FTLN 0342 I am a man

Ye Han just drank a cup of Lingcha when a hearty voice came from outside.

“Haha, since the last fight, the old man hasn’t played against anyone for a year. I heard that today is a powerful character, who is it?”

Before he heard his voice, Ye Han roughly guessed that the person who came should be his target this time, Master Iron Sword, and the powerful character he said should refer to him.

In the private room, the others and the Jindan cultivators heard this voice and immediately stood up. As long as they lived in this Vermillion Bird City for a period of time, they could hear the legend about the Master of Iron Sword.

That’s the rumor that the Master Iron Sword was originally a blacksmith, and by chance he obtained a side secret technique of blacksmithing. He was originally alone and successfully entered the world of immortality.

If the aptitude of Master Iron Sword is average, then his entire life will be cultivated to two or three levels of Qi refining. However, Master Iron Sword has a golden sword physique that perfectly fits the secret technique of ironing and practicing. The whole process of refining qi was cultivated to Consummation, only relying on some slight spiritual stones to cultivate, not even taking a pill.

Afterwards, Master Iron Sword directly broke through the foundation building without the foundation of the crab, which made the somewhat famous Master Iron Sword immediately become a celebrity in Suzaku City, and then Master Iron Sword was silent. A hundred years later, after the Master Iron Sword returned a hundred years later, everyone discovered that the opponent was already in the late Jindan stage, and his strength was even more terrifying. Whether it was fighting or exploring outside, the number of Jindan monks who died in his hands exceeded the number of hands. , And become an unbeaten powerhouse in the first battle arena.

In addition to his cultivation base and excellent combat effectiveness, the Iron Sword Master is also a rare master craftsman, who can often craft extremely powerful magic weapons.

With strength and ability, Master Iron Sword quickly became the strongest Golden Core monk under the cultivation base of Nascent Soul in Vermilion City.

It seemed that he had the same idea as Ye Han, and Master Iron Sword began to challenge the Fairy Battlefield. In the past six games, Master Iron Sword crushed opponents with strength and finally won.

While Ye Han was thinking about this, Master Iron Sword had already appeared in the private room.

Seeing Master Iron Sword’s appearance, Ye Han couldn’t help but was stunned. This guy really didn’t look like a monk, much less like a monk in the golden core peak period.

First, he was dressed as a short blacksmith, and he was carrying an iron box behind his back. However, from the exposed hilt of the sword, it can be inferred that it contained his iron sword. This may be the origin of the title of Master Iron Sword.

And Master Iron Sword also easily paid attention to Ye Han, after all, as the audience did not stand up to greet him, and he was also a late Jindan monk.

“Are you Kou Muhan?”

“It’s under.”

Ye Han nodded lightly.

“Somewhat interesting, it seems that you are also here for the Seven Sect Yuanying to break through the secrets, right? But I tell you, this time the secrets are mine, so don’t think about it.” Master Iron Sword said straightforwardly “Of course it’s useless if you think about it. If you really want to fight with me, be prepared to be killed. My iron sword will always wipe out the opponent’s soul, and that’s really dead.”

“Of course I said these things, not to make you retire, after all, if you really retire, I won’t get anything, that would be boring, haha.”

As if he hadn’t talked about the addiction, Master Iron Sword sat directly beside Ye Han.

Ye Han frowned slightly. He didn’t know what medicine this guy sold in the gourd. He seemed to threaten him, but he admired him.

“You don’t usually use sword magic weapons, let me guess what weapon you usually use.” The Master of Iron Sword didn’t care that Ye Han seemed to pay attention to himself, and began to observe Ye Han at close range, but this time Ye Han It was also calm. According to the rules of the Fairy Battlefield, if they fought in this private room, then both of them would be disqualified from the competition. From this point of view, Master Iron Sword had no reason to do it with himself here.

In addition, when Master Iron Sword was observing himself, he was observing the other party.

It really deserves to be able to kill multiple cultivators at the late stage of the Golden Core in succession. Whether it is from the strength of the physical body or the strength of the spiritual consciousness, Ye Han will be the most powerful one in the late stage of the Golden Core that Ye Han has encountered, even Xiao Wuhao A bit worse than the master of the iron sword.

