The old man was very happy.

"Yanlong Chuyuan watched the masters perform martial arts and benefited a lot. His training speed increased tenfold."

"Sure enough, it appeared again." Lu Chong was secretly happy.

At this time, the air around the two people became as hot as a furnace, all due to the heavenly martial arts displayed by Vice President Zhou.

I saw Vice President Zhou waved his hand, and a red dragon with a hot breath appeared in front of him. It was two meters long and flew around him like a living thing.

Lu Chong was shocked and surprised, while carefully sensing.

"Is this the strange totem in the heavenly martial arts? It's really magical."

It was also transformed by Gangqi, but the energy and true meaning contained in it were not comparable to the earthly martial arts.

Moreover, as Vice Principal Zhou changed his hand gestures, the red dragon with strong energy came alive, sometimes far away, sometimes close, and moved with great power.

"Only by perfecting the practice of true heaven-level martial arts can you condense a strange totem."

Vice Principal Zhou said with a bit of pride while manipulating the red dragon with strong energy.

Lu Chong was also observing the progress of his martial arts practice.

After an hour, the progress of the Flame Dragon Out of the Abyss only increased by 1%, and this was based on the practice speed being ten times faster.

In other words, if there was no guidance from Vice Principal Zhou, he could only improve by 1% in ten hours.

Moreover, this was only the small success stage of this martial arts.

Lu Chong roughly calculated that at this speed, if Vice Principal Zhou's guidance was not counted, it would take a month to achieve great success if he practiced independently.

It would take another three months to achieve subtlety, and then another half a year to achieve perfection.

"In other words, if I practice a low-grade heaven-level martial arts by myself, it would take a full year to achieve perfection?" Lu Chong was a little dissatisfied.

Although this speed has far exceeded Vice President Zhou's estimate, and even beyond the imagination of a martial king.

But for Lu Chong, it still feels too slow.

That is his blasphemy against the plug-in.

"There must be a way to speed up." Lu Chong thought, in addition to getting speed from Vice President Zhou, he had to find other ways.

"For example, improving my true meaning of explosion, or the true meaning of God, should be able to promote the practice of heaven-level martial arts." Lu Chong thought to himself.

Two hours later, Vice President Zhou left, only saying that he would take out two hours every day to guide Lu Chong in the future, and did not ask about his progress in practice.

Because he felt it was unnecessary, he had just started practicing, and he hadn't found the door yet, so what progress could he talk about?

However, before leaving, Vice President Zhou also gave Lu Chong a broken martial art of the upper grade of the heaven-level, so that he could slowly get in touch with it first and prepare for future repairs.

This martial art was personally selected by Principal Zheng, called Fire Feather Meteor, which has the same origin as the Flame Dragon Out of the Abyss, and both focus on the true meaning of explosion.

Of course, Lu Chong accepted all who came and accepted them on the spot.

"Huoyu Liuxing has just arrived and is entering the door on his own."

"Huoyu Liuxing felt the deep foundation of the true meaning of explosion, and his cultivation progress soared, entering the minor success."

Huoyu Liuxing Minor Success (3%)

Everything came naturally, and Lu Chong's Huoyu Liuxing directly entered the minor success, but the cultivation progress was obviously not as good as Yanlong Chuyuan.

After all, it is a higher level of heavenly grade, and the difficulty is of course much greater.

"Don't rush to enter all the heavenly grade martial arts into the system. I have to pass these two martial arts first and study ways to speed up." Lu Chong returned to his exclusive level 5 Yuanneng secret room and thought to himself.

If it can't be accelerated further, it will take too much time to practice these heavenly grade martial arts.

Although it is not slow objectively, the situation is becoming more and more urgent, and Lu Chong doesn't think he has that much time.

"Martial arts true meaning is the foundation of practicing heaven-level martial arts, and it is also the concentrated result after martial arts are perfected."

"Then, if I can improve martial arts true meaning from other channels, I should be able to improve the speed of practicing heaven-level martial arts in turn."

"For example, by practicing human-level and earth-level martial arts, quickly reaching perfection and refining the true meaning of explosion, it can promote the speed of practicing Yanlong Chuyuan and Huoyu Liuxing."

"And the true meaning of God, if it can be improved, it can also speed up the whole."

"Unfortunately, the eight true meanings that have been refined cannot be automatically improved."

Lu Chong noticed that the eight true meanings he had refined could not be automatically improved like martial arts.

Only through the perfect refinement of various martial arts can the true meaning of martial arts be improved.

The good side is that the eight true meanings will not occupy the vacant position of automatic practice, allowing Lu Chong to practice eight gates at the same time

Martial arts.

Lu Chong thought of this and immediately took action. He directly selected eight martial arts containing the true meaning of explosion from the electronic arsenal.

These included three human-level martial arts and five earth-level martial arts.

In less than an hour, a special person delivered the jade slips of the skills.

Lu Chong did not delay and quickly received them.


"Human-level middle-grade Explosive Fist, felt the strong true meaning of explosion, rushed all the way, and reached perfection."


"Human-level upper-grade Red Flame Palm, felt the strong true meaning of explosion, and continued to work non-stop, reaching perfection."



"Earth-level lower-grade Explosive Flame Step, felt the strong true meaning of explosion, reached the state of subtlety, and the speed of cultivation skyrocketed."


"The middle-grade earth-level Starfire Spear Technique, feeling the strong true meaning of explosion, reaching the state of subtlety, the speed of cultivation has skyrocketed."


Lu Chong was stunned, "This speed is simply amazing."

With the origin of the true meaning of explosion, coupled with the spiritual transformation when breaking through the martial arts sect, and the overall upgrade of the system, he can now practice human-level and earth-level martial arts with ease.

Human-level martial arts instantly reached perfection, and even the middle and lower-grade earth-level martial arts could be directly subtle.

Moreover, the progress of the automatic cultivation of this earth-level martial arts is jumping almost every hour.

Lu Chong estimated that within two or three days, the newly learned middle and lower-grade earth-level martial arts can reach perfection.

Lu Chong noticed that after the three newly learned human-level martial arts were perfected, the true meaning of explosion was indeed extracted and integrated into them, which increased his true meaning of explosion by one percentage point.

From 15% to 16%.

As the tide rose, his Flame Dragon Out of the Abyss and Fire Feather Meteor both improved, and the speed of cultivation also increased slightly-


"Flame Dragon Out of the Abyss felt the growth of the true meaning of explosion, and the speed of cultivation increased slightly."

"It really works! If the earth-level martial arts are perfected, the improvement will definitely be greater. I am really a genius."

It sounds complicated, but it is actually very simple.

It is to use the human-level and earth-level martial arts that are easy to practice to perfection to refine and strengthen the true meaning of martial arts, and then promote the faster practice of the more difficult heaven-level martial arts.

After the heaven-level martial arts are also perfected, more martial arts true meaning can be refined to supplement them, and then the more difficult heaven-level middle-upper-grade martial arts can be practiced.

This forms a virtuous circle and accelerates practice.

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