Chapter 0187: Task From The Programmer

In the end, Ye Han, Night King, and Qiangwei were successfully employed by programmers and went to Otherworld instead.

Through dialogue with programmers, Ye Han understood a lot of things. First of all, the world of natural disasters is an imperfect world. In addition to the world of natural disasters, there are many other worlds. Some of these worlds are the same as the earth, and some are similar to the world of natural disasters. The same, some are other scenes.

In short, these worlds were created by programmers little by little. Ye Han, the programmer they faced, died because the world he created was destroyed.

In addition, there are no programmers in the world of natural disasters, or the programmers in the world of natural disasters have a very high level, and even this programmer can’t reach it.

The programmers also told Ye Han that if they can break through the 100-level mark one day, they will have the opportunity to become programmers and build their own world.

After listening to this, Ye Han and their worldview completely collapsed. They were originally on a stable and peaceful earth and suddenly came to the world of natural disasters. This will be told again that there are many worlds, and there are programmers behind the scenes. Controlling everything, how can this make them able to bear it.

“Okay, my time is running out. If you are ready, you can walk into the aperture and remember to get back the things that can make me give you the ring to heat up. The more things you get back, I will give it to you. The reward will be more.”

The programmer stood in front of the aperture and said with a smile.

The voice fell off.

The Night King was the first to stand up, “Ye Han, let our grievances be resolved in the new world. You are destined to be a stepping stone for me to become a god. I have now found my goal.”

After speaking, the Night King walked into the aperture.

“what about you?”

The programmer looks at Ye Han and Qiangwei.

“Ye Han, make your decision, Wanrou and I will listen to you.” Qiangwei said.

“Then there is nothing to hesitate, let’s go.”

Ye Han walked in front, Qiangwei and Wanrou walked behind, entering the aperture back and forth.

With the departure of Ye Han, the whole white light world dimmed in an instant.

Only one voice could be heard, “The time is just right, I hope you won’t let me down.”



When entering the aperture, because the light was too dazzling, he closed his eyes, but when he woke up, he found that he was lying on a bed. The bed was very simple. You can tell by looking at the decoration in the room. It is a wooden house, and the only decent furniture is probably this bed.

Ye Han knew in his heart that he was sent to another world by a programmer, but this is why he is so connected with the wooden house, and this wooden house is worse than the wooden house in the natural disaster world, is it considered that he is living and returning?

While Ye Han was teasing himself, the wooden house was pushed aside, and a dirty five or six-year-old girl came in with a bowl of water.

When she saw that Ye Han was awake, her eyes flashed with worry, but quickly disappeared, and she walked over with water nervously.

He didn’t speak, but silently handed the water to Ye Han.

When Ye Han just woke up, Ye Han’s mouth was dry now. He looked over. Although the little girl was all dirty, the water was exceptionally clear. Ye Han picked up the bowl and drank it rumblingly.

“Is there still water?”

One bowl is not enough, Ye Han asked embarrassedly.

The little girl saw Ye Han drank the water and talked to him softly. With a smile on her face, she nodded, took the bowl and ran out of the house. After a while, she brought a bowl of water back.


After drinking three bowls in a row, Ye Han felt better now.

“My name is Ye Han, you saved me, thank you.” Ye Han returned the bowl to the little girl again, and couldn’t help touching her head. “What’s your name?”

The little girl shook her head.

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, and then asked, “What about your parents?”

The little girl shook her head.

“Are there anyone else in your family?”

The little girl shook her head.

“Aren’t you a dumb?”

The little girl nodded.

Seeing this, Ye Han immediately covered his face. Well, such a cute little girl is actually a dumb, and she seems to be the only one, which is pitiful.

“Don’t worry, I’m not a bad person.”

Ye Han wanted to ask the little girl what kind of world it was, but now it doesn’t seem to work.

Just as Ye Han was thinking about what to do in the future, a noise suddenly came from outside.

Hearing this voice, the little girl suddenly became nervous and jumped into Ye Han’s arms.

There was a bang.

The crude wooden door was kicked open. Several farmer-like men rushed in. One of the strong bald headed men shouted loudly: “Little mute, the dead old man Wu Laizi is finally dead. You don’t have any. At the age of twelve, according to the village’s rules, your family’s ten acres of spiritual land must be returned to the village and then redistributed.”

“Huh? Who is this kid?”

The eyes of those who broke in were suddenly focused on Ye Han.


The little girl in Ye Han’s arms had tears in her eyes, grabbed his clothes with both hands, her eyes filled with pleading.

Ye Han seemed to understand something, and sighed, “It seems that you are in order to save me. I will help you today.”

After that, Ye Han first patted the back of the little girl’s hand lightly, indicating that she was holding herself tight, but the girl refused to relax. Helpless Ye Han had to hug the little girl with one hand, and then slowly stood up. stand up.

I don’t know if I’m standing here, I’m shocked when I stop, the strong men are all 1.78 meters tall, but in front of Ye Han’s height of nearly three meters, they are completely children.

“You…who are you? We never saw you.”

The leading bald-headed man swallowed his saliva and backed up a few steps. It was really the pressure that Ye Han gave him was too strong.

“I am the brother of the’little dumb’ in your mouth. I didn’t hear what you said just now. You say it again.” Ye Han said coldly.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, we just came to see that after Wu Lizi was gone, the little mute ordered something, do you need help, it seems that you don’t need help now.”

The brawny bald man shook his head like a rattle, and said quickly: “Since there is nothing else to do, we won’t bother, let’s go.”

After speaking, the bald-headed man and several other farmers planned to leave.

“and many more.”

Ye Han’s voice sounded again.

The brawny bald man sweated on his forehead, but he did not dare to move at all.

“My sister and I just woke up, and we haven’t eaten this meal yet.” Ye Han woke up feeling a little hungry, but looking at the little mute appearance, it is estimated that there is nothing to eat, just to solve the problem of eating.

“This is easy to handle. Let’s go back and ask the mother-in-law at home to prepare it and bring it to you.”

Ye Han nodded, “Stay with your bald head. Just one of you will do.”

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