Chapter 262

Two little beasts,

Not so rare.

Thanks to Wu Di’s current horror memory ability, I found a similar picture from my previous memories all at once!

In this life,

Although Daming did not define the panda as a national treasure,

But this cute beast is loved no matter what world it is in.

Therefore, the reputation is not low.

As for the fox,

The young fox Wu Di has also seen him,

So I recognized it all at once!

Two little beasts just came into this world, and they couldn’t open their eyes, but they seemed to be able to see things.

After being stunned for a while,

Both small animals moved.

They all got up and walked towards the refuge!


The two little beasts are too small, and they can move very strangely, as if they are drunk.


What’s interesting is that they have the same goal and came to the cold gate,


Hit it!

The two little beasts were suddenly blocked from going, sitting on the ground and yelling foolishly.

Seeing this scene,

Wu Di couldn’t help but smile.

But the next moment,

A peculiar feeling came, like a call from the bottom of my heart!

“Wait, this feeling!”

Wu Di squinted slightly.

It seems that these two little beasts have a kind of telepathy with themselves?

A kind of dim kindness, calling, and closeness,

Let Wu Di’s heart move slightly.

Thought about it,

He got up,

Walking to the gate, he said: “Wutian, clean up the aisle!”

Wutian: “Yes!”

In the aisle, the device is activated to clean up all the dirt,

The two little beasts were also sprayed by the water and turned half a circle in place,

Seems to be stunned,

Initiate silly in the same place.

Wutian: “Master, the test is complete! No radiation source, no spores, and the stains have been cleaned up!”


Wu Di came to the gate,

“Open the door!”

Wutian: “Yes!”


The door opens,

The two little beasts seemed to feel it, and they climbed up abruptly and “rushed” towards Wu Di in a leisurely manner!

He was a little helpless, so he could only squat down,

Reach out.

The two little beasts rushed directly into his arms, making unintelligible calls.

“The little beast that was just born, what about this special mother?”

Wu Di has a headache.

According to what he knew, the food and the environment needed by the little beasts are more troublesome.

I’m not a master of beast tamers, how do I understand this?


It seems that Wu Di is there, and the two little beasts are also quiet.

It’s just that after more than ten seconds, I actually fell asleep!

Upon seeing this,

Wu Di was also a little helpless, so he could only go to the living room and sat on the sofa.

He put the two little beasts in his arms, looked carefully, thoughtfully.


He opens the [Task] panel, “random” classification,

The task [Zoo Miracle] shows that it has been completed!

“Receive task rewards!”

Wu Di’s eyes moved,

Points +1000!

At the same time, an exquisite black USB flash drive appeared in his palm!

This is a knowledge chip based on modern technology and developed into the future, Chinese language programming, which records a lot of future knowledge!

“I hope it’s a little farther away, preferably a few hundred years from now!”

Wu Di’s eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the pattern of the chip.

Black USB flash drive,

It’s just the carrier of the chip, so that modern computers can also read the content on the chip.

This USB flash drive is not actually a USB flash drive, but a converter with a chip inside!

Wu Di moved the computer over and read the USB flash drive.


A data disk is opened, and there are folders in it.

It’s all Chinese language programming materials!

“Let me see!”

Wu Di browsed through this information,

Are all in 2077,

The content of Chinese language programming!

“This kind of parallel world should be regarded as the content of Chinese language programming in 2077 without a catastrophe!”

“Has Chinese language programming been developed to this point in more than 50 years.”

Wu Di was amazed just seeing the catalog.

Although not as exaggerated as the hundreds of years he fantasized about,

But human science and technology are changing with each passing day, especially computer languages. Often one year is the change of an era!

The programming industry is arguably the industry that is most easily eliminated.

Every year, countless old programmers are abandoned by the times and become “abandoned sons”.

Fifty years,

Enough to make an earth-shaking change in a computer language!


Wu Di wanted to open it and take a closer look!

But as soon as he moved, he suddenly felt the two sleeping beasts in his arms, and calmed down again.

“No hurry, first think of a way to get things done with the two little beasts.”

Wu Di looked down.

In the refuge, it is not bad to have two more new members.

But… how to take care of it?


Wu Di pondered for a while, then suddenly thought of the process of the “Miracle Thing” mission.

These two little beasts,

It is so difficult to be born, and it is called a miraculous thing, it must be different!

The first-order life force is so powerful, she moved all by herself, running like the wind!

“Go ahead, Wu Di!”

Han Xiaowu flexed his hands and raised his sleeves, her pretty face full of joy.

“What are you doing so excited…”

Wu Di gave him a helpless look.

Trying to put the little beast down.

But he squatted down and let go. The two little beasts seemed to know that they were going to be “abandoned” in their sleep. They woke up all of a sudden, yelling, and grabbing his clothes vigorously!

“Hmph, it looks like these two little guys don’t want to leave you!”

Han Xiaowu was a little envious, stretched out his hand,

“Little guy, can you come to my sister?”

The two little beasts ignored her…

Han Xiaowu, who was ignored by the air, smiled awkwardly and opened the tablet.

“Wutian, expand the model drawing of the high-level pet hut!”.

(PS: 3500 words!). .

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