The arrow was thrown into the air.

It wasn't that Taixiong Yamada and the others were slow to react, it was just that the arrow that fell from the sky was too sudden.

And the aura was very concealed, even blending into the night sky, like a real meteor passing by.

Moreover, the arrow was not directed at Taixiong Yamada and Nord, the strongest.

Nor was it directed at El, the strong man from Country F who was called a meteor.

But at another F countryman, Roman.

Roman felt completely different. When Taixiong Yamada reminded him, the arrow was less than 300 meters away from him.

It was also at this time that he became instinctively alert.

The sense of crisis like a sword pointing at his throat made him feel cold all over and got goose bumps all over his body.

He couldn't even open his mouth to remind others, and there was only one thought left in his mind.

If he didn't dodge or block in time, he would definitely be shot to death by this arrow.

This arrow was aimed at him.

Fortunately, he was a level 5, stage 6 genetic warrior after all, and he didn't really sit there and wait for death.

When the arrow was a hundred meters away from him, he had already used all his strength to move sideways one meter and avoided this terrifying arrow.

Roman secretly called it a fluke. If it wasn't for Yamada Taixiong's timely reminder, he would have been alerted in advance.

I'm afraid that by the time he discovered the crisis, he would have no time to dodge.

But just when the four people thought that this arrow was doomed to fail, behind the arrow, another stronger arrow flashed.

The target of this arrow turned to another F country strongman El.

The second arrow hidden behind the first arrow was pointed at El.

This arrow was the real killing arrow, a hidden arrow under the light of the first arrow.

And when he found it, it was only fifty meters away from him.

Fifty meters away, even if he was a strong man of level five and six, he couldn't completely avoid the arrows.

Under the crisis of death, this man reacted very quickly, holding up the protective qi in time, and stacking layer after layer as much as he could.

He also raised his fist, trying to use the powerful physical strength of the genetic warrior to blow up the arrows.


The sharp arrows arrived as expected, and Yamada Taixiong and others who were nearby had no time to help.

El's fist did block in front of him.

But his hasty response could not stop the sharp arrows.

The arrows pierced through the qi attached to his fist in an instant, and then pierced through his fist in an instant.

The sharpness continued, and then penetrated the layers of protective qi in his chest, with extremely fast spiral force, through El's left chest, and fell into the dark sea.

El's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that this scene was real.

Why would such a beautiful starlight contain such a terrifying murderous intent?

But he couldn't even say a word, and the light in his eyes quickly dimmed.

"El!" Another F country strongman, Roman, finally arrived, stretched out his hand to catch his companion who was about to fall, and exclaimed anxiously.

Yamada Taixiong urged a large amount of Gangqi to protect his body, while flying to the two of them, sighing: "He is dead."

"You are really too careless. I have said that this Chinese young man is not simple."

In fact, even Yamada Taixiong himself did not expect that Lu Chong did not escape all the way, but stayed here to ambush them.

What's more terrifying is that Lu Chong actually killed a level 5 strongman in one encounter.

Moreover, the timing and tactics chosen by Lu Chong were very effective.

If this arrow was to shoot him or Nord, it would definitely not succeed.

But if it was aimed at the two relatively weaker F countrymen, the success rate would be much higher.

Especially the trick of making a feint to the east and attacking in the west, it deceived everyone's eyes and perception.

"Shut up!" Roman, the surviving F countryman, shouted, "I'm going to take his body back."

"But before that, I'm going to kill that Chinese man and avenge him."

Nord also flew over at this time and persuaded, "Yes, we will help you too."

At this time, he no longer dared to underestimate Lu Chong.

A young man who had just broken through the King of Martial Arts, even in the case of a sneak attack, could shoot and kill a Level 5, 6th Stage Gene Warrior with one move, which was beyond his imagination.

Facing such an opponent, Nord also had to be fully prepared.

Roman carried his companion on his back and said with hatred, "I'll listen to you, as long as I can kill him."

While speaking, Roman was no longer careless, mobilizing a large amount of energy in his body, and took out a

A round shield weapon to protect himself.

After making full preparations, if he encounters the sneak attack just now, he is fully capable of dealing with it.

Although this consumes more energy, at least he can save his life.

"Keep chasing, he is not far from us." Yamada Taixiong, holding a ninja sword, still took the lead and flew in the front.

This time, the three of them formed a triangle formation, less than a hundred meters away from each other.

But when they flew up nearly a thousand meters, where was Lu Chong?

"In the east. He wants to run, keep chasing!"

Yamada Taixiong followed the traces of the aura and shouted with gritted teeth.

So, the three of them stayed in the air nearly two thousand meters above the sea and chased to the east.

This time, they chased for nearly fifty miles.

They went up and down, left and right, and even circled in the middle, but they never saw Lu Chong's back.


The sea was changing. The sky was full of stars just now, but now it was covered with dark clouds and it started to rain.

"I feel he is nearby!" Yamada Taixiong said with a happy face.

"With his cultivation level just breaking through to the King of Martial Arts, he will inevitably consume too much energy. He can't last too long under this high-intensity flight."

Nord also nodded and said, "If we catch up, it will be his death."

Roman gritted his teeth and hung on to the end.

Following the traces of Lu Chong's Qi, he should be below.

Yamada Taixiong's face suddenly became a little gloomy, because they were close to the sea, but there was still no sign of Lu Chong.

And the traces of Lu Chong's Qi suddenly disappeared here.

"He entered the sea water to avoid us and would rather face the strange beasts in the sea!" Nord also discovered this and said with some annoyance.

Roman followed closely behind, gritting his teeth and saying, "Fuck, I don't care where he is, I must chase him to the end."

"Entering the sea means that he is really about to collapse."

Drip drip drip...

The rain on the sea seemed to be heavier and colder than before.

Roman, who fell on the top, suddenly felt a little wet and cold on his face.

But he was clearly protected by the Qi, how could the rain fall on his face?

Roman looked up in confusion and vigilance, and his eyes widened suddenly.

The rain that came into his eyes was no longer falling vertically, but like a tornado, it condensed into a spiral water column and shot towards his head.

It was these changing raindrops that, like water dripping through a stone, eroded his protective Qi and wet his face.


The water column became increasingly sharp and fell down with a bang, smashing Roman directly into the sea, not even giving him a chance to speak.


A dazzling sword light pierced through the sea water, piercing Roman's brow.

"Double kill!" Lu Chong, who was hiding a hundred meters under the sea, muttered, and broke through the waves like a swimming fish.

The middle-grade Heaven-level Cloud-turning Rain, plus the low-grade Heaven-level Qi Chong Fighting Bull, with a deliberate and unintentional attack, killing a level 5, 6th stage gene warrior is not a difficult task for