Chapter 0176: Burning Cockroaches

“Ordinary cockroach people are okay. If you want to solve the battle quickly, you have to kill the cockroach leader.”

Thinking of this, Ye Han looked at the cockroach leader standing among the cockroaches, and at this time the cockroach leader was giving an attack order to Ye Han.


A cockroach man wearing an ice armor rushed towards Ye Han. Yes, Ye Han read it right. These cockroach men absorbed all the ice created by Ye Han before, and condensed into a thick one. Armor, although Ye Han successfully killed all the ordinary cockroaches by the ice attack just now, it strengthened the cockroach man in disguise, which made him a little speechless.

Is this the so-called interdependence of good and evil?

But Ye Han is not timid. The weakest among the cockroaches are also Lv20 and above, so he has to deal with it carefully.

“The fire burns the sky!”

Since these cockroaches are all ice attributes, they don’t need to keep them. They directly use the cloud thunder wings to convert all the energy in the body into flames. This time, Ye Han’s wings are no longer turned into flames, even he himself has become. Burning man, full of flames.


Ye Han suddenly had two more Dragon Slashes in his hand.

“Fire dragon spin kill!”

I saw two flying dragons cut into two hot wheels, rushing into the crowd of cockroaches, each flying dragon cut can melt more than ten cockroach people, and tore a hole in the crowd of cockroaches.

“good chance!”

The opening was torn open, and the cockroach led him into Ye Han’s field of vision.

“Kill you first before talking.”

Ye Han quickly passed through the gap, approaching the cockroach leader while using a circle of flames to forcibly separate him, the cockroach leader and other cockroach people.

Outside the flame circle, the cockroach people attacked the flame wall, and because of attribute control, they were temporarily unable to rush in.

In the flame circle, Ye Han and the cockroach led the confrontation, and the battle was about to start.


The cockroach leader kept making strange noises in his mouth, seeming to be talking cruel words.

Ye Han shook his head, “I don’t understand what you are talking about, but the next time is your death date.”

The two flying dragon cuts changed into the emperor’s armor again, and they picked up their fists and slammed them towards the head of the cockroach leader, “I haven’t killed the Lv30 monster. Go and die!”

After Ye Han took the shot, the cockroach leader also stopped speaking, and also raised his muscled arm to confront Ye Han.

In an instant, the two fists collided, and huge energy fluctuations erupted, even the surrounding fire wall was affected, and they fell directly outwards, directly burning many cockroaches to death.

In the first match, both sides were mainly probing. After the collision, both sides used their inertia to retreat.

“It’s interesting.”

Ye Han looked at the opponent who could compete with himself in strength, but he was somewhat surprised.

You must know that he dared to face the existence of level 30 when he was still at level ten, but now he is at Lv28 and has experienced a hundred times the gravity training, his power is no longer what ordinary level 30 monsters can contend.

But with the punch just now, the cockroach leader was able to beat him five to five, which is enough to prove that the opponent is a monster of power.

“Hehe, I want to see how powerful you can be.”

Ye Han smiled coldly, his whole body began to explode with stronger power.

“Unusual change.”


These were not enough. Ye Han also took out the wine gourd and took two sips.

Feeling the endless power in his body, Ye Han clenched his fists and said, “Face death, cockroach!”

Ye Han punched out again.

As if feeling the threat of this punch, the cockroach commander’s eyes showed a dignified look, but he didn’t escape, instead he planned to take Ye Han’s punch.

Upon seeing this, Ye Han was overjoyed, “If you run away, I may have to spend some time with you, but if you dare to be tough with me, then you are bound to die.”

Ye Han was full of confidence in his punch. After getting several enhancements, his punch was enough to wipe out any enemy, which was more than ten times stronger than the previous punch.


The two figures collided in the center again. This time, at the moment of contact, the cockroach leader flew upside down, and dozens of hands were interrupted, and the whole body became a soft lump.

“So weak, too weak, I knew I wouldn’t have to do my best.” Ye Han said lightly as he watched the cockroach leader slowly fall from the hard wall.


Originally thought that when the cockroaches were in charge and hung up, an angry roar crawled out of the ruins. Apart from a somewhat embarrassed appearance and an obvious depression on his chest, the other party didn’t feel anything else.

“You can’t beat Xiaoqiang?”

Ye Han was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect that he was powerful enough to kill an Lv30 monster, but he still didn’t completely solve the cockroach commander.

“Isn’t it the Lv30 cockroach? Am I still afraid of you?”

Although surprised by the strength of the cockroach commander, Ye Han is more confident in his own strength.

With a quick brush, Ye Han sent out to attack the cockroaches again.

After trying Ye Han’s power, the cockroach commander chose to avoid it. This punch hit the ground directly, making a huge hole directly on the ground.

“Hide? Can you hide?”

Ye Han saw the big hole he had hit, slowly turned his head to look at the cockroach commander, and said with a smile.

At this time, the cockroach commander’s eyes had changed, it was a look of fear, and he began to twitter again, as if calling other cockroach people to protect him.


Ye Han knows very well that his own flame can’t stop those cockroaches for long, so he must fight quickly.

While the Cockroach Commander was still in shock, Ye Han punched out again, and this time Ye Han became more calm.

This fist directly locks the cockroach commander, and the opponent cannot fight or escape.


The cockroach commander made a small voice in despair.

Finally, a huge fist came and directly beat the cockroach commander into minced meat.

Ye Han looked at the lump of rotten meat in front of his toes, “I thought you were so good, I couldn’t even take a punch for a long time.”

Then he shook his head, looked at the cockroach man outside the flame wall, smiled slightly, “It’s up to you next.”

I don’t know if I understood Ye Han’s words, the cockroach people outside trembled all over, and some cockroach people were even preparing to escape.


Deal with these cockroaches. Ye Han doesn’t need to do it himself.

Seeing Ye Han waved his hand, the surrounding flames began to approach other cockroach people, and the flames became stronger.


In the next moment, all these cockroaches were burned to death.

The fire burned for an hour before it slowly extinguished, and the entire hall became even more dilapidated.

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