After a conversation with Qin Yulan, Lu Chong realized the erudition of this young professor.

Especially her understanding of the ancient martial arts era and her analysis of the origin of ancient martial arts, which made Lu Chong feel as if he was pulled into that era and immersed in it unconsciously.

Qin Yulan also told Lu Chong frankly that the reason why she followed Vice President Zhou to the special training base this time was mainly to take this opportunity to understand the changes and development of martial arts in various countries.

And contacting Lu Chong is also an important part of it.

Of course, as a top expert in ancient martial arts research at Jiangnan Wuda, she monitors and guides the students' progress during the special training.

At this point, Lu Chong felt that even Vice President Zhou was not as professional as the senior sister in front of him.

At the same time, Qin Yulan is also a ninth-level martial master, and she can take this opportunity to practice there.

When Vice President Zhou announced that they were ready to board the plane, Lu Chong had already become familiar with the professor.

The Magic City military prepared a medium-sized transport plane for them that could resist the attacks of the Beast King, and it was also equipped with four Silver Sword series fighters for escort.

In addition to Vice President Zhou, there was also a fourth-level martial master of the military and the shadow team familiar to Lu Chong on the transport plane.

With such a configuration, even if they encountered a high-level Beast King, they would have the strength to fight.

Soon, everyone boarded the transport plane and took off under the escort of four fighters, passing through the energy light wall above the fortress and flying into the depths of the sea.

"This voyage will take more than five hours."

On the plane, Vice President Zhou reminded again: "Before arriving at the destination, everyone must remain vigilant. If there is an unexpected situation, don't panic and act according to the plan."

In fact, there is no need to remind, the students dare not be careless at this time, after all, they have flown out of the country and entered the sea full of dangers.

Fortunately, they quickly flew into the stratosphere, and there was no need to worry about the attacks of strange beasts in the ocean. They only needed to be vigilant against the birds in the air.

And the birds and beasts in the vast ocean are not so common, and the most dangerous place is still the underwater world.

Moreover, with the speed of this military transport aircraft breaking the speed of sound, there are not many birds that can catch up.

Lu Chong was still discussing some theories of martial arts with Qin Yulan, especially the way Qin Yulan talked about exploring ancient martial arts relics.

Wenren Jinghong did not make himself bored again, and sat aside and listened quietly.

Chen Hao didn't understand a little, turned his head to make friends with other seniors, and they almost became brothers and sisters.

"This is my detection theory, but the key difficulty lies in the sensitivity to the true meaning of martial arts. I think you will be better than me in this area..." Qin Yulan was still explaining her latest theory to Lu Chong.

Lu Chong kept nodding, and roughly understood Qin Yulan's method.

He had to admit that Qin Yulan's way of detecting ancient martial arts relics was very feasible.

In summary, it is to determine the approximate range of ancient martial arts relics through certain cutting-edge scientific and technological means, and then cooperate with the martial arts practitioners' perception of the true meaning of martial arts to find the exact location of ancient martial arts relics.

The biggest difficulty is the perception of the true meaning of martial arts.

The true meaning of martial arts is mysterious and can only be understood but not expressed in words. Even the martial arts king can only experience it when practicing martial arts.

Qin Yulan's idea is to reversely find ancient martial arts relics by sensing the true meaning of martial arts that may be emitted from the relics hidden deep underground.

This alone is enough to stump all martial arts kings.

But after Qin Yulan heard about Lu Chong's rapid repair of martial arts, she felt that her theory had a chance of being implemented.

"According to my research, the more sensitive you are to the true meaning of martial arts, the faster you will repair martial arts, so you must be the most suitable person." Qin Yulan concluded.

Lu Chong was speechless. Only he knew that he did not rely on his sensitivity to the true meaning of martial arts to repair martial arts, but on the automatic martial arts training system.

If you have to say, it is the system that is more sensitive to the true meaning of martial arts.

But no matter what, Lu Chong felt that he could give it a try. What if the system can really help him do it?

"Something is going on!"

Just as the two were about to continue discussing, Vice President Zhou's shout suddenly came from the cabin.

Immediately afterwards, the transport plane they were riding in shook violently.

Fortunately, the weakest people here are martial artists, so this bumpy feeling is not enough for them to bear.

Lu Chong turned his head to look out the window, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He saw on both sides of the transport plane

More than 300 meters away, two rows of white birds flew in parallel in the sky.

The wingspan of this bird is more than five meters. Every time it flaps, it can bring a hurricane, which makes the transport plane in the middle bumpy.

"Don't worry, it's a less aggressive gull." Qin Yulan just glanced and said calmly.

"This is a mutated seagull before the disaster."

"They used to be active in the coastal areas, feeding on seashore insects, mollusks or small fish."

"After the disaster, the gulls also mutated, and their food became strange beasts, which further promoted their evolution."

Qin Yulan said like a treasure: "But even after the mutation, the gulls are still not fierce, just faster."

"They are even a safety signal for sea navigation. As long as they appear, it means there is no danger nearby." Qin Yulan smiled.

Lu Chong also relaxed after hearing this. He could see that this group of gulls had evolved to level three or even level four, but apart from flapping their wings, they did not intend to attack them.

"After the animals mutate or evolve, they are not all enemies of humans..." Lu Chong thought to himself.

At the same time, he also secretly admired Qin Yulan's erudition. She seemed to be more than just studying ancient martial arts relics.

Sure enough, the group of gulls just flew with them for a while and then flew forward on their own without any attack.

And the rest of the journey, as Qin Yulan said, occasionally there were birds passing by, but it was also safe.

"We are almost there." Qin Yulan, who was resting with her eyes closed, suddenly spoke and looked out the window.

Lu Chong also felt the weightlessness of the plane landing. He followed Qin Yulan's line of sight, but did not see any traces of the special training base.

Below was still the endless sea, without any traces of human activities.

"Is this the special training base?" Lu Chong was curious, and he didn't see the so-called energy storm.

Qin Yulan smiled and said, "This is it, but the energy light wall built here has added light distortion and means to prevent energy spillover, so you can't see it."

"This is also to prevent the energy storm here from attracting strange beasts in the ocean."

"Otherwise, the opportunity here will not be ours."

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