Chapter 336


Wu Di was still listening at first, but the more we heard it, the stranger it became.

The whole person almost turned into a question mark!

Seeing Han Xiaowu getting more and more chaotic, Wu Di hurriedly interrupted her.

“Okay, go in first.”


Han Xiaowu pursed his mouth and followed him silently.

Across the aisle,

Clean up the exoskeleton armor,


Then enter the shelter.

The two changed into safety suits.

Wu Di took a long breath and finally felt ~ a touch of relaxation.

After a long time without going outside, he finally went out, feeling-like a world away!

It’s not bad to do some activities occasionally.

But I have to say,

Staying at home is still comfortable!

“Okay, let’s talk about it, our-our big beauties!”

Wu Di returned to his senses, hugged a tall beauty in black and white clothes, kissed her pretty face, and smiled: “What’s the matter today?”

“I…I, nothing.”

Han Xiaowu’s pretty face was reddened, and his pretty plain face was hesitant to speak.

“Forget it?”

Wu Di couldn’t see her thoughts, so he patted the beautiful woman’s waist and scratched it again.

“Don’t, itchy!”

Han Xiaowu giggled, rolled a nice-looking eye, and said helplessly: “Well, I won’t hide it, I just want…I want to ask for your consent!”


Wu Di hugged her and sat on the sofa in the living room, taking a sip of hot water while holding up the cup.

“That… I want an exoskeleton armor too.”

Han Xiaowu’s voice is very small,

In a word,

Speaking of the back, there are almost faint mosquitoes.

She seemed to feel embarrassed, for fear that Wu Di was angry, and hurriedly explained: “I think there have been a lot of fights recently. You are always fighting by yourself, and I want to help.”

Heard that,

Wu Di glanced at her, rubbed the pretty face of the beautiful Onee-san in front of him, and smiled: “Just leave it to me during the fight. You, a girl, don’t need to participate.”

“But… I don’t want you to fight alone!”

Han Xiaowu gritted his teeth and said: “I want to help you! Anyway…”

“Helping me manage, plant, take care of animals and plants, and even research and study in the refuge is actually helping me.”

Wu Di replied,

He didn’t lie, and making a few more sets of exoskeleton armor was nothing more than material, not a problem at all.

But he never thought of asking his own woman to charge and fight.

not to mention,

In this era, fighting with various technological weapons often only requires commanding in the background.

The possibility of going there in person is not high.


Han Xiaowu’s face was pale, thinking Wu Di refused, and grudgingly said with a smile: “I… it’s okay, I just ask casually, I’m going to heat up the food.”

After all,

She got up and went to the kitchen.

Wu Di sighed helplessly, took her arm and moved it into his arms.


Han Xiaowu exclaimed, leaning in his arms, her pretty face blushing.

“Wu Di, do you want to do it now?”

“Don’t think about it!”

Wu Di hooked her chin, and said with a bad temper: “You have to be strong…Forget it, it’s not a big deal anyway, next time I will make you a set of exoskeleton armor.”


Han Xiaowu’s eyes lit up, her beautiful eyes slanted, and she laughed happily.

Seeing her turn from worry to joy,

Wu Di couldn’t help but smile, and stood up and said: “Let’s go, go and see the ice silkworm!”


Han Xiaowu got up and took the lead to walk to the farm.

···········Ask for flowers··············

On the way,

Wu Di looked at the [Tasks] panel, and the [Clothes for Ripples] in the “Random” category has been shown to have been completed.

You can receive rewards.

Wu Di naturally did not hesitate to receive the reward one.

The points instantly increase by 1000 points!

at the same time,

What seems to be extra in his pocket?

Wu Di took the thing out and took a look, it turned out to be a paper folded thing!

“what is this?”

He was a little puzzled, unfolding the folded object,

Just noticed that this looks like a paper model of some trees?

…… ….. …….

“Properties panel!”


【Dimension Paper】

Type: props.

Introduction: This is a kind of paper that compresses high latitude to low latitude, which can store things in reality into the paper, in a constant state!


“Extremely Cold Mulberry Tree”

Introduction: The ancient tree from an ice and snow planet is the favorite living place of mutant ice silkworms. Mulberry leaves have the effect of promoting benign mutations on ice silkworms!


“Dimensional paper?”

Wu Di touched his head, he couldn’t help thinking of the two-way foil in science fiction.

If classified,

Is this also a kind of dimensional technology?

“No, this is just a prop, a kind of alien planet tree is sealed inside!”

Wu Di shook his head.

At this time,

The two came to the entrance of the farm,

Han Xiaowu opened the door and saw Wu Di holding a paper “model” in a daze. He couldn’t help but wonder: “Wu Di?”


Wu Di recovered and smiled: “It’s nothing.”

“By the way, do you want to watch magic?”

He smiled mysteriously.

“Huh? Magic!?”

Han Xiaowu was a little dazed. . Where.

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