Chapter 354

Small town sanctuary,

Was built on the banks of the cold river,

On the one hand, it can rely on the terrain to avoid some natural disasters, on the other hand, it can also use machines to get water to solve the water problem of the refuge.

Moreover, by making good use of advanced equipment, the power supply problem can also be solved well.

At the beginning of the design,

The shelter is built with high walls, with only four exits!

That is, the four gates, southeast, northwest!


Natural disasters continued, and one of the gates was destroyed.

A door collapsed even with the ground, turned into a cliff!

Only two gates are still in use in the refuge.


After the mutant rats began to slaughter, the surviving people ran out in a panic,

The mutant mouse kills people very quickly, but after all, there are only a hundred, and no matter how fast it is, it will not kill the entire refuge.

A large number of humans hurriedly ran out, rushing to the entrance of the two passages!


What made them desperate happened!

The gate was blocked, and behind the passageway, there were fully armed militants and a good electromagnetic machine gun!

“There are monsters! There are monsters!”

“Quick, you guys go and clean up the monsters in the refuge!”

Someone didn’t know the situation and rushed over, trying to cross the line of defense.

The head of the inspection group waved his hand coldly, and immediately there were militants pulling the bolt, and the electromagnetic rifle in his hand made a slight noise.

A ray of lightning flashed, and it shot through that person’s head in an instant!

With a bang,

As if the watermelon was burst, brain and blood spilled out.

at the same time,

Others also shot,

One by one, the people who came over were killed and fell in front of the line of defense!

The people behind woke up and looked at the militants in doubt and fear.

“What are you doing~”?”

“Why attack us? Are you crazy?”

“There are monsters inside!”

“Damn! These lunatics!”


In the chaos, someone suddenly wakes up.

“There will be no monsters in the refuge for no reason. There are so many monsters that cannot be hidden in the snow!”

“It’s those pickups! These people brought them here!”

“They brought the monsters!”

The crowd exclaimed, startled and angry.

There was a surge of blood, and he shouted, regardless of rushing over, he was shot to death by a rifle,

This take the lead,

Immediately a group of people rushed over.

The militants decisively turned on the machine guns, electromagnetic jets, and countless small marbles shot past under the kinetic energy of terror, piercing the bodies of countless people.

In the blink of an eye,

There were corpses all over the gate, and they piled up into a hill!

The crowd was frightened and blocked behind and dared not move forward!

In the crowd,

The complexion of a few people wearing radiation protection suits changed slightly. It was Mrs. Liu and Lao!

“go back.”

At this time,

A sweet voice sounded,

It was the mysterious mute woman who stopped pretending and spoke calmly.

Fang Bai’s family of three was naturally stunned, but at this time he was not surprised either.

Old Liu gritted his teeth and said, “Yes, when you go back, you must find a safe house to hide, or you will die!”

“Good! Good! I have a safe house in my house!”

Fang Bai answered in a hurry, and a few people turned around and ran wildly in the chaos!


Bang bang bang!


Screams, wailing, explosions, bullets and rat screams,

Killing, blood, corpses…

The whole world,

All were shrouded in riots.

The refuge that was supposed to be in a quiet place was smeared with blood.

Fang Bai several people returned home, hurried to the warehouse, opened a mechanism,

A piece of the floor was removed, and it was a safe house that had been abandoned for a long time!

“What should I do next?”

The old man Fang Bai looked blank,


The old woman was already shocked.

Francis was even more unbearable, almost urinating his pants.


Fang Jimin smiled bitterly: “Didn’t you come with the delegation? Why didn’t you just talk to them and let us out?”

“madness! ”

Xiao Zhao, the mysterious mute girl, had cold eyes and said, “Do you hesitate to see those people shooting? Obviously, we are just abandoned pawns.”

“Now I can only find a way to escape and ask for help!”

Heard that,

Fang Bai calmed down and said, “Okay! You guys try to get some food and water, I’ll turn on the power!”

Several people hurried to collect things,

When I heard screams outside,

Several people hurriedly closed a door and hid in the safe house!


A few hours later!

May 23!

2 o’clock in the afternoon!

In the snowy ground, a motor punk car was driving fast.

The huge car body runs in the snow without much effort.

Inside the RV, (Wang Zhao’s)

Wu Di squinted halfway, taking a nap.

This was just a simple task, and he didn’t worry much at all.

At this moment,

The RV flicked,


Wu Di woke up in shock, and said in a daze, “Here?”

“Master, expect five minutes!”

The electronic sound of artificial intelligence plays,

“But the drones that are investigating ahead have found some special situations that you might be interested in.”

“What special situation?”

Wu Di woke up, his face condensed.

Wutian: “In a snowfield ahead, there is a temporary camp, which seems to be a convoy!”.

(PS: Martial law is going on outside these days. Wear a mask, scan the code, and check your body temperature.). .

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