Chapter 358


On the snowy ground, the convoy returned along the same path!


The team came to a snow slope one kilometer away from the small town refuge.

The leader of the delegation and militants got out of the car,

On the snow slope,

Look into the town with a telescope!

Beside him, besides those subordinates, there are also bald men wearing metal headbands!

“The enemy may be crowded and powerful. We only need to investigate the situation and collect information!”

“See if it is a national team. Once you find that there are official squad characteristics, don’t approach it. Let’s leave quickly!”


The leader spoke vigilantly.

They understand their position and naturally have to be careful with the official team.

It’s not that I can’t beat it,

But once it hits,

The consequences are unpredictable!

Under the cataclysm, the country did not have the energy to manage the various shelters.

But this does not mean that he can ignore you if you hit him!

“I heard that the gluttonous squad recently appeared in the downtown area of ​​Heyang. Could it be the soldiers from the gluttonous camp?”

The head of the group held a binoculars and looked,

Adjust the lens distance,

The picture gradually became clearer.

He is looking for an unknown team, there may be countless armed soldiers, there may be 28 heavy firepower weapons, even armored vehicles, and light tanks.


At a glance,

The town is empty, there is nothing but mess, snow and ruins!

“what happened?”

The head frowned.

“According to the truth, only large troops can kill those experimental monsters easily!”

“There are no traces of bombing, and missiles are impossible!”

The picture seen by the telescope made the head of the group start to speak in surprise, with a look of confusion.


The bald-headed man looked cold, and asked, “Why, beyond Liu Tiancheng’s expectations?”

“It has nothing to do with you!”

The head snorted coldly and looked carefully.

after awhile,

He screamed and found a figure!

It was a figure standing next to a collapsed building, like a metal sculpture in the snow, with distinct levels, but full of a sense of science fiction that was incompatible with the surroundings!

Mech Warrior! ?

No… that seems to be exoskeleton armor!

“Official exoskeleton armor?”

“Isn’t that bragging?”

The head stunned to speak.

He has naturally heard news about exoskeleton armor, but most of them are discussions and future ambitions!

in reality?

There are fart mecha and exoskeleton armored fighters!

But now…

Seeing the monster corpse next to the mysterious figure,

The head shivered!


He slapped himself,

The pain and the sound told him that this was not a dream, and he was right!

“Head!? What’s wrong?”


“Boss, what’s the matter with you?”


The men spoke one after another,

The group leader took a deep breath and said solemnly: “Get in the car, we may be in trouble!”

“What’s the trouble!?”

The subordinates were puzzled, but they did not hesitate to execute the command of the commander, and got into the car one by one!


The head of the delegation dialed the communicator and contacted Mr. Liu.


Communication is connected,

The head quickly said: “Boss! I found a big trouble. It may be the exoskeleton armored soldier of the military. There is only one, so the experimental monsters in the town have been cleaned up!”

Tiancheng refuge,

Mr. Liu is enjoying being served by a few women with snake-faced faces.

I heard this sentence suddenly,

He waved away the others, and said solemnly: “Are you kidding!?”

“The military has developed exoskeleton armored soldiers. Have you watched more movies?”

“Boss! I’m absolutely not mistaken!”

The leader’s voice was determined.

Liu Tiancheng frowned and said in a deep voice: “Since the cataclysm, Daming’s economic development has been forced to stop and he has tried his best to discover science and technology, including weapons!”

“Electromagnetic weapons, psionic weapons…but I have never heard of exoskeleton armor!”

He was silent for a while, then said: “A person!?”


“Then… catch him!”


In the small town shelter,

Wutian mobilized the drones and scattered them in mid-air!


One side reported on the situation on the side of the team.


Plasma surge,

Tear a huge mouse that rushed into pieces.

Wu Di retracted the psionic whip and turned around and said: “Stop it!?”

Wutian: “Yes, Master, the target seems to be heading towards the town!”

“They all saw me, come here…interesting!”

Wu Di showed a slight smile,

When the other party found out, it was natural that Wu Di didn’t hide it at all.

He is going to use drones to launch small missiles directly, blasting the entire convoy into disarray!


Since the other party came over on his own initiative, he didn’t mind contacting it!

“Has the position of Francis been found?”

Wu Di looked around again, and several drones were looking for the area ahead.

“Master, the drone in front was flying at a low altitude and was entangled by a mutant mouse, unable to reach the target location!”

Artificial intelligence responds.

Wu Di groaned for a moment, and ordered Wutian to transmit the real-time image of the team to the mask.

Then walked over there!

Not far ahead,

Three drones are attacking a huge mutant mouse!

The mutant mouse is completely dark, but has no limbs, six pairs of insect wings behind it, and dozens of octopus-like sucker tentacles grow on its body!

Da da da–!

The machine gun roared, the bullet rain fell on the mouse, shooting a little blood,

The mutant mouse was not afraid of pain, and squirmed out the bullet while healed the wound.


A drone launched a missile, and the explosion sounded, blasting several sucker tentacles, but the mutant mouse just moved, and the broken sucker tentacles were actually swallowed.

And at the fracture,

A new tentacle is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The third drone used a flame gun, spraying flames, and firing flame rockets, causing considerable injuries to the mutant mice.


The mutant mouse is not afraid of pain, no matter the wound, the tentacles fly and attack the drone!

Bang bang bang!

The tentacles hit, shattered the ground, destroyed the walls,

Its speed and frequency,

Even the drone can’t get up and escape.

At this time,

The drone fired several missiles, blasting the rat’s tentacles to pieces.


The wound suddenly sprayed out green pus like a nuclear-contaminated cockroach, and it landed directly on the drone!

In an instant,

The drone fell on the ground and was corroded into a pool of debris!

“What kind of monster is this? Cockroach + octopus + mouse?”

Wu Di hurried over to see this scene and couldn’t help feeling angry.

Although a drone is nothing,

But this is his thing too!

“court death!”

Wu Di rushed out and rushed over!


The sonic boom sounded, and the exoskeleton armor resembled a wild beast, crushing the ground and rushing to kill it!

When the mutant mouse saw it, he immediately waved his sucker tentacles to call!

Just as it was approaching,

Wu Di opened his hand!

“Overloaded state…”

“start up!”.

(PS: Try 4D update today!). .

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