Chapter 0346 Mysterious Yuanying Palace

Dragon figure, plus a pair of ice and fire wings.

Ye Han stood proudly in the ring, facing the ‘Sky Net’ that was about to pounce, he stretched out his hands, and his hands touched the net, and a powerful energy confrontation erupted.

Suddenly, the menacing sky and the earth were unable to suppress Ye Han.

“Trash, suppress me!”

Mo Wei’s face became angry and yelled at him.

“Official Lang, you go too.”

The bridegroom next to her listened with a human smile on his face, “Madam, don’t worry, I will kill him for you for your husband.”

After speaking, he appeared on the Tianluodi website.

Ye Han also noticed such an opponent, raised his eyes and sneered, “It just happened to kill you all together.”


This word was passed into the bridegroom’s ears, his face was furious, and then it was like a huge amount of energy exerted on the net of heaven and earth, instantly turning the net of heaven and earth into the top of Mount Tai.


Ye Han raised his hands up, and the stone slab under his feet shattered suddenly, and even a big hole appeared.


Ye Han raised the corner of his mouth, and directly gathered his spiritual knowledge and the mental power of Phoenix Girl and Ao Hong, and made this blow together.

As early as when Phoenix Girl and Ao Hong entered his body, Ye Han discovered that he was able to use the spiritual power of both of them, which means that this shocking thorn attack would become a surprise to him at a critical time. The trump card.

Sure enough, with the attack of the shocking thorns that are comparable to the spiritual power of the Nascent Soul, whether it is the four bearer puppets of the late Jindan period or the bridegroom puppets of the peak of Jindan, they all fell to the ground and became wooden people. !


Mo Wei hugged her head with her hands in pain. If it weren’t for a hosta on top of her head to protect her head, I’m afraid she would be gone at this time.

Ye Han’s gaze condensed, and he didn’t intend to give the other party any more chances. Several teleports appeared behind Mo Wei.

The chasing knife swung out.


The luster on the hosta suddenly dimmed a lot, and Mo Wei’s whole body was also directly beaten into flight.

“Cthulhu first cut!”

With Mo Wei’s current state, Ye Han only needs one last cut to kill.

“and many more!”

And just when Cthulhu Slash was about to fall, Mo Wei finally recovered his sanity and hurriedly shouted when he saw this scene, but Ye Han was already determined not to save trouble.

The hand did not stop.

Seeing the situation, a trace of despair flashed in Mo Wei’s eyes.

“I will curse you, you are facing bad luck, as long as you kill you, you will get the cultivation of your whole body!”

After saying this, Mo Wei was also slashed by a knife, and finally killed him mercilessly.

However, the blood of Mo Wei, who had been killed, gathered again in the blood mist and became a drop of blood.

call out

Ye Han got into his body at such a speed that Ye Han didn’t have time to escape.

How is this going? ?

But Ye Han’s face soon became gloomy.

Combining Mo Wei’s words just before his death and the current situation, he was probably hit by Mo Wei’s dying curse!

Exploring his body, there was nothing unusual except for an extra blood pill next to his own golden pill.

But Ye Han didn’t dare to be careless. He specifically asked Phoenix Girl and Ao Hong to take turns to take care of this blood pill. If there was any change, he immediately notified himself.

Phoenix Girl: “Weird, Ye Han, how did I see the words “blood kill” on your head?”

Ao Hong: “I seem to have heard of this. This is a more insidious curse. It mainly means that the person who puts the curse pays for his life. If someone kills you, you can get your whole body’s cultivation. If you can carry it for ten years, that blood bead can be absorbed freely!”

“Ao Hong, do you mean that I have to fight for ten years?”

Ye Han asked.

“I don’t think this is giving you away for nothing? As long as you hide and retreat for ten years, it seems to be all right.” The Phoenix female said with a smile.

“If you do this, it’s easy. If you don’t fight for life and death, the longer the time is, the heart demon will be born. This kind of situation will lead to instability of the Taoist heart, and finally become mad.” Ao Hong said again.

After Ye Han listened, he could only nod secretly, but although this problem looked dangerous, it was still fatal immediately, as long as he gave him a chance to solve it.

“Well, I will find a way to solve this matter. The biggest goal now is to get the Nascent Soul Breakthrough Secret Art. Only in this way can I continue to grow stronger.”

There are many reasons for Ye Han to become stronger. For example, only by having stronger power can he save his wife and children, get more things that programmers need, and protect himself.

Regardless of the reason, he must grow up quickly, and becoming a Nascent Soul has become the most urgent goal.

The ghost of the bride was killed by herself, and her flesh and blood had become a pill of blood. There were dimly lustrous hosta and storage bags suspended in the air. The remains of eight maid puppets, four bearer puppets, and a groom puppet were all present on the ring.

These are all his own trophies, and Ye Han is naturally impossible to waste, so he put it away with a wave of his hand.

Then he left the ring in an instant.

When he came to the rest room, there was already someone waiting for him inside.

This person is exactly the Yuan Ying monk Wuqi who had met once a year ago. At this time, he was already the appearance of a white-haired old man.

“Knife King, congratulations, you have become the 104th Golden Core monk who won ten victories, and now I welcome you on behalf of the Seven Sects Hiring Corps.”

The old man said with a smile.

“When can I go to the battlefield? How can I exchange for the Nascent Soul Breakthrough Secret Art?” Ye Han said directly.

“It just so happens that the Vermillion Bird Fairy Arena has gathered these hired monks, and when I return to the sect to report on my duties, we can leave tomorrow.”

“As for the Nascent Soul breakthrough secret technique you want, it’s not a difficult task. I’m inconvenient to tell you the details, but I promise you will know it when you get to the battlefield.”

No one who asks for the elderly replied.

Ye Han nodded, “Thank you.”

“Haha, the King of Swords is polite, with your strength, even if you put it on the battlefield, except for Brother Nascent Soul, it is difficult for other Golden Core cultivators to pose a threat to you, and after you join the battlefield, it also represents our Fairy Battlefield. I was sent to the battlefield during my tenure. The better you behave, I will have a lot of benefits.” The old man without seeking a smile said, “Maybe soon, we will meet in Yuanying Palace.”

“Yuan Ying Palace?”

Ye Han was a little confused.

“You can’t reveal too much about the battlefield, but you can talk more about this.” The non-seeker: “The so-called Yuan Ying Palace is the place where the Yuan Ying gathers in the entire southern border. It is the greatest strength of the entire southern border. Presumably it won’t take long for you to join the Yuan Ying Palace.”

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