Chapter 0318

“Ye Han, it seems that your mountain protection formation will not last long.”

The Phoenix woman’s voice rang in Ye Han’s mind.

“This big formation is very good now.” Although Ye Han didn’t know much about the formation method, he still knew very well that if they rely on the formation method, they won’t have a chance to hide from Tiandingshan today.

After speaking, Ye Han looked at the old ancestor Cheng who was still meditating in front of him. The real key point was the newly promoted Yuan Ying.

But at this moment, the big formation that could last at least a few hours suddenly became unstable.

“No, the formation is about to be broken!”

This situation can be judged by individuals.

The entire Zenith Mountain seemed a little flustered.

“Why panic, the old man is still there!” Old Zu Cheng opened his eyes sharply, and said in a majestic voice: “Cheng Kun, hurry up and see where the problem is.”

Then Old Ancestor Cheng also had a formation in his hand, obviously he was going to join.

With the joining of the Yuanying monk, the formation suddenly became stable again.

Not long after, Chen Kun walked back all in blood, “The ancestor, the Ouyang family rebelled, the whole family’s golden core, foundation building, and Qi-refining monks have all been killed by me!”

“Oh, I see.”

Old Ancestor Cheng just nodded silently, without saying a word.

Other people, including Ye Han, also saw a lot of color on their faces, and they looked very calm.

“Everyone, it’s the last battle. If you fail, you can run away.”

Perhaps because of feeling something, Old Ancestor Cheng slowly stood up and looked into the distance.

“Thinking that my current mana, coupled with the power of the formation, will be able to withstand the three Nascent Souls for some time, you decide for yourself.”

The sudden words of Old Ancestor Cheng surprised everyone.

“Ancestor…” Cheng Kun shouted urgently.

“Perhaps this war was our catastrophe.” Old ancestor Cheng looked at the three Yuan Ying in the distance, with a smile on his face. Kill us!”

Speaking of his body’s aura began to skyrocket, and soon reached the aura that the Nascent Soul monk should have.


Old ancestor Cheng’s physiognomy is a white-haired and white-bearded Taoist, whose appearance is nine points similar to himself, and then the physiognomy begins to blend in with the mountain protection formation.

At this moment, Ye Han also felt that the original connection between him and the mountain protection formation suddenly disappeared.

Obviously, this was Patriarch Cheng who had withdrawn his authority. From beginning to end, Patriarch Cheng was the only master of this defensive formation.

When attacking the three coalition cultivators outside, they did not figure out what happened. They continued to attack, but the originally silent Xuanwu Holy Spirit suddenly roared, and then spit out a strong beam of light.

I saw this beam of light directly penetrated many monks on the scene.

“not good!”

The three Yuan Ying who meditated and recuperated in the back sensed something was wrong first, and quickly wanted to remind them, but it was too late.

“Damn it!”

Bai Jue’s face became paler, because it was his disciple who had just died the most!

“Huh?” Panshan also found something wrong at this time, “The guy Cheng Yaoxian seems to have recovered!”

“What! Impossible, we watched him break through. In such a short period of time, it is impossible for him to recover so quickly!” Xiao Yijian himself had just broken through, and he knew very well, “Unless…he There are the best four-pin pill!”

“It doesn’t have to be a four-ply best pill, a common four-ply pill can also be achieved.”

Panshan squinted his eyes and said lightly.

“Brother Panshan, are you saying that this old man has taken Destiny Pill?” Bai Jue cried strangely.

“Well, it’s very possible. Have you seen him? The aura on his body is still a bit unstable, and some blood light can be seen in the dark. Although it is not obvious, it can’t hide from our eyes.”

Panshan put his arms around his chest and said.

“Don’t say it, it’s true, but I heard that no matter what kind of injury is taken, the death pill can be recovered, but the cost of life is only one month. At the same time, if the mana is exhausted, it will die prematurely, then are we? You can stay here for a month, and wait for this guy to die before easily destroying Tianding Mountain.”

Xiao Yijian said with a smile.

Although he also wanted to quickly kill Tianding Mountain, he didn’t want to risk his life. After all, the Yuan Ying monk who had mastered the mountain protection team appeared in front of them. No one Yuan Ying could guarantee stability. Victory, once Cheng Yaoxian had the idea to die with them, it would be hard not to get hurt.

Now Jin Jianzong is different from the other two sects. Only he is the Nascent Soul. If he really died here and waited for Tianding Mountain to be destroyed, then the next one would be Jin Jianfeng’s turn. This is something Xiao Yijian absolutely does not allow. matter.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yijian couldn’t help but distanced himself from the other two Yuan Ying.

For Xiao Yijian’s words and reactions, Pangu and Bai Jue were the same as Ming Spiegel, but they were not able to deal with them either. Bai Jue was injured in the first place, and he was also a little afraid of Panshan. After all, this guy was the only one who was not injured at the scene. Yuan Ying, if he shoots against himself, he has no chance of winning at all.

Therefore, Bai Jue also quietly moved away from Panshan.

“We are here this time to use thunder to wipe out the Tianding Mountain in the bud. If we wait for another month, the variables are too great to be desirable.”

Pan Gu shook his head and said lightly: “Since Cheng Yaoxian has taken the initiative to declare war on us, then we will proceed. Once Cheng Yaoxian starts to fight with us, this formation will not be able to protect the Tianding Mountain. What we have to do is thoroughly. Destroy them!”

Hearing Panshan’s arrangement, Bai Jue and Xiao Yijian’s expressions were a little ugly, but they couldn’t tell the truth, after all, Panshan made sense.

It seemed that Bai Jue and Xiao Yijian were somewhat reluctant, and Panshan said again: “To deal with Cheng Yaoxian, my main force is to protect both of you. Don’t let others attack me and attack each other at the same time.”

Panshan’s words are very attractive. To put it simply, you two will go with me, I will be the main force, and you will help.

Hearing such conditions, Bai Jue and Xiao Yijian had no reason to refuse. After all, they also wanted to eliminate Tianding Mountain and divide up the treasure of these eight immortal families.

“In that case, let’s go.”

Panshan did not say much, and rushed directly to Tianding Mountain. At this time, the Four Holy Spirit Array had merged with Old Ancestor Cheng, and the barrier protecting Tianding Mountain had disappeared.



The war between the two sides is about to start.

The ancestor Cheng controlled the four holy spirit formations and directly blocked the three Nascent Soul monks, and Ye Han also led many foundation building, Qi refining monks and the three coalition monks to do it!

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