“Haha, you must have used a knife.” Master Iron Sword said in surprise, and then he looked at Ye Han again, seeming to find something again, “Not only a knife, but also a broken knife. Knife, interesting, more and more interesting.”

These words fell in the ears of other Jindan cultivators, and they might not feel anything, but they fell in Ye Han’s ears but they were extremely shocked. He came to this Vermillion Bird City only two days ago. This is the third day. During this time, he He didn’t show his broken sword at all, why the master of the iron sword could know.

At this time Ye Han understood that this Master Iron Sword was a bit unusual.Suppressing the shock in his heart, Ye Han still did not speak.

This, on the contrary, made Master Iron Sword even more interested, and said with a smile: “Strange, if I guess people in the past will undoubtedly not show an extremely surprised look, but today I didn’t see it. Could it be that I guessed it? wrong?”

Master Iron Sword once again set his eyes on Ye Han, and gradually smiled, “Hey, I understand, I didn’t guess wrong at all, but your problem.”

Ye Han still ignored him.

This made Master Iron Sword annoyed. He felt that he was sitting next to Ye Han and stopped talking. “Hmph, you think this will allow me to leave. It’s impossible. I will definitely let you talk to me.” of.”

“This fellow Daoist, the two of us are opponents next, why bother to speak like this?” Ye Han asked with a smile.

“Hehe, you are finally talking. I thought you were dumb, but now I don’t want to talk anymore. Let’s see you in the ring.”

Master Iron Sword picked up the iron box again and left.

Such capricious behavior, like a child, also makes Ye Han a little confused.

It’s useless to think too much, but through a brief communication with the Iron Sword Master, Ye Han determined that the Iron Sword Master is a monk with a multi-faceted personality. He said that the white spot is schizophrenia. Don’t look at how strange it is now, and There is no particularly strong performance, but when it comes to the arena, it may just be a direct change.

Ye Han continued to retreat and meditate. He has no other better choice now, so defeating Master Iron Sword, and then becoming a hired monk of the Seven Great Sects, participating in the battlefield to earn points, exchange for breakthrough Nascent Soul Secret Art, this may be the most dangerous Yes, but also the fastest time.

Time passed again.

This time, it was finally replaced by a cultivator of Jin Dan’s later stage. It was Li Cheng, the owner of Xiandouchang.

Li Cheng appeared in the box, which means that the Golden Elixir period is about to start.

“Li Cheng, let me fight Ye Han first. Both of us will kill each other as quickly as possible.” Before Li Cheng spoke, Master Iron Sword proactively said.

Although it feels bad to be arranged in this way, he really can’t afford this Master Iron Sword, and Master Iron Sword’s opponent is Ye Han, who ran against him, so he nodded, “This is indeed a good way. , Then listen to Master Iron Sword, who has an opinion?”

This seems to be asking everyone’s opinions, but he is just a cutscene.

The other Jindan cultivators didn’t have the courage and strength to refute, they all nodded vigorously.

Li Cheng was very satisfied with this, and even gave Ye Han a provocative look.

Ye Han was very speechless about this, he really got a black physique.

But being able to fight Master Iron Sword earlier, Ye Han is also willing to accept such an arrangement.

With Li Cheng’s arrangement and planning, the battle of the Jindan class officially began.

Ye Han walked out of the treasure chest, led by the waiter, to the center of the Fairy Arena.

“Ho ho ho ho!”

“Haha, this is the late Jindan battle!”


“This late Jin Dan face is very strange!”

“Come on, as long as you are a capable master of the iron sword!”


In the stands, countless monks are expressing their excitement in various ways.

Ye Han walked out of the corridor and came to the ring.

After cheering, Ye Han was still somewhat uncomfortable, but soon stabilized his mind, and the thinking in his mind became sluggish.

Just when Ye Han felt that everything was about to end, another louder noise rang.

You don’t need to look at it, it’s obvious that Master Iron Sword is on the stage.

Ye Han was calm and free, with his hands back, standing on the side of the ring, his eyes fell on the master of the iron sword walking towards him.


Master Iron Sword jumped from the ground and successfully jumped onto the ring.

Then he put the iron box he was carrying on the ground.

