After killing two more people, Lu Chong did not feel uncomfortable at all. He directly passed them and rushed to the two people who were suppressing Chen Hao and others. Chen Hao and his men were almost unable to hold on, and everyone was seriously injured. Chen Hao and Gu Yidao were the most seriously injured. They were at the end of their rope, but they still gritted their teeth and did not fall down. Two blades appeared in Lu Chong's hand again. The blades whistled silently and stabbed the backs of the two people. However, the two sixth-level martial artists were careful this time and had noticed the change, so they were prepared. When the blades were about to hit them, they turned around and knocked them out. Then, they no longer insisted on chasing Chen Hao and others, but looked at each other and turned around and ran.

Damn, the team of nine people was almost killed by a young boy on the opposite side, and there was no point in fighting.

The two women on the other side also reacted quickly. When Lu Chong killed two more people, they turned around and ran away, not even caring about the body of the so-called big brother.

"Want to leave?" Lu Chong's eyes were cold, but he didn't think of letting the rest of the people go.

"Cheng Zishu, help others with treatment."

With an order, Lu Chong jumped onto a boulder again, jumping eight meters high.

The bow was already in his hand. During the gap in the air, he bent the bow and put the arrow, aiming at the two women who had already escaped 500 meters at a speed.


The seven-star continuous arrow reappeared, and six arrows were shot out in succession, pulling out two arrow waves, and in a blink of an eye, they flew hundreds of meters in the air and hit the backs of the two women respectively.

The two women of the fourth stage of martial arts heard the sonic boom behind them and changed color in horror. They wanted to dodge and beg for mercy, but they had no chance.

Lu Chong's arrows could even penetrate the black-armored crocodile of the third level and eighth stage, not to mention them.

Their death can only be described as fragmented, and not even a complete body was left.

After shooting the arrow, Lu Chong did not even look at it. The moment he landed, he jumped again, returned to the air, and turned to look at the two fleeing sixth stage martial artists.

With a grin, Lu Chong pulled the bowstring again and shot one of the men.

"If you run again, you will be the next one."

Lu Chong shouted, and the only surviving villain stopped immediately and turned around stiffly.

With cold sweat on his forehead, he raised his hands tremblingly, knelt on the ground and shouted: "No, I won't run away!"

"I won't run away, spare my life, little brother."

Lu Chong's archery skills are really terrible, especially after the distance is pulled, it is simply unstoppable.

He can still remember the partner who was shot half of his body. How dare he take the risk?

"Are all the young people nowadays so fierce?" He wailed in his heart. If he had known this, why would he provoke this group of students.

Lu Chong landed on the boulder, but did not put away his bow. Instead, he pointed at the villains 300 meters away and shouted coldly: "Find your shielding device and turn it off, then kneel down and wait."

"If there is any unusual movement, you know the consequences."

Lu Chong did not personally tie up the other party in person to prevent fraud.

As long as the shielding device is turned off, Lu Chong can report to the fortress and hand this person over to the law enforcement agency for investigation.

Moreover, Chen Hao and others were seriously injured and needed emergency treatment from the fortress.

Being pointed at by Lu Chong's bow from a distance, the man dared not move at all. He could only look at the dense forest more than 200 meters away unwillingly, and then honestly turned off the shielding device.

200 meters! As long as he rushed into the dense forest, he could completely avoid Lu Chong's arrows.

But he also realized that this student was more cautious and ruthless than he thought, and it was impossible for him to escape like this.

After the shield was lifted, Lu Chong quickly contacted the fortress and briefly explained the situation here.

The fortress attached great importance to it and asked them to wait in place. In less than half an hour, a whole team of soldiers came with the emergency team.

These were not ordinary soldiers, but a team of martial artists specially trained by the military. The captain leading them was a peak martial artist and a real military colonel.

With the arrival of these elite military martial artists, the lonely villain could no longer make any waves and was taken away with a dead face.

The captain, who was about 40 years old, came to Lu Chong, saluted him with a standard military salute, and then smiled and said, "I am Wang Chongshan, you are Captain Lu Chong, right?"

Lu Chong quickly returned the salute, "Hello, Colonel Wang, I am Lu Chong."

Wang Chongshan put down his hands, his eyes were full of restrained light.

After looking around at Lu Chong, Chen Hao and others, Wang Chongshan sighed, "It's hard to believe that you are just a group of freshmen."

"We have a preliminary understanding of what happened just now."

"If the information is correct, this group of criminals are wanted wilderness wanderers."

"They have been wandering in the wilderness at home and abroad for many years, killing people and robbing goods, doing all kinds of evil. Then, they make a fortune by doing business with some underground markets, especially foreign forces."

"So, you don't have to worry about anything. They are the ones who should be killed." Wang Chongshan comforted him.

Lu Chong glanced at Chen Hao and others who were receiving emergency measures on the side. Seeing that they were much more relaxed after hearing Wang Chongshan's words, he was relieved.

"Thank you, Colonel Wang. In fact, we have to kill people."

"But I want to know, is there any reward for helping to capture and kill these wanted criminals?" Lu Chong asked with a shameless face.

Colonel Wang laughed, obviously not expecting Lu Chong to ask this question first.

"Of course there is, and it's a big reward."

"Let's go, I'm also curious about how you did it."

"Come back with us first, we can sit down and talk in detail." Colonel Wang said, waving his hand.

The medical staff had already treated the wounds of Chen Hao and others, and now they were carried on stretchers and transported to the ambulance.

Then, Lu Chong was personally invited by Wang Chongshan to the armed vehicle and returned to the fortress together.

As for the bodies of the criminals and the animal carcasses that Lu Chong and his team had harvested, someone would naturally sort them out and take them back.

When we returned to the fortress, it was more than four o'clock in the afternoon of November 1st.

Most of the teams and hunters who entered the wilderness had not returned yet.

Lu Chong was taken directly to a camp of the fortress garrison and followed Wang Chongshan into one of the reception desks open to the public.

"Captain Lu, I have read your information. You have accumulated more than 300,000 military merits in the army before going to college. You are indeed a young man with great potential."

Wang Chongshan personally made tea for Lu Chong and said with admiration.

Lu Chong said embarrassedly: "Colonel, you are too kind. I am not that noble. Hehe, I just wanted to earn more training resources at that time."

"Haha..." Wang Chongshan laughed: "So direct, this is what young people do. They don't have to live so hard."

"We have confirmed that this group of people are indeed wanted A-level bounty criminals in the country."

"As for the bounty reward..." Wang Chongshan paused here.

Lu Chong quickly raised his head and became serious.

"Haha..." Wang Chongshan laughed happily again: "I won't tease you anymore."

"The bounty amount is 100 million, but for your identity, it can be converted into 1 million military merits, or 1 million credits."

"It's up to you to decide which one to choose." Wang Chongshan looked at Lu Chong.

Lu Chong's eyes lit up. One hundred million, a million credits!

There's actually such a high reward for killing someone!

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