts on the day and dreams at night.”

“It’s weird that I haven’t been hungry before.”

He looked at the dark room, did not turn on the light, picked up a piece of clothing and put it on, put on shoes and went out.

Feel the dark,

Wu Di came to the living room.

To his surprise, the kitchen was actually lit at five o’clock in the morning!

Someone is busy inside!

It must not be Han Xiaowu,

Because she slept with Wu Di last night, and she is still resting in the bed.

“There is only one possibility.”

“Feng Qianyi!”

Wu Di walked into the kitchen.

Sure enough, a tall and enchanting beautiful figure appeared in front of him.

Hair tied up,

Wearing red casual clothes,

The devil-like figure is uneven and graceful just by looking at the back.

There are a few drops of sweat on the white neck,

She is wearing gloves and an apron, kneading a dough!

Through the light,

Wu Di could see a beautiful face, her eyebrows frowned slightly, it seemed that she was not used to kneading noodles.

Seeing this beautiful woman, Wu Di’s depression suddenly disappeared.

It was a good time to stand at the door of the kitchen, admiring the beauty of the beauty.

after awhile,

The dough was finally processed, the beautiful woman poured the dough into the water, took off her gloves, and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Turned around,

The eyes widened suddenly!


Someone stood behind her unexpectedly,

As soon as she turned around, she happened to face to face and body to her body!

The strong man’s breath came out.

The beautiful woman blushed and her heart beat suddenly.

On the one hand, I was taken aback,

On the one hand…She has never had such close contact with a man!


Wu Di reached out and put his arms around her waist…

(PS: 4,000-word chapter.). .

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