The two sides of the battle were in chaos.

Sister Yu saw that Lu Chong's Nine Shadow Steps had reached perfection, but she didn't realize that his Opening Stone Hand had also reached perfection.

It was reasonable for a basic low-grade martial art to reach perfection, but it was too rare for two martial arts to reach perfection at the same time.

The most important thing was that Lu Chong was too young, just a high school student who had just reached adulthood.

There were no more than a hundred such students across the country every year.

Besides, when she first started fighting him, she was still at the subtle level, so why did she suddenly reach perfection?

Sister Yu couldn't figure it out, but she knew that she had really fallen into a big trap today.

It was Old Chen who spoke up again to clear her doubts: "If it wasn't for the perfection of the Stone Breaking Hand, how could Mr. Lu's attack just now be so free and even threaten you, causing your body to react instinctively."

"And." Old Chen looked at Lu Chong with a pair of wise eyes, "If I'm not mistaken, you just broke through in the battle, right?"

"Yes." Lu Chong did not hide it, and knew that he could not hide it from the sharp-eyed Old Chen, so he said modestly: "I have to thank Sister Yu for her guidance, which made me realize something and break through."

He had to admit that this was the biggest gain of this trip. If there was no such opportunity, it would probably take about ten days for his Stone Breaking Hand and Nine Shadow Steps to break through to perfection again.

"You are worthy of being the young genius that the young lady values." Old Chen smiled, "In that case, I, an old man, certainly can't go back on my word."

"You can stay and practice with the young lady. However, Xiaoyu must accompany you." Old Chen said without question.

Before leaving, he reminded, "By the way, according to the previous agreement, your salary can be increased."

"After each get out of class, just ask Xiaoyu to collect it."

After that, Mr. Chen left the practice room with his hands behind his back.

"Student Lu Chong, are you okay?" Lou Qingqing was relieved when Mr. Chen disappeared, and hurried to Lu Chong to ask.

"I'm really sorry, if I had known it would be like this, I wouldn't have bothered you."

"I'm fine." Lu Chong smiled, "If it weren't for this opportunity, I wouldn't have been able to break through, and I have to thank you."

Sister Yu on the side said impatiently, "If you continue to waste time here, I can't guarantee that I won't deduct your salary."

After that, Sister Yu walked to the side and sat cross-legged, but her eyes behind the sunglasses kept staring at Lu Chong, as if she was afraid that he would kidnap her daughter.

Lou Qingqing stuck out her tongue and whispered, "Don't blame Sister Yu. Although she looks fierce, she is actually very kind to people."

"I guess she only treats you, a lady from a wealthy family..." Lu Chong thought to himself. A ninth-level martial artist would not look down on ordinary people.

"Let's get started." Lu Chong was thinking about his salary, fearing that Sister Yu would deduct it.

Next, the two of them helped Lou Qingqing improve her martial arts in this spacious and bright training room, mainly through actual combat.

Now that Lu Chong's two martial arts have reached the true perfection, it is even easier for him to instruct Lou Qingqing.

Even Sister Yu, who was watching coldly from the side, had nothing to say now.

Time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, two hours passed, and Lu Chong got his wish and got the salary of 8,000 yuan, and left Lou Qingqing's manor.

Lou Qingqing wanted to ask Uncle Zhong to send Lu Chong home, but Lu Chong was embarrassed to bother a high-level martial artist to send him home.

He was just running home, practicing the Qi-gathering Technique to speed up his cultivation.

While instructing Lou Qingqing just now, Lu Chong did not give up his own cultivation.

With the nutrition bar given by the head teacher, Lu Chong also had the confidence to improve his cultivation.

In just two hours, his progress in practicing the Qi-gathering Technique increased by 30%.

"It seems that I still underestimated my cultivation speed. I should be able to break through the fifth stage before going to bed tonight."

After looking through his personal data, Lu Chong was secretly surprised.

He ran all the way and returned to his home nearly a hundred miles away in less than an hour.

This time he did not go out to practice martial arts, but sat cross-legged in the living room to actively practice the Qi-gathering Technique.

So, three hours later, as Lu Chong used up the nutrition bar given by the head teacher, his cultivation finally came to fruition and he successfully entered the fifth stage of martial arts apprentice.

Name: Lu Chong

Level: Fifth stage of martial arts apprentice (1%)


"This is really a waste of money,

One thousand yuan is gone in one night."

"Moreover, after the cultivation level is improved, the speed of automatic cultivation of the Qi-gathering Art should also decrease, and it will cost more money in the future."

"And the Wind-splitting Kick, after the minor success, the automatic cultivation speed has also become 1% per hour."

However, Lu Chong was not disappointed, this is all normal.

Whether it is cultivation level or martial arts, the later it is, the more difficult it is to improve, and the more resources are consumed.

Lu Chong is not in a hurry to practice the Wind-splitting Kick, because there is a perfect state like the class teacher to give special treatment, which is much more efficient than his own practice.

As for the cultivation level, Lu Chong now has a way to make money, so he doesn't have to worry for the time being.

Lying on the bed, Lu Chong was thinking whether his goal was set a little too low.

"At my current growth rate, by the time of the college entrance examination, it is almost certain that I will enter a famous school."

"So, why not try to impact the North China Martial Arts University, which is famous in Blue Star and one of the best in China, or the Jiangnan Martial Arts University? ”

These two universities are the top universities that all students in the world yearn for.

Of course, there is also a Zhongyuan Zhenwu Military Academy that is on par with these two stars in the north and south, which is also very good.

But Lu Chong is used to freedom, so he first ruled out this school.

Whether it is North China Martial Arts University or Jiangnan Martial Arts University, they are his best choices.

"It is said that if you are admitted to these three universities, the school and the city will have a large scholarship, which can also solve some of my financial needs." Lu Chong thought further.

"Or, why can't I challenge the top scholar in the city, or even the top scholar in the province..."

The more Lu Chong thought about it, the more ambitious he became, and he fell into a sweet dream unknowingly.

Early the next morning, Lu Chong was finally awakened not by hunger, but by the piercing ring of his mobile phone.

Take the phone and see that it is Chen Yufei.

"Hey, Brother Chong! Wake up, something big has happened. Class 1 has sent a challenge to our class!"

"This is bullying, the school forum has exploded. ”

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