Chapter 257

Some strange changes have taken place in my body,

This cannot be ignored.


Wu Di knew that this must be a benign change…

“Human body scanner.”

Wu Di was puzzled: “This kind of thing is very black technology, how do I feel that you are hacking my points.”

Mechanical Brain: “Host, you can upgrade to a lower version, and you can figure out the situation on your body within 1000 points.”

“That’s fine too!”

Wu Di nodded slightly and looked around.

Finally, on the toolbox, a small machine was found.

This is the medical device purchased by a friend in the forum when I bought something before.

Can scan the human body to a certain extent,

Check the trauma.


Wu Di is going to use this thing in the medical room.

But accidentally got the “Miracle Medical Cabin” with its own scanning equipment, and this thing has always been dusty.

No chance to use it.

“This should work!”

Wu Di carried the small machine to the forging room and placed it in a corner!

“Open the properties panel!”


【Medical Surface Scanner】

Can be upgraded!

Upgrade direction: [Human Scanner]

Branches: life scan (200), data analysis (50), cutting-edge instruments (50), overall materials (150-10).

Introduction: Only for human body, do not use on cats or dogs.


“Material reduction is only so little, do you need to use rare metals?”

Wu Di was a little surprised,

A little pondered,

Choose OK!

Points -440!

The white light flashed,

The small machine suddenly became several times larger, like a 3x3x3 upright cabin,

Glass door,

There is a console next to it!

He connected the power source and started the instrument.


The screen lights up,

Shows a main interface in science fiction colors.

Wu Di opened his mouth and said, “Wutian, control this machine.”

Wutian: “Yes!”


The glass door rose, and Wu Di stood in.

next moment,

The glass door is closed,

The small devices around were activated, the invisible wind swept across, and ray of light moved on Wu Di’s body.

The wind and light are not dangerous, it just feels a little itchy.

five minutes later!

“Dip! Scanning is complete!”

The glass door opened,

Wu Di touched his neck and walked out.

Wutian: “Master, the results of your body scan have come out, and you are generally healthy! Congratulations, there is nothing wrong with your body.”

Wu Di’s face was dark and speechless: “I am not injured again. List my physical condition!”

Wutian: “Yes!”

On the screen, Wu Di’s body model appeared,

The data are listed one by one!

a lot of,

And very detailed!

Skin, bones, flesh and blood, head, five internal organs…

The large amount of data made Wu Di a headache for a while!

He took a closer look, and finally found the latest changes in his body on his “skin”.



Location: organ.

Features: underwater breathing (new!).


“Breathe underwater?”

Wu Di saw that the so-called “characteristic” was just a title.

It means the difference between Wu Di’s skin and normal skin.

Before that,

Whether it is using “Cell Strengthening Liquid” or “First-Order Gene Medicine”, all aspects of the body are strengthened and evolved!


Except for the necessary extraordinary characteristics, there is nothing more in all parts of the body.

But now…

Obviously, after devouring that “fish”, Wu Di has a strange ability.

The skin can assist the human respiratory system,

Even if you are underwater, you can breathe freely!

“Try it.”

Wu Di did whatever he thought of, and went straight to the hot spring bath!


There is no one in the hot spring bath,


It was simply controlled by artificial intelligence. As soon as Wu Di walked in, the artificial intelligence turned on the lights and began to “change the water” and “heat” the hot spring bath.

Just for a moment,

Wutian: “Master, the hot spring bath is ready.”


Wu Di took off his clothes and jumped directly into the bath!


The water is surging,

Wu Di opened his eyes and swam underwater.

He tried to breathe, but it was not the movement of the nose, but the slight trembling of the skin’s surface, and the thin layer on it, after contacting water, provided plenty of oxygen to the body!

Just for a while,

Wu Di realized that he didn’t need to use his nose anymore.

Long breath,

No need to worry about suffocating!

“It feels good!”

Wu Di showed a slight smile and swam underwater for a while.

After getting tired of playing,

Just got up from the bottom of the water and returned to the shore.

“After absorbing one, I get underwater breathing, and the effect is still good!”

“What if I absorb another one?”

“A stack of new features, am I invincible?”

Wu Di got hot in his heart and hurriedly got dressed and came to the warehouse!

He took out another “pan-life material”,

It is a blue flower with strange patterns on the flower, just like a painting.


Wu Di’s heart moved, and the vitality of the flower was instantly plundered by him!

A ball of fire poured into his body!



At this time,

The strange feeling came,

There was a feeling of “fullness” in Wu Di’s own body, and in the midst of it, he noticed the condition of his body!

It’s hard to eat and needs to be digested!

