Chapter 356

“Resume the signal?”

Liu Lao showed a hint of joy,

But soon,

He found that the signal had not been restored!

On the computer screen,

The signal is still displayed as “interrupted”!

“Hacker? Or someone who has become a refuge?”

Old Liu’s complexion changed and he hesitated.


Xiao Zhao said coldly: “Teacher, don’t hesitate. At this time, whether it is good or bad, it is our chance!”


Lao Liu woke up, looked at each other with Fang Bai, and replied decisively: “Strangers, we are survivors, can you ask you to send us a help message?”

“To whom? Does it make sense?”

The voice of the mechanical head is cold, but it has an inexplicable meaning.

“Are you all okay? How many people?”

He actually asked this question!

Lao Liu was a little strange, but the teacher replied: “Five, three of the Fang family, and our master and apprentice.”

“very good!”

Inside the RV,

Wu Di breathed a sigh of relief.

“Wait, I will bring you out!”


In the safe house,

The five of them looked dumbfounded,

The monsters outside are looking for the fish that slipped through the net, fierce and terrifying, and there are human armed teams around them.

How dangerous?

“Are you someone nearby?”

“Sir, don’t be impulsive, there are monsters and armed groups outside!”

“That was the investigation team of Tiancheng Refuge. It was originally to investigate the qualifications of the small town’s refuge, but I don’t know why…”

Liu Lao briefly talked about the situation.

Heard that,

Wu Di was also thoughtful and smiled: “Wait.”

He hung up the call.

Wutian has found the location of the signal emission and marked him on the map.

It’s not too much trouble.

The goal now is to quickly go over and save a few people, and then beat Franciscans severely.

By the time,

No natural refuge, monster, or small town can affect him anymore!


Wu Di spoke and leaned back on the chair.

Wutian: “Yes!”


The steam spurted out, and the RV galloped away, crashing in the snow!

It’s just two or three minutes,

He arrived in front of a gate of the small town’s refuge.

main entrance,

A lot of electromagnetic poles are inserted, the iron net is erected, and the current surges above!

Seeing this scene,

Wu Di doesn’t know where, the residents in the refuge are lively blocked in the refuge!

“Did Tiancheng Refuge…”


Wu Di shook his head, put on the exoskeleton armor, and walked out of the car.

In the afternoon,

in the sun,

The snowy ground ahead showed a dark red color,

It was like a scroll splashed with red paint, and it was devastated.

Wu Di raised his head, a virtual map appeared on his mask!

This is drone surveillance, a map drawn by artificial intelligence, real-time and accurate!

“The game starts now!”

Wu Di’s shoulder moved!

As soon as the rift opened,

A small missile slammed out!

call out–!

The white smoke flashed,

next moment,

boom–! ! !

The earth shook suddenly, the explosion and flames spread, and the roadblock at the entrance of the town was blown apart!

The fragments exploded,

Many fragments hit Wu Di’s exoskeleton armor, making a crisp “clang” sound.

“It’s still a good way for the missile to open the way!”

Wu Di laughed and took out the handle from the waist.

This time it was not a mosquito, but a huge mutant mouse.

Psionic whip is better to use!

The explosion directly affected the entire town.

Some people who are still hiding are more afraid,

Some people are hopeful, guessing that they may be official,

There are also people who are desperate and fall into autism.

However, the monster already felt it, and rushed towards this side!

Not far after Wu Di walked in, a huge black figure that looked like a scalper rushed out of the house!

The body of a mouse, but its mouth has fangs and disgusting tentacles!

···········Ask for flowers··············


The black shadow was so fast that he leaped up directly, passing a distance of more than ten meters, and wanted to pounce Wu Di!


At the moment it jumped,

Know it–!

There was an explosion in the air,

A “golden” long whip condensed in mid-air and swept it up!

“…” The mutant giant mouse.

“What does it mean that a sheep enters a tiger’s mouth?”

Wu Di smiled and dragged the mutant giant rat to the ground!


Impact, high temperature, plasma…

The mutant giant rat has strong power and defense, even if someone is holding a submachine gun suddenly, it will be safe and sound.

…… ……. 0

But under the psychic whip, the body of the mutant giant rat broke directly,

It’s like melting a part from the middle!



The mutant mouse made a scream, and his flushing eyes were even more fierce, and he actually rushed over again!

“act recklessly!”

Wu Di snorted.

With a flick of the long whip,

Directly “tear” the mutant mouse into pieces.

next moment,


Mutant mice with different appearances arrived.

Without reason, the ferocious mutant mice rushed directly, like moths to the fire,

Weird, weird!


In the slow-moving convoy,

The bald man guarded in the armored vehicle suddenly opened his eyes and asked in a deep voice, “Have you sent someone to deal with those monsters?”

“No, the human body hasn’t been collected yet, what’s the matter?”

The soldier in the armored car asked.

The bald man shrank his pupils and said calmly: “I perceive that part of the fusion body is dead…”

“Someone went to the shelter.”

(PS: I almost fell asleep. By the way, I will respond to readers’ suggestions. There will be battle plots. As the catastrophe gradually opens up, conflicts are impossible, and the construction of shelters will not stop.)

(PS: Finally, brazenly ask for a subscription, the ball is over~). Where.

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