Chapter 0144: Elevator Embarrassment

Hehe, I haven’t gotten mad yet, and you are still angry. Why do you feel that a bit of a wicked person is in the first complaint?

“Ahem, I haven’t come to the elevator after waiting for a long time, and I didn’t want to waste time to do so, shouldn’t you think about it?”

Ye Han said.

Upon hearing Ye Han’s words, Daisy and Nami looked at each other, with doubts in their eyes.

“Boss, there is actually an elevator in your room, which is dedicated to you. The elevator I took you up yesterday was only used when we met you. Normally, it will not reach your first floor.”

Daisy explained quickly.

“Huh?” Ye Han was dumbfounded. There was a special elevator in his room. “Why didn’t you say it earlier?”

“I put the instructions on the table, I thought you would read them.” Daisy said aggrievedly.

“I thought it was the paper you asked for. Someone asked me to talk about things, but I didn’t read it.” Ye Han said embarrassingly.

“Okay, there is nothing more to do now, everyone is gone, hurry up and do your own thing.” Nami turned and said to the others.

Hearing this sentence, the onlookers slowly left.

“That… tell me directly next time. If this kind of thing happens again, it will be a little bit embarrassing.” Ye Han doesn’t know how those people will think of him now, but his loyalty has not declined because of this. Ye Han felt more relieved.

“I see, boss.”

Daisy nodded.

“By the way, I’m going out in the afternoon. If I’m fast, I can come back tomorrow. The city of Refuge and the three ruins of Hundred Soldiers, Iron Ore, and Magic are also handed over to you. These four places must be connected, you two When you upgrade your level, you must proceed separately. There must be a person in the refuge city, and then the railway matter will be implemented quickly. I have a foreboding that the next wave of zombies will be even more terrifying.”

Even though Ye Han is considered excellent among all the survivors, he always feels that there is a crisis behind him, forcing him to keep moving forward.

“Are you going out again? Boss, you just came back now!”

Daisy said unbearably.

“Hehe, this situation is likely to be a common occurrence in the future. We can’t sit and eat, and there are so many eyes staring at us.” Ye Han said lightly.

“Daisy, the boss is fighting outside, and we have to help the boss set up the refuge city so that he has no worries.”

Nami said softly.

“I know this, but I don’t want… the boss is so tired.”

Daisy whispered.

“Okay, okay, I know that you are related to me, but I promise you that I will come back alive, but we said that we are going to ride this wave of zombies and see the next natural disaster.”

Ye Han reached out and touched Daisy and Nami’s heads. Although both Daisy and Nami are beautiful women with long legs of 1.8 meters, they are still like children in front of Ye Han who are nearly three meters high.

“Well, boss, I’ll prepare something for you.”

Daisy turned and left.

“Boss, I think Daisy seems to be interesting to you. Hehe.” After Daisy left, Nami said with a smile.

“We had a misunderstanding before, haha.” Ye Han said embarrassedly.

“Boss, once the hero and the survivor have established a romantic relationship, unless their relationship is dissolved, once the hero dies at this time, he will not be able to return to the summoning gate.”

Nami suddenly said seriously: “This means that this hero will die forever. That’s why there are few rumors of the hero and the survivor being together.”

“Are you threatening me?”

Ye Han was a little shocked. He didn’t expect that there was still this rule. He almost hurt Daisy.

“No, no, boss, I just remind you, to be honest…I stop envying Daisy.” After Nami said, she blushed and ran away quickly.

“What are these two girls doing today?”

Looking at the back of Nami leaving, Ye Han shook his head, always feeling that something was wrong, but there was no evidence. Forget it, I should prepare to go out first.



At one o’clock in the afternoon, Ye Han rode a diamond horse and left quickly.

This time he did not bring a soldier, mainly because the ruins were not allowed to be brought at all, and carrying them would delay his speed.

The journey went smoothly. Perhaps as his level increased, his aura became stronger and stronger, and some weak monsters did not dare to attack Ye Han at all.

After six full hours of rushing, Ye Han rushed to the meeting place. In the middle, Ye Han deliberately spared the circle and observed that the meeting place was not in ambush before he appeared.

Qiangwei was already waiting there, wearing long red hair, black tights, and the iconic Xuanhua tomahawk, making Qiangwei’s body full of violent beauty.

“You are late.”

Qiangwei saw Ye Han appear, her eyes flashed with joy, but she said calmly.

“There was a delay on the way, but I can be regarded as arriving on time.” Ye Han said, looking at the sky that had just darkened.

“I think you deliberately spared a circle to see if I am ambushing you.” Qiangwei said directly.

“Um, don’t make it so obvious, it’s very emotional.” Ye Han was taken aback.

“You do things, and don’t let people say, is there such a good thing?”

Qiangwei continued to say coldly.

“Forget I’m afraid of you, since we are all here, let’s hurry into the ruins.” Ye Han quickly changed the subject.

“The ruins are not here. We have to cross this swamp before twelve o’clock in the evening. Only through the swamp can we reach the entrance of the ruins. For safety, please follow me closely.”

After speaking, Qiangwei began to walk forward.

Shouldn’t the general meeting be the first to recount the old things? Why is it so cold now.

Unable to figure it out, Ye Han shook his head and hurriedly followed, but for Qiangwei’s strength, Ye Han knew it when he saw the other party.

The level has actually reached Lv20! This upgrade speed is actually faster than him, and she deserves to be the lady of heaven.

Ye Han suddenly felt that he was a little hit, but although his level was only Lv19, his true strength was more than that. If he fights Qiangwei head-on, he has the confidence to defeat her.

“To be honest, although I am still relatively strong, the Night King is obviously stronger than me. Why don’t you find him to form a team with him? There is no problem even if you are lying down with him.”

Ye Han followed Qiangwei and said slowly.

“If you invite the Night King, I will only have 10% of what I have gained in this ruins exploration, but with you, although the challenge will be more difficult, my gains have also increased. This risk is worth taking.”

“I was speechless.”

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