Chapter 0173 The Shock From The Night King

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

The Night King’s hands were trembling, and the force of the punch just now was too great.

“You are only Lv28, even Lv30 has not arrived yet, how can you have such great power!”

“What’s the matter with it, it’s just that you are ignorant.”

Ye Han moved his arm. After all, the punch was so powerful that his body was also backlashed.

“Don’t be too happy, I can still kill you.”

The Night King put away his contempt and completely regarded Ye Han as his opponent.


“The night is dark.”

As soon as the voice fell, the originally dim passage went dark by itself, and I couldn’t see anything.

Ye Han felt nervous, and it seemed that this was the true strength of the Night King.

“Ye Han, do you know why I am called the Night King?” At this time, the voice of the night king came, “because I am the king in the dark!”

“…” Ye Han rolled his eyes.

“Qianwei left with Wanrou!” Ye Han quickly said to Qiangwei through the secret technique of sound transmission.

“Ye Han, be careful.” Qiangwei said with some worry.

“I have said that I have better luck. Don’t worry about the Night King and I have nothing to do.” As Ye Han communicated with Qiangwei, the Night King’s attack began again.


Sanjian Yasha hit Ye Han again. This time, even though he had a basalt shield, he was still hit by a single shot. Thanks to the protection of petrification, otherwise he would be pierced by the night king.

But Ye Han was still beaten up.

“Tsk tusk, the tortoise shell is still hard, but I want to see if you can block me a few times.”

As soon as the sound fell, Ye Han, who had not yet landed, was beaten into the air by the Night King, and the emperor’s armor blocked most of the attacks.




In the darkness, Ye Han was constantly attacked, but stood up again every time.

Can’t go on like this anymore!

Ye Han thought in his heart.

Since you are looking in the darkness, then I will jump out of the darkness first.

Ye Han believes that no matter how powerful the Night King is, he will not be able to turn all places into darkness. Now he is very likely to be trapped in a certain range of space.

And when he was constantly being attacked by the Night King, he also felt that the Night King seemed to be controlling his position intentionally, so he was probably in the center of the range now.

“Make a counterattack! Then flee in the opposite direction, hit the void with all your strength!”

Ye Han quickly worked out a plan.

“Ye Han, welcome death!”

Just as the night king’s attack fell.

Ye Han deliberately deviated a little bit from the judgment just now, and when the Night King’s attack fell, he gave himself room for manipulation.


Ye Han successfully avoided the Night King’s attack.

There was a voice of doubt from the Night King in the darkness, but Ye Han no longer gave the Night King a chance and flew directly in the opposite direction.

“Break it open for me!”

Full punch.

There was a boom.

Ye Han saw a bright light, and a sight also appeared in front of him.

“I have to say, Ye Han, you are really smart. I don’t want to kill you anymore, but you sabotage my plan over and over again, how could I let you go!” The Night King’s angry voice came out behind him.

Ye Han scanned the surroundings, and Sister Qiangwei had disappeared. This was a good thing, and it gave him no worries.

Ye Han now has three options.

Return the first way to avoid the Night King.

Second and the Night King smashed, there is a 100% chance of killing the Night King, but a 90% chance of being killed.

The third escaped towards the new passage that just appeared, but the result is unknown.

The three choices were made at the moment Ye Han’s mind appeared. The first one is definitely not good. It is easy to cause the Night King to catch up with the three of them and be killed together. The second is not good. The odds are too low, and now Sister Rose It’s safe for the time being, it’s not worth fighting with the Night King.

Then choose three!

“Yun Lei Wing.”

With a quick brush, a pair of wings grow out of Ye Han’s back. Although the wings are not easy to use in this relatively narrow place, it can greatly increase Ye Han’s speed at this time.

Almost when the Night King attack fell, Ye Han rushed into the new passage.

“Damn it!” The Night King’s attack failed. “I won’t let you escape.”

After speaking, the Night King rushed up immediately.

When Ye Han flew out of the new passage, he found that the outside was no longer a narrow passage but a huge canyon, with cliffs on both sides and a silver-white liquid river below.

In such an environment, Ye Han’s wings have a place to play.

Just when Ye Han thought he had gotten rid of the Night King, a voice came from behind him again, “Do you think you have wings?”

Hearing the sound, Ye Han hurriedly looked behind. At this moment, the Ye King had appeared ten meters behind him, and a pair of bat-like wings appeared behind him.

Seeing this pair of wings, Ye Han thought of Dai Chengwu, he was just such a bunch of bat wings.

“Hehe, you must think these wings are familiar. To tell you the truth, I stripped off these wings from Dai Li’s son. When I catch you, I will also strip off your talents. I want to take a look. What is your ability.”

When Ye Han heard it, he immediately knew that the Night King seemed to have been staring at him a long time ago.

“Night King, you finally revealed your fox tail, but if you want to get my power, dream of it.” Ye Han summoned his Feilong Slash and threw it directly at the opponent.

“Ssangyong goes to sea!”

The two flying dragons roared like two evil dragons and crashed into the night king behind them.

“Darkness swallows.”

Soon there were two huge black holes in front of the Night King, as if to kill Ye Han’s flying dragon.

However, Ye Han controlled Flying Dragon Slash for so long, naturally he would not watch his weapon being taken away, “Turn!”

Following Ye Han’s roar, the two evil dragons actually turned one direction, bypassing the two black holes and rushed towards the Night King.

“Manipulate out of thin air, how is this possible? Isn’t this something only survivors above Lv40 can use?” The Night King’s eyes were full of shock, but he had no time to think more, because Ssangyong’s attack had arrived.


The powerful attack force stopped the Night King and knocked it into the air.

Upon seeing this, Ye Han quickly recalled Ssangyong Zhan, then quickly left, found a new channel and got in.

After about a minute, the Night King returned to his position, looking at the direction Ye Han was leaving with a gloomy look.

“Is his flying dragon undead golden weapon? How come it turned into a red weapon just now, is it possible that his ability is to upgrade the level of weapons and equipment?”

The Night King said to himself.

“Forget it, you may not be able to chase it down now. It’s still the business to find the main tomb first. As long as they are still in there, they will eventually go to the main tomb. At that time, we will settle accounts with them together.”

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