Chapter 275

Inside the metal processing plant,

The temperature is low.

after all,

It is on the surface and there is no heating for underground shelters!

The unclothed petite body was hidden in the thick safety clothes, and his voice was cold.

“let’s start.”


The girl was so decisive, Wu Di naturally did not hesitate, and moved with her.

Turn on each device,

Selected materials,

Transform into “antifreeze stainless steel”!

This is a not difficult operation, as long as the material is continuously transformed,

And after that,

Combining “antifreeze steel” and “breaking dawn alloy 2” to create a new type of alloy,

The technical content is very much needed!

Of course, everything has a foundation,

The girl was so confident that Wu Di could only act as a deputy.

The characteristics of Dawning Alloy 2 are actually not complicated, they are powerful shock resistance, shock absorption ability, and super corrosion resistance and “memory metal” ability.

Excluding these, there are some characteristics suitable for 600 mechanical armor.

Such as structure, weight, plasticity and so on!

In the beginning, Wu Di thought about not buying the “antifreeze stainless steel” drawings, but just converted all the metal into Dawn Alloy Type 2, and then replaced the entire shelter!

But after carefully comparing the two special alloys, Wu Di gave up this idea.

In general, Dawn Alloy is a special alloy specially designed for mechanical armor.

It would be a bit “waste” to make walls for the refuge!


The same steel can be converted into antifreeze stainless steel far more than Dawning Alloy 2!


Combining the characteristics of the two alloys is perfect!


Each piece of equipment was turned on, and the unclothed face was operated plainly.

She was so calm and calm,

Laser splitter,

Hard grinding machine,

Matching test tube…

Just for a while,

A piece of antifreeze stainless steel and a piece of Dawning Alloy 2 are processed and sintered in a vacuum environment!

It has become a new type of silver-gray metal!

“Check it out.”

The girl spoke lightly, took out the metal block, and put it into the testing equipment to test its performance.

Detect its molecular structure, characteristics, composition, etc.

After a while,

Wu Di looked at the console.

A list has popped up above, showing the characteristics and data of the new alloy!

Look at the pictures one by one,

The girl nodded slightly and said with satisfaction: “Yes, it combines the advantages of the two alloys and discards those that are not needed.”


Her eyes moved slightly,

Wu Di pondered for a moment, then clapped his hands decisively, “Okay! That’s it!”

“Then start mass production.”

The girl nodded slightly, turned around and turned on the large devices one by one.


Robotic arms, metal converters, machine tools, laser separators…

Turn on each device one by one,

Pieces of metal plates were transported and processed.

In the metal processing factory, there was only the sound of the equipment operating, and Wu Di and Wuyi did not speak.

The two are very serious,

Carefully control these cutting-edge equipment, and strive to make every step without mistakes.

When it’s time for a meal, it will take refuge to eat,

Continue after eating,

Sleep, work,

Take a bath, work…

The two began to get busy,

The other people in the shelter saw them so busy, and they also wanted to help.

But two people are enough. What you need to control the equipment is knowledge and proficiency. There is not much sense in having more people.


The other three girls didn’t talk too much to bother them.

An hour passed,

In the warehouses of metal processing plants, steel is becoming less and less, and new alloys are constantly increasing!

Steel → antifreeze stainless steel.

Steel→Dawning Alloy 2.

Antifreeze steel + breaking dawn alloy 2 → new alloy!


April 10!

The weather is still cold.

6:30 in the evening!

After eating, Wu Di came to the metal processing factory, and Wu Di followed him.

The girl’s eyes were calm, and she followed obediently, without saying a word.

Wu Di did not continue to work directly. Instead, he went to the metal warehouse, looked at the new alloy piled into hills, and said, “Wutian, report it!”

Wutian: “Yes! Master, currently consumes tons of steel and copper sheets and obtained 8.3 tons of new alloys!”


Wu Di narrowed his eyes slightly.

To upgrade the entire wall of the refuge, the special alloy needed, Wu Di asked the Mechanical Brain once before, and the answer given by the latter was more than 8 tons!

In fact,

The upgraded wall is definitely not just metal, but also special stone,

But metal is dominated, and stone does not cost many points.

Thought of here,

Wu Di turned his head and smiled, “No clothes, these are enough.”


Wuyi’s eyes moved, and he said: “Then I will go down first.”

“Well, you can take a bath in the hot spring bath and take a good rest.”

Wu Di nodded.

The girl turned around, walked a few steps back, then suddenly stopped, her head tilted.

“The new alloy has no name yet.”

“Name? Since you developed it, you can pick it up.”

Wu Di smiled heartily.

The girl groaned, her cold voice as quiet as a moon.



(PS: Happy New Year! Happy New Year’s Day!). .

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