“I thought you wouldn’t dare to fight me anymore. I didn’t expect that you would really dare to fight. I can tell you that I won’t be polite later.”

Master Iron Sword still has a smile on his face.

“Since you and I are the only one who can go to the battlefield, then I will naturally go all out to defeat you.” For this Iron Sword Master, as long as he summons Ao Hong and Phoenix Girl, he can crush each other in minutes. But this is his last hole card, and he won’t use it as a last resort.




With the sound of three bronze gongs resounding throughout the Fairy Arena, the noisy venue immediately became quiet, and all the monks turned their eyes on Ye Han.

On the ring, Ye Han also found that Master Iron Sword’s look and breath were changing. As he guessed, Master Iron Sword had a schizophrenic personality.

“Boy, I hope you can let me play longer!”

The Master Iron Sword showed a cruel smile on his face, and then he slapped the iron box fiercely, and the iron sword in the middle flew out.

I saw that the iron sword became extraordinarily huge and came straight to Ye Han.


Ye Han immediately felt that there were thousands of troops on this iron sword.

He slammed his waist storage bag, and a broken knife flew out. Then the broken knife became a complete fifty-meter long knife, no smaller than the flying iron sword.

Ye Han held the sword in both hands and waved it violently. In an instant, the sword hit each other.


The violent impact resounded throughout the world.

Some of the stands close to the ring, the monks above quickly covered their ears, and the sound waves were enough to pierce their eardrums.

“Hahaha, happy!”

Because the iron sword is a flying sword, Ye Han swung the sword with all his strength and directly knocked the iron sword into the air, but before he could catch a breath, the voice of the master of the iron sword came over.

When the gray mist on the ring dispersed, the Master Iron Sword had already struck him with a sword!

Ye Han put the knife across his head.


It was another violent impact.

The powerful force pushed Ye Han far away, and only then stopped after knowing the edge of the ring.

“Jiejie, kid, it’s great, Jin Dan can catch two tricks of himself in the later stage, you are already very strong.”

Master Iron Sword’s eyes were red at this time, his upper body clothes had been burned by powerful mana, and the bronze-colored muscles were particularly eye-catching in the sun.


Ye Han also never expected that this guy’s power would be so great. This time he suffered a small loss and did not move for a few breaths in place, which offset the force pouring into his body.

“You are also very good, you can bring me a hearty battle.”

Ye Han is also a fighting madman. Fighting Yuan Ying is totally forced, but being able to fight against a strong opponent of Jindan Peak is definitely the most suitable opponent at the moment.

“Wind Dragon Change!”

Ye Han did not hesitate to start the mode of changing the dragon to the phoenix.



The sound of the dragon and the phoenix mingled from Ye Han’s body, and even a dragon and a phoenix phantom appeared behind him. Even if someone carefully observes, they will find that there is a human phantom in the middle of the dragon and phoenix phantom. , It’s just that this phantom is so dim that most people don’t see it.

Ye Han felt the structural changes in his body at this time.

At this moment, he has evolved the characteristics of dragon and phoenix. The dragon horns, dragon scale arms, and the phoenix wings that are icy and fiery behind him are still shining with thunder on the outermost layer.

When the image of Ye Han appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone was shocked.

“Unexpectedly, you still practice cultivation!” Master Iron Sword showed a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then said with a smile: “Haha, just passed this station, I want to tell everyone that only sword repair is the most powerful!”

In the stands around the arena, some monks who bought Ye Han with a fluke mentality, had a look of excitement and hope in their eyes at this time.

In their opinion, maybe Ye Han might really defeat Master Iron Sword.

“Fuck, Ye Han’s odds are 10 for one. I’m curious, I actually only bought ten thousand, which is a big loss.”

“Don’t rush to conclusions. Even if Ye Han has the capital to fight Master Iron Sword, in the end, whoever will win will win, it might still be.”

“Indeed, but I faintly feel that there is something going on in this ring competition.”


And in the depths of the Fairy Arena Palace, the ancestor of Yuan Ying, who had met Ye Han before, was also paying attention to this competition, especially after Ye Han changed his shape again, his expression changed a lot.

“No wonder this guy makes me a little unclear…”

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