Chapter 0165: One Hundred Times Gravity


“Bring me a hundred times!”


The sound came from the gravity training room, and Ye Han’s shoulders seemed to resist a weight of 10,000 kilograms at this time. If it were an ordinary person, it would have become a puddle of flesh.

“Petrified skin!”

With the activation of Ye Han’s passive skill Petrifying Skin, he felt a little more relaxed.

“If I use other methods, even if it is a hundred times the gravity, I should be able to attack freely, but the duration is not too strong.”

Ye Han analyzes his own situation under a hundredfold gravity.

“If it is a normal practice, fifty times the gravity is more appropriate. When the strength becomes stronger, then use a hundred times the gravity.”

After thinking clearly, Ye Han let the system intelligence change the gravity in the training room to fifty times, and then began to practice. Now he can not sleep and spend his sleep time for cultivation.

While Ye Han was trying a new training room, Daisy, Nami, Farmer One, Baisong, Shi Zhenxiang and many others gathered outside the lobby building.

“How much gravity can you say the boss can withstand.” Farmer One looked up to the top floor, but soon he looked at Klein, “Old Ke, this gravity training room is your suggestion. Give us an analysis.”

Klein on one side heard this question with a serious look on his face, “This gravity training room can be opened up to a hundred times the gravity, which is equivalent to 10,000 catties falling on the shoulders. If we enter, it is estimated that we will be crushed alive. Meatloaf, even if the boss has Lv27 now, it is difficult to withstand a 100-fold increase. I think 30 or 40 times the gravity is the limit of the boss.”

“I also agree with Old Ke’s analysis. After the training room was upgraded, I used to turn on five times the gravity, which almost made us feel relieved. This gravity training room is definitely enough for the boss.”

Nami said with a smile.

Other people also hold the same opinion.

“No matter what kind of gravity the boss bears, let’s look at it and see.”

Nami pointed to a video sign outside the room on the top floor, “In order to facilitate the understanding of the gravity training room, I did a gravity measurement.”

“Look, the boss has directly increased to ten times the gravity!”

Soon, some data in the gravity training room were displayed on the video sign, such as the air condition, the running status of the training room, and the strength multiples inside.

“As expected of the boss, I got ten times the starting point, unlike me who couldn’t even handle five times the gravity.” Nami laughed at herself.

“Nami, the current boss is no longer the previous boss. He has become the target we look up to, but you can rest assured that the boss will not exceed a hundred times the gravity. If this is the case, I will run naked!”

Klein knew exactly what kind of experience it was like in the Hundredfold Gravity Training Room.

But this sentence was just finished, “Look… the gravity multiplier has reached twenty times… it’s not right… it’s thirty times.”

Within a short period of time came the 30-fold gravitational condition.

“You said that there will be nothing wrong with the boss moving so fast,” Daisy asked with some worry. What she cares most about is Ye Han’s comfort.

“Daisy, you can rest assured that if someone has an accident in the training room, the system intelligence will report to us. Now that the intelligent system does not report, then everything is normal. We just have to wait patiently.”

Klein quickly relieved.

“Fuck, it’s increased to fifty times!”

Ye Han’s men looked up at the screen on the top of the building, their faces full of disbelief.

“At fifty times the gravity, it shouldn’t rise, right?” Klein said in disbelief.

But then it was destined to be slapped in the face, and the gravity multiple has been steadily rising until the final one hundred times!

When the ‘100 times gravity’ appeared on the display card, the lower side was silent, and all that could be heard were the faster heartbeats and heavy breathing of the men.

“The boss is not just a little bit stronger when he goes out this time!”

Nami exclaimed excitedly.

“Maybe we can’t keep up with the boss anymore.”

“Fear, the stronger the boss, the safer we are.”

“Seeing that the boss is so powerful makes my heart tickled. No, I’m going to practice now!”

Farmer One ran away in a hurry.

Bai Song and Shi Zhenxiang looked at each other, and their eyes were also deeply shocked. Ye Han, the same survivor, is no longer at the same stage as them.

After waiting for a while, the pressure in the gravity chamber returned to fifty times and then stabilized. Everyone knows that Ye Han has entered normal training.

“Everyone, go ahead, remember to come to the party tonight.”




Gravity room.

For the first time practicing in an environment of fifty times the gravity, Ye Han felt a great benefit. The energy absorption alone was much faster than in the ruins.

Of course, this is because it is the first time to practice this way, so the benefits are obvious. Once you get used to it, the effect will become normal, unless you increase the gravity again.

A few hours later, Ye Han finished his training.

Opened his eyes, “The effect is really good. If I practice for another day or two, I guess I will be able to upgrade to a level.”

Ye Han nodded with satisfaction. If based on past experience, Ye Han must continue to fight if he wants to upgrade normally. Now that there is a gravity training room, it is indeed much more convenient.

Just when Ye Han was about to get up to go to the party, he suddenly received a message.

Open it and take a look.

It was actually sent by the Night King.

Night King: “I already know about you and Qiangwei going to the ruins. They performed very well. Recently, I just happened to go to a place here. I need one or two capable people to help me. Come and help me.”

Seeing the news from the Night King, Ye Han snorted coldly. This guy is really narcissistic. If you speak well, we still have a chance to talk, but if you are so condescending, then you don’t want to accompany you.

In the past, the Night King could not be rigid in Ye Han’s heart, but now he can tell the other party directly that you are not qualified to talk to me from the perspective of strength.

However, he still would not take the initiative to issue such remarks to provoke war.

“No time.”

After thinking about it, Ye Han only replied two words in the end.

Night King: “Well, I guess you have been busy recently, but it doesn’t matter. I invited Qiangwei and her sister to me in advance. You may not believe it. I will let her send you a message.”

Seeing this, Ye Han secretly said that it was not good that the night king had actually attacked Sister Qiangwei.


Qiangwei sent a message, “I and Wanrou are now in the Night King’s Refuge City. He asked me to explore a place with him. The details are not clear yet. You can refuse him, and Wanrou and I will be fine. .”

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