The blood of the beast king's heart is very abundant, but it is also very overbearing. It is not as pure and gentle as the one in the energy chamber." "How much you can absorb depends on your physical foundation and tolerance." Vice President Zhou personally took the six people to a relatively spacious fourth-level energy chamber, guiding them to sit cross-legged and introducing precautions to them. "This is the only chance to absorb the blood of the beast king's heart in your life. If anyone wants to wait for a better time, it's not too late to quit now." Chen Hao and others looked at each other and didn't say anything. In fact, they also understood that now might not be the best time, because their foundation was not solid enough, and the efficiency of absorbing the blood of the beast king's heart would decrease accordingly. But if they continue to wait, they know that the gap between them and Lu Chong will only get bigger and bigger.

At that time, will they still be worthy of staying in the 87th team?

Especially Jiang Tao and Cheng Zishu, who have the weakest cultivation, are even more unwilling to become useless burdens.

Moreover, if they don't use it now, they may not have the opportunity to enter the school's top 100 list, and they will not be able to participate in this year's martial arts competition with Lu Chong.

The pros and cons of this are really hard to calculate for a while.

However, after the five people looked at each other, they made a tacit choice.

Use! Why not?

If they didn't have this momentum, would they really have a chance to get the Beast King's heart blood?

Now that the opportunity is in front of them, if they still shrink back, they are even more unworthy of staying in the 87th team.

Therefore, facing the sharp eyes of Vice Principal Zhou, the five people finally chose to sit cross-legged on the futon, quietly adjusting their breathing, and strive to face this rare opportunity in the best state.

"Since no one has quit, let's start. I will protect you here."

"The absorption process is extremely painful. If someone can't hold on, I will take action in time." Vice President Zhou reminded again.

At this time, a tube of scarlet blood was placed in front of Lu Chong and the other six people.

Although it had long been separated from the body of the Beast King, the blood was still rippling slightly in the test tube, as if it was boiling.

"Just open it and drink it. Once it is opened, the energy will overflow, so don't hesitate." Vice President Zhou sat cross-legged in the middle of the crowd and said seriously.

Lu Chong no longer hesitated. With the protection of a martial king with both experience and strength, what else is there to worry about?

He was the first to open the test tube, raised his head, and swallowed it.

Seeing this, the others no longer hesitated and drank it in one gulp.

A fishy and sweet taste filled the taste buds, and then Lu Chong had no mind to pay attention to the taste of the Beast King's heart blood.

First, the stomach felt a burning sensation, as if someone had lit a fire in his stomach.

Then, the burning sensation began to spread from the inside out to the internal organs, bones, muscles and skin.

His whole body turned into a fiery red color, and hot mist was steaming from his head, which looked really scary.

Not only Lu Chong, but the other teammates were in a similar situation, or even more exaggerated than him.

Except for Chen Hao, who had practiced the Vajra Body, they couldn't help but groan and curled up in pain.

"These kids are really brave."

In the monitoring room, Professor Xu had arrived at some point and was paying close attention to the situation in the Yuan Energy Chamber.

Beside him, there was a short old man with white hair and long beard, who looked ruddy and had a youthful look and a fairy-like demeanor.

Teacher Zhang looked very restrained in front of this old man.

The reason was simple, because this old man was the president of Jiangnan Wuda, one of the top martial kings in China who could be counted on two hands, Mr. Zheng Qian.

Principal Zheng is over 150 years old this year. He has lived from before the Great Disaster to the present day, and he is still strong as he ages.

It can be said that when Principal Zheng stamps his feet, the entire southern part of China will shake three times.

"I didn't expect that the practice of a few freshmen would even alarm the secluded Mr. Zheng."

Zheng Qian looked at the screen on the monitor with a kind face and said with a smile: "Xiao Xu, are these the students you mentioned?"

Professor Xu can only be regarded as a grandson in front of this person. Hearing this, he hurriedly said: "Yes, teacher, especially Lu Chong, he has made great progress and is now a third-level martial arts master."

"And what I told you about martial arts repair is also what he is doing." Professor Xu continued


"Not bad, not bad." Zheng Qian stroked his white beard that reached his chest with satisfaction, "If he can really do it, bring him over and let me see."

"Tell me, how much can they absorb? It won't make the school lose money, right?" Zheng Qian then asked curiously.

Professor Xu was ashamed. He knew the teacher's temperament well and knew that he felt sorry for the school's investment.

The six beast kings' painstaking efforts are equivalent to six hundred million Chinese coins.

Professor Xu hurriedly patted his chest and said, "Teacher, please rest assured, they are definitely worth it."

"I don't dare to say this year, but next year it won't be a big problem to help our school defeat North China Wuhan University and Zhongyuan Zhenwu."

"By then, the state's funding support will definitely far exceed the school's investment."

Principal Zheng glared at Professor Xu, "You said this as if I care about money."

"Of course, if I can make Old Tang and Xiao Gao suffer, I will still be very happy. I was defeated by them the first two times, and they dared to laugh at me. Ignorant!"

"In the worst case, I'll just go to the sea and catch some fish to make up for the shortfall. By the way, I haven't eaten fish for a long time."

Professor Xu shuddered again, are you serious about catching fish?

That's the King of Fishes, the king of beasts who dominates the sea, that's how you can say it so easily.

"Damn it! This young man can do it. Damn it, he broke through so quickly." Principal Zheng suddenly looked at the surveillance camera intently.

Professor Xu and Teacher Zhang almost spit out their blood. You are already this age and have a high position. Could you please pay more attention to your image?

The young man that Principal Zheng was talking about was Lu Chong in Yuan Neng's secret room.

Even he himself didn't expect that the Beast King's blood was so powerful. Two minutes after he took it, a rapid notification sounded in his mind.

"The Naqi Jue feels filled with overbearing energy, and the speed of practice increases a hundred times. Master, come on, go for it."

Therefore, in less than half an hour, Lu Chong's cultivation level rushed from the third level of martial arts master to the fourth level of martial arts master.

You know, his previous progress was only a little more than half, and it would take about ten days at least to break through the fourth level.

Moreover, after his breakthrough, the speed of practicing the Naqi Jue continued unabated, as if it was equipped with a super motor, running crazily, absorbing and accumulating energy.

"This speed is simply incredible."

Although his body was in pain, Lu Chong enjoyed it.

Pain and happiness.

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