Chapter 328

In the cold wind,

The mutant mosquitoes are not slow,

Flying fast in the wind and snow, approaching the RV!

Icy weather,

It doesn’t seem to have much influence on these bugs that mutated in the glacier catastrophe.

At this time!

The car door opens,

The cold mechanical armor showed his figure and stepped down.

The alloy helmet is sideways,

Wu Di sneered and raised his hands!

“The heat is activated…”


call out–!

call out–!

The sound of breaking air is quite conspicuous in the quiet snow,

Two rockets flew out, directly hitting the center of the mosquitoes!

Boom boom boom!

The ice is broken,

Explosions and flames swept all around!

This is not the first time Wu Di has dealt with mutant mosquitoes, so naturally he knows how to eliminate the most appropriate.

Flames and explosions swallowed a large portion of 28-point mutant mosquitoes,

But there are too many such disgusting giant mosquitoes,

About half of them were saved from death, avoiding the high temperature area, but even more fierce, rushing toward Wu Di viciously!

“What’s the use of coming here, can I crush my alloy armor?”

Wu Di sneered in his heart, but his expression was also serious.

He is very cautious,

There is no idea of ​​pretending to be close to mosquitoes,

Switch weapon mode directly!


Load the rockets,

Wu Di walked towards the Rift Valley.

Into the head,

It’s a bizarre prismatic ice layer!

On both sides of the rift,

The icicles are several meters thick and look hideous.

Look into the rift valley,

The frozen glacier can be vaguely seen!

That nuclear contaminated underground river!

“Information projecting!”

“Drone reconnaissance…”

“Screen transfer!”

The drone flew away, transmitting images from all directions.

Wu Di looked at it calmly, analyzed rationally, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The same as the investigation before he came,

Nothing has changed here!

“Since there is no accident, just follow the plan.”

Wu Di walked to the west.

Both sides of the rift valley are of slope type, about fifty or sixty degrees,

Ordinary people are more careful and can go down even with icicles.

Wu Di has exoskeleton armor, which is naturally simpler!


He found a path he had investigated and walked down slowly.


It is gradually dimming.

Under the Rift Valley,

Slightly dark.

After walking for a while, another group of mosquitoes came, including a few giant black mosquitoes!

“…Signal interference…!”

“Master, signal…signal interference, please…”

Artificial intelligence gave feedback on the situation in time.

The drone’s picture also appeared distorted and shaken.

Wu Di tilted his head to look.

The right arm of the flame gun turned its muzzle, and it seemed that the next moment it was about to eject high-temperature flames!


He stopped again.

“In order to avoid trouble, I’d better use the psionic whip to be safe!”

Wu Di closed the flame gun and opened the gate of the alloy cabin on the waist side with his backhand, and grabbed the handle in the alloy palm!

If the flame gun is a “mass attack”, then the psionic magma whip is a single attack.

A little harder,

A golden whip was “drilled” out of the handle port, dancing in the air.


Wu Di flicked it and stretched it four or five meters, hitting the oncoming mosquitoes!

Crackling! Crackling!

The sound of electric current bursting, the sound of high-temperature sparks bursting, all of a sudden came continuously!

next moment,

I saw that a large piece of mosquitoes was directly missing in the middle of the swarm.

Countless giant mosquitoes were killed by plasma, their broken bodies fell from mid-air, and many giant mosquitoes were torn apart and melted by the high temperature!

“Come again!”

Wu Di’s eyes brightened, and he continued to flick, the golden whip flicked left and right, and the mosquitoes were missing one or two pieces.

Suddenly died seven or eighty-eight!

The remaining mosquitoes scattered, but reluctantly, flying around Wu Di. .

(PS: Please subscribe, it’s too miserable! Please!),.

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