Before that,

This fire can be stored in his body forever.


Wu Di calmed down, thought about it, and went to the living room.

While eating durian, while thinking about his extraordinary characteristics.

If Wuyi’s characteristic is “confusion” and Han Xiaowu’s characteristic is “Kang Huo”, then his characteristic is obviously much stronger!

Swallowing a pan-life substance, you get “underwater breathing”,

What if it swallows a lot?

To know,

Although the result of swallowing is unknown, it must be benign!

Add up,

With the two girls, it’s totally a world!

“A question of luck?”

Wu Di frowned, thought for a moment, and asked in his heart: “Machine Brain, is there a problem with my extraordinary characteristics? Will it become a monster if I keep swallowing it?”

Mechanical Brain: “Host, genetic medicine will not turn people into monsters, and the sublimation of life will not change the form too much.”

“After all, it is a drug for genetic evolution, not a drug for genetic mutation.”

With the assurance, Wu Di was also relieved, twisted a piece of durian meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

“Forget it, eat!”

It’s another peaceful day!

all around the world,

People’s communication has gradually increased!

In the ice and snow, it seems to be moving towards a fixed change!


The daylight envelopes the earth, everything is normal!


The temperature dropped suddenly,

The cold current is surging, and snowstorms occasionally come!

March 29!

1 pm!

Wu Di was studying a programming language, Wuyi suddenly walked over and grabbed his arm.

“What’s wrong?”

Wu Di rubbed the girl’s little head fondly,

She had clear eyes, thought for a moment, and said: “The metal material is not enough…”


Wu Di smiled.

Just about to answer, there was a sudden shock!

She is…

The girl’s voice is very crisp, with a faint sense of coldness, like the quiet moonlight, reflecting on people’s hearts.

Of course, good sound is second,

Before that,

The girl is always willing to say one word because of her autism!

Now… it’s back to normal!

“No clothes…”

Wu Di held her small face and didn’t say much.

The two have been in the same bed for so long, and there are some things that you only need to start to understand.

The girl’s face was slightly red, and her voice was still quiet and cold.

“Do you hate the old me?”

“What do you think?”

Wu Di picked her up and put it in his arms.

The girl’s petite body is still beautiful, and the fragrance comes out, making people smell very comfortable.

She has never used perfume,

After all, she doesn’t use cosmetics!

This unique scent comes from extraordinary characteristics, is unique to her, and is fascinating.

“You don’t blame me.”

The girl’s eyes moved slightly, rubbed in his arms, and said: “I was building a drone just now, and some of the metal materials are not enough.”

“There is no way, all the metal materials collected before have been used up!”

Wu Di felt helpless and said, “Almost all the buildings outside are frozen in ice. I am now opening up passages every day to recycle scrap cars, railings, and metal objects, but it is still not enough.”

“I…I should know.”

The girl’s head moved, and suddenly she said, “In my memory, there should be a place where there should be a lot of metal materials!”


Wu Di’s eyes lit up.

Because of the advance notice of the catastrophe, most of the supplies will be stored in various shelters.

Basically, everything left outside is redundant or not enough.

For example, cars, street light railings, etc.,

No one cares about these.

But the kind that is stored in large quantities is very rare!

Near Wu Di Street, there is a warehouse area.

Even the iron boxes inside were taken away early, not to mention the metal materials in the warehouse.

“Hmm! There is a high possibility that there is still metal left in that place!”

“Under this environment, there should be ice-covered there, and no one will find it.”

The girl analyzed: “It’s icy and snowy. Few people go out. The possibility of icy places being discovered and removed is not high.”

“That’s a metal warehouse! Before the meteorite fell, the boss of the supermarket invited my father to build a building for his refuge, and stored a number of warehouse materials!”

“I remember that there was a warehouse in it, which stored a lot of steel, as well as some aluminum alloys, copper alloys, zinc alloys, and titanium alloys!”

Heard that,

Wu Di was surprised: “Then this is really a treasure!”

“Love you so much, my baby!”

He laughed and kissed the girl directly.

The latter blushed and said in a low voice, “I can help you.”


Wu Di rubbed her small face and smiled: “For your great credit, my metal processing factory can finally be opened!”

“Then, can I remove the exoskeleton armor?”

The girl tilted her head and whispered: “I have some ideas about the Dawning Alloy Type 2, and I want to try modifying the exoskeleton armor.”


Wu Di twitched the dough and said helplessly: “You are not a husky, don’t dismantle it at all times. Once I ship the metal back, you can make one for you to play with.”

“Well, I just want to study it.”

She smiled and talked about the location. . .

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