0325 quasi-spirit weapon: Jinming iron scroll

When Old Ancestor Cheng saw Ye Han lead Xiao Yijian away, there was a hint of color in his eyes, and his breath began to rise wildly.

Panshan frowned when he saw this, and he was naturally seeing the following things, and he secretly cursed Xiao Yijian as an idiot, but at this moment he had nothing to do.

Moreover, the ancestor Cheng in front of him seems to be going to do something.

“Old Ancestor Cheng, even if I am the only one left, you are not my opponent.”

Panshan said coldly.

At this time, he was still unwilling to confront Old Ancestor Cheng, after all, as long as he persisted and waited for Xiao Yijian’s trash to come back, he could easily solve his opponent. He didn’t need to take risks.

“Whether it’s an opponent, you have to try it before you know it.”

Old Ancestor Cheng understands that no matter if Ye Han has the strength, he wants to hold a Nascent Soul with his mid-term Golden Core cultivation base. Even if this Nascent Soul consumes more than half of his mana and is injured, he still has no chance of winning.

But this time is also an opportunity for their Zenith Mountain to come back!


Old ancestor Cheng sacrificed a magic weapon like an iron scroll, engraved with golden inscriptions, and the golden light flickered. At a glance, he knew that it was not a mortal thing.

“Jin Ming Iron Roll! This thing is actually in your hands.”

Panshan recognized the magic weapon sacrificed by the ancestor Cheng at a glance. Judging from the degree of surprise in his eyes, this magic weapon is definitely extraordinary.

“It’s just good luck. In the Chimu Ruins, you spent a long time crossing the mountain sect, but let this magic weapon fly away. I was lucky and just stopped it. Over the years, I have been secretly refining and enlightening. I dare not expose it at all, I’m afraid that you will find it across the mountain sect, but today you have come to the door, and I finally don’t have to hide it, so you can taste the power of this golden iron scroll.”

Old ancestor Cheng had a rare smile on his face.

As his thoughts turned, the golden light of the Jin Ming Iron Roll rose sharply, and countless golden inscriptions were stripped from the iron roll. These golden inscriptions turned into a giant blade, which was cut directly towards Panshan.

At this time, Panshan had a pale face. He had led the team into the Chimu Ruins at the beginning. He was very familiar with Jin Ming Tiejuan, because this quasi-ling treasure was for him.

Quasi Lingbao! It’s not a superb magic weapon. Although it is not a real spiritual treasure, it has surpassed the magic weapon and reached another level.

The difference between Lingbao and Magic Treasure is that there are artifacts in Lingbao. The real Lingbao is exclusive to Yuanying Dzogchen monks or powerful translators. The reason why this Jin Ming iron scroll is called quasi-spiritual treasure is that The artifact spirit in this Lingbao hadn’t really awakened.

But even if the spirit of the Qi is not awakened, its power is not comparable to a magic weapon.

Faced with Jin Ming Tie Juan’s attack, Panshan had to pay attention to it.


Panshan slammed the storage bag, and two high-grade defensive magic weapons flew out, a small wooden shield and a golden bead.

The golden beads turned into a golden barrier, and the small wooden shield blocked the front.

All this has just been arranged, and the inscription is cut off with a golden knife.


After an explosion, the high-grade magic weapon small wooden shield directly exploded into fragments, and then the inscription of the golden knife continued to fall, and finally fell on the golden light curtain. The golden light curtain resisted for a moment and was scratched. The golden knife once again Descending, this time it was directly cut on Panshan’s body shield.

This scene happened in an instant.

Panshan was so scared that he was so scared that he was mad and plastered himself with talisman.


In the end, the inscription golden knife broke through all the defenses on Panshan’s body, and slashed it into the air with a single knife. A huge blade appeared in front of Panshan’s chest!


This is the only thought in Panshan’s mind at this time.

He can no longer control the three coalition forces below, nor can he control Xiao Yijian. He has a deep fear. If he continues to stay, he will definitely fall here!

He was five years old in Panshan, and he is now more than five hundred years old. The Yuan Ying monk has a life span of a thousand years. It is only halfway through, so he shouldn’t die here.

As the thoughts turned, Panshan had dragged his seriously injured body and fled.

Old ancestor Cheng didn’t go after him, but sat on the top of the mountain. The Nascent Soul’s coercion instantly covered the entire Tianding Mountain, and the three coalition forces immediately collapsed.

The three ancestors of Yuanying, one fell directly, the other was seriously injured and escaped, and the other is now missing. The monks of the late Jindan stage and above are nowhere to be seen. Even though the number of allied forces of the three sects is more than the eight disciples of the Tianding Mountain, they are still here. Time has no guts to fight again.

One by one began to flee!

It’s just that under the coercion of the Nascent Soul, their strength is not one, many monks are directly killed, and most of the rest are directly captured alive!


This battle seems to have been won by Tiandingshan.

From Ye Han’s introduction of Xiao Yijian, to Cheng Laozu offering a quasi-lingbao to repel Panshan, all this was just a moment, and Cheng Rou, Cheng Kun and others all killed their opponents at this time. , Came to the front of the ancestor Cheng.

“Ancestor, we won!”

Cheng Kun said excitedly, not only he couldn’t believe it, even the other monks couldn’t believe it, they were able to defeat an enemy three times their own.

Old Ancestor Cheng slowly opened his eyes and smiled at the corners of his mouth. “It’s fine if you win, reopen the mountain guard and prepare to transfer. If Ye Han comes back, give him this quasi-spirit tool, if he can’t come back, he will This quasi-spirit remains on the Tianding Mountain, and there will never be a Tianding Mountain again.”

After saying this, the breath of Old Ancestor Cheng disappeared instantly, and the whole person lost his breath.



The remaining Jindans at Tianding Mountain were dumbfounded.

“Everyone, the ancestors are already sitting down, what shall we do next?”

At this time, a Jindan monk from the Eight Clan asked, his appearance was very miserable, his whole body was wounded, and his arm was missing.

“According to the last words of the ancestors, let’s wait here for an hour first. If we don’t come for an hour, all the eight clans will leave through a secret passage! Since then, we will stay incognito, and it is best to leave Tiannan!”

Cheng Kun said solemnly.

After a brief period of pain, he has understood the painstaking effort of the ancestor Cheng. Although they successfully repelled the three allied forces, the ancestor Cheng has fallen and exposed the quasi-spiritual weapon. This Tianding Mountain and the quasi-spiritual device are fundamental Can’t keep it, if you continue to stay in Tianding Mountain, what awaits them is bound to perish!

Cheng Kun made a decision, and no one dared to refute it. After all, among the eight major families, the Cheng family’s golden core has not fallen, the Wan family’s head is still there, and the golden core of another small family is alive, and all the others have fallen, and there is no capital for negotiation. , It’s pretty good to be alive.

“Okay, everyone go down and get ready.”

Cheng Kun waved his hand, and the eight big families quickly prepared.

On the top of the mountain, Cheng and Cheng Kun knelt in front of the ancestor Cheng.

“Ancestor, don’t worry, my Cheng Kun will definitely lead the Cheng family to become stronger again!”

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