Chapter 260

Lianshan Refuge!

A small refuge that has always been peaceful,

So many things happened today,

The bosses were frightened and discussed in a low voice in the conference room.

They are not giant crocodiles like the Tiancheng consortium.

It’s not a wealthy group like the refuge in the villa area,

It is also different from the Dawning Shelter. There is no hierarchical residence, and the living conditions of the rich and the poor are not very different.

No ambition, no conflict!

The cataclysm has been several months, and Lianshan Refuge is considered a “lucky person”, and there are not even a few dead.

The most unlucky one was the last cold current raid, and more than a dozen people were frostbited.

“Everyone said, what should I do?”

“Those drones are not small, they may be equipped with weapons!”

“But the ones in our refuge…”

Meeting room,

The bosses are all looking bad.

They are not cruel and cruel overlords, they just want to squat in their own pit with peace of mind.

But if they don’t go out, others may not come to the door…

“Anyway, you must be careful! Send someone to watch, and if the other party has an offensive action, immediately defend!”

“Our underground safe passage has been built long ago. If it doesn’t work, just run away!”


A boss made his heartfelt remarks frankly.

The other bosses nodded unexpectedly.


Birds of a feather flock together.

Being able to build shelters together during the cataclysm shows that these bosses have similar personalities.


A middle-aged man in his 40s or 50s breathed a sigh of relief, leaned on the back of his chair, and touched his forehead.


A strange electronic sound played.

“Why don’t you try to resist?”

The voice is close at hand,

The middle-aged person subconsciously retorted: “Armed drones, either the military or the kind of large-scale enterprise, can be compared to our kind of ground snake? If a few missiles come down, we will all be finished!”


He turned his head, his expression stagnated.

The one who just made the sound…

It’s actually a computer on the table!


He exclaimed,

Everyone hurriedly looked back!

In the computer,

An image of a black mechanical head is condensed,

There was a strange electronic sound.

“Aren’t you still discussing us just now?”

Discuss them! ?

Everyone was shocked and immediately thought of the drone!

Those armed drones,

The master actually came to the door!


“They have hackers…”

A boss swallowed,

Under the catastrophe, the state took the lead in restoring part of the network,

But after all, it is impossible to return to the peaceful era,

The abilities of hackers are also limited.

Of course…their refuge is not a bigwig either!

“Interesting, you guys look scared?”

The mechanical head smiled.

The middle-aged man next to him looked uneasy and whispered: “Sir, are you from the country?”

“No, we are not official.”

The mechanical head is very meaningful.

Not official, there is no army, but it also means that you may ignore the rules!

The hearts of several people were tense, and they were all familiar with each other, and their expressions were a little frightened.

It’s not that they don’t know the thugs,

Before ice and snow covered the land, there were also thugs who appeared for a while.

But those thugs are what they are, they dare not connect in front of Lianshan Refuge!


Armed drones represent great strength!

Very likely, it is a large refuge!

“A while ago, the Tiancheng consortium sent an invitation, but we rejected it.”

A boss suddenly became a little scared, and whispered: “Are you from the Tiancheng Consortium?”

“No need? Attack us if you refuse the invitation?”

Heard that,

Everyone showed anger.

the other side,

In the living room, Wu Di was a little bewildered when they heard their reply.

These people… are they too scared! ?

“Don’t worry, we are not members of the Tiancheng consortium.”

Wu Di thought for a while and said, “Don’t worry.”

When he said this, the bosses also relaxed.

The middle-aged man swallowed his saliva and said, “Then, what is going on with Mr. visiting the door?”

“If you need help, you can talk about it.”

Wu Di: “You can rest assured that I have no interest in your refuge.”

Wu Di: “But, I have a favor, maybe you have to help…”

Wu Di’s voice was soft, saying that he was helping, but his tone was cold.

It seems to be giving orders.

Everyone was puzzled,

But finding that Wu Di didn’t mean to attack them, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

They thought that Wu Di was a person from a large refuge, so they were relieved.

after all,

Those large shelters are not short of supplies.

“What? The drone enters the shelter?”

“This, this…”

“It’s not bad…”


After some “friendly” conversation,

The bosses agreed and agreed to let the drone in.

This is actually very helpless,

They have no means to block drones,

At most, close the door tightly to prevent drones from entering various buildings.

But those are armed drones,

Once attacked, they couldn’t stop it at all!

Although the bosses were persuaded, they were not stupid. Faced with dozens of armed drones, they decisively “gave them for nothing.”


The artificial intelligence controls the drone swarm to put down the garbage station and fly towards the shelter.

While investigating the situation of the refuge, he flew into the botanical garden and came to the vicinity of the big pit!

In the botanical garden,

Someone looked curiously at the flying drone,

Turn on the searchlight and illuminate the bottom!

“This pit…what the hell?”

Wu Di saw the strange scene in the pit, metal, soil, ice, and the carcasses of various animals!

Very weird!

Some people were planning to bury the pit,

Seeing the drone coming,

The bosses told them to go down and let them abandon their plan to bury the pit and wait and see.

Wu Di observed for a while.

Wutian electronic sound suddenly sounded. “Master, Lianshan Refuge has been investigating the situation!”

“This is the armed situation of the shelter…”

“The building of the refuge…”

A brief information was laid out,

Wu Di took a look.

This Lianshan Refuge…very ordinary!

In other words, very weak!

It’s okay to deal with ordinary thugs, in front of the military and large forces, just like weak chickens!

Even today’s Wu Di can rely on 30 drones to sweep here!

“That’s right. The shelters I have seen before have their own characteristics, and I thought that each shelter was very strong, but in fact…Of the shelters, ordinary shelters still occupies the majority!”

