Chapter 343

Mutant ice silkworm,

The living habits of ordinary ice silkworms are different.

Within a few days of living on the extremely cold mulberry tree, the mutant ice silkworms began to spin silk.

The snow-white silk gathered together, hanging out a bunch of threads,

Hang on the tree!


What is this mysterious huge ball of thread in front of you?

Inside……. Something seems to be flying out!

Wu Di narrowed his eyes.

Han Xiaowu was also taken aback, looking at the swaying silk, hurriedly said: “Wu Di, then…”

“There is something, could it be that a certain ice silkworm trapped itself in it?”

“It shouldn’t be!”

Wu Di said to himself,

At this time,

The silk was broken open,

A fleshy claw was exposed…

Black, plush 28!

Panda arm! ?

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly couldn’t laugh or cry.

“No need to look, I know which idiot has entangled myself.”

next moment,

I saw a screaming noise coming from the thread ball, seeming to be struggling, screaming and fiddling.

The ball of thread is getting tighter and tighter, it looks like a cocoon, constantly agitating!

Hear a familiar voice,

Han Xiaowu also understood and couldn’t help but smile helplessly.

“It turned out to be this little guy!”

She walked over and untied the ball of thread, revealing the baby panda in it.

The latter “escaped from the dead”, sat on the ground for a while, and then crawled over, screaming in front of Wu Di.

Pointing to the silk side, a lingering fearful look!

Wu Di was amused by it and rubbed Xiao Pang’s head.

“Eat so fat, you deserve to be entangled in silk!”

After talking,

Wu Di came to the mulberry tree and took a look at the condition of the ice silkworms.

In fact,

The ice silkworms don’t need them at all,

On this mulberry tree, the mutant ice silkworms are like fish in water and live very comfortably.

On the side, Han Xiaowu also took out the wire-wrapping tool, began to separate the thread balls, and then collected the silk.

Wu Di didn’t go to help, he hesitated for a moment, and walked out.

He came to the warehouse and looked carefully inside,

Finally found the goal!

An ancient style compound sewing machine!

This thing,

It was originally a beautiful woman,

In the previous transaction, she had the desire to defect, so she divided the sewing machine into several parts and packed them in boxes and sent them.

“With this thing, upgrading to a garment factory is not a problem!”

Wu Di smiled and took things away.

Came to the workplace,

Assemble the sewing machine!


A compound sewing machine appeared in front of Wu Di,

This is a modern exquisite machine, used by 1 to 2 people, using modern mechanical technology to optimize the sewing machine very well.

Allows a tailor to perform his skills,

Make beautiful and beautiful clothes!

Of course, Wu Di is about to start “casting”!

“Mechanical Brain, choose a garment workshop for the Lord to satisfy all kinds of styles.”

Wu Di raised his brows and smiled: “You know!”

Mechanical Brain: “Host, please clarify your needs.”

“Just… ahem, between men and women, add a little bit of clothes for a little interest.”

Wu Di coughed and said, “What is wow, leopard print, suspenders…Anyway, be bold.”

Mechanical Brain: “Yes!”


[Clothing room] (open up)

Branches: open up space (150), overall material (200-100), light screen sewing machine (300), design black box (100).

Introduction: You can make all types of clothes you want… as long as you can make them.


“looks great!”

Wu Di nodded slightly and forgot,

Add up to 650 points,

Not much!

For him now, it is just three days of accumulated points!

“OK to upgrade!”

Order it,

White light gushed out and swept away the sewing machine in front of him.

next moment,

White light spread to the entire workshop!

In just a few seconds, the white light dissipated, and not far to the right of the weapon manufacturer, a slightly archaic wooden door appeared!

Wu Di walked over, opened the wooden door and walked inside.

In the wooden door,

It’s a room of about 100 square meters, with wooden floors,

On the left are clothes hangers, wardrobes, etc.,

On the right is a sci-fi-looking sewing machine, next to it is a black box, standing beside it.

Wu Di turned on the machine and looked at the instructions for use.

Needless to say more about sewing machine,

The black box is a kind of design auxiliary equipment, which allows users to easily and conveniently reflect the design in their heads, and after confirming them, they can make clothes!

“It’s kind of like virtual imaging technology!”

Wu Di opened the black box and tried it.

Virtual imaging technology,

There have always been advocates in previous lives,

In this world, science and technology are developed, and the military of all countries has used it, and the civilians have not yet popularized it.

But there are many people discussing on the Internet!

In addition, the black box has another function, which is to input the design drawings, such as the design drawings of various clothes on the Internet, you can quickly and quickly “print” the clothes, you don’t need to bother to make your own clothes!

Thinking of this, Wu Di smiled.

At night… he has a lot of bold ideas!

Two beauties are needed to cooperate… .

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