Wu Di smiled helplessly.

I am too cautious!

“Wutian, go to investigate the situation at the bottom of the pit and find the source of the change!”

Wutian: “Yes!”



Gradually deepen.

As the cold hit, the people in the shelter put down their work and returned to the warm blankets.

After discovering that there was no threatening behavior at the drone door, the bosses were completely relieved and allowed the drone to fly around in the shelter.

I can’t resist anyway,

They “salted fish” to the end.

1 o’clock in the middle of the night!



Boom boom boom!

In the botanical garden, there are occasional explosions and roars over the big pit.

Some people looked curiously, but didn’t dare to approach it.

On Wu Di’s side, Wu Tian also came back to report the information!

“Master, the drone exploded the soil and the ice melted…”

“There are a large number of dead animals inside. Do you continue to use weapons?”

“If you continue to use weapons, those corpses may be damaged…”

In the computer,

A screen opens!

Under the searchlight, the situation at the bottom of the pit is clear at a glance.

Frost, metal, animal carcasses!

The weird thing is,

There are two areas, one black and one white, which are very distinct!


Something is “pulling” ice, soil, and metal in the center!

“Central, what is there!”

Wu Di narrowed his eyes slightly.


Mechanical Brain: “Host, the mission has changed.”


Wu Di was surprised and hurriedly looked.


【Zoo Miracle】

Task content: You have discovered the secrets of the zoo underground, one black and one white, something seems to be gestating in the center, and the gestation is about to succeed!

Task requirements: dig, and take away miraculous things.

Task reward: 1000 points, (future) Chinese language programming chip x1.


“Reminder: The vitality of the miracle is extremely fragile. It is recommended that the host be perfectly nurtured with extraordinary characteristics, and then take it away!”


“Fuck, rewards for extra pounds?”

Wu Di’s eyes widened, and he smiled: “It’s a good change! Good guy, this is a lot of money!”


He carefully looked at the content of the mission, manually controlled the drone to go down, and carefully removed the layers of soil that had been exploded!

The ice and snow have melted under the “heat bomb”,

Under the carcasses of animals,


A black giant cocoon and a white giant cocoon appeared before his eyes!

“Is it a pan-life matter?”

“Or mutant creatures?”

Wu Di was a little curious.

Tell the people in the pit to shine some searchlights down,

With the help of light,

See the giant cocoon!

In the giant black and white cocoon, something is suspected to be “moving”!

“There really is something!”

“Isn’t it a monster?”

Wu Di narrowed his eyes slightly, and wanted to break the giant cocoon.

Reminders for conceivable tasks,

Stopped again,

Let the people of Lianshan Refuge go down and get the giant cocoon into the drone!

The cabin of the “engineer-type” drone is large enough to store a giant cocoon, so send two “engineer-type” drones to take it away!

Knowing that there is a mysterious giant cocoon in the big pit, the bosses are also a little dumbfounded.

They don’t need to think about it, this is the purpose of the mysterious man in Lianshan Refuge!

But they don’t know what happened to the giant cocoon.

Second, they can’t resist Wu Di,

Therefore, he did not refuse, and arranged for people to go down to the pit and get the giant cocoon into the cabin of two “engineer-type” drones!

After loading successfully,

The drone returned immediately…

Other drones continued to transport metal, and one of them flew away from Lianshan Refuge.

Seeing the armed drones disappear,

The bosses of Lianshan Refuge were relieved and almost cheered.


Military area refuge,


Ministry of Communications!

Because of the recent weakening of radiation, the communications department has become busy.

Even in the middle of the night, Liang Yu is still working,

Many people in the department are very busy and look serious.

Next to Liang Yu,

A communication soldier connected to a communication. After a while, he hung up the communication and muttered, “Neurotic!”

“What’s wrong?”

Liang Yu tilted his head to look.

“Miss Liang!”

The soldier’s expression tightened, and he explained: “It’s a help message from an evacuation center.”

“Said that dozens of drones invaded their shelters, and what other hackers were there.”

“Invasion is not a trivial matter, why?”

Liang Yu frowned,

The soldier smiled and said, “They said that those drones entered the refuge without looting supplies, nor injuring or killing people. They just took away two domes!”

“Miss Liang, tell me, is this crazy? Let’s play with it!”

“Don’t rob, don’t kill, do the invaders go sightseeing?”

“Really are!”

The soldier shook his head and went on to work.

Heard that,

Liang Yu frowned, as if thinking of something.


Wutian: “Master, all pictures, videos and other materials have been deleted!”

In the living room,

Hearing the news reported by Wutian, Wu Di nodded and rubbed his fingers.

This is naturally his order.

When Lianshan Refuge encountered this, it chose to notify the official in the first place.

But…no picture, no truth,

If there is no evidence, the official will naturally not care.

“What would be in the giant cocoon?”

Wu Di recovered and waited patiently.

After about half an hour,

Under the night,

The two drones flew back and entered the aisle!

For safety, he is not going to put in the shelter!

Wear safety clothes,

Wu Di opened the inner door and walked out!



The door is closed!

The cabins of the two drones opened, revealing two giant cocoons, one black and one white!


Wu Di walked over and narrowed his eyes.

Two gold lines appeared on his neck,

Extraordinary perception appears,

Let him perceive the vitality!

In the two giant cocoons, there are two small fires respectively!

next moment,

Feelings of “flaws” incomplete came,

Wu Di realized in an instant that these two giant cocoons had poor breeding conditions and might face “death”!

“Sure enough, I had to do it!”

Wu Di walked over and stretched out his hand!

The vitality stored in the body gushes out and falls towards the two giant cocoons…

(PS: Everyone guess what the miracle is!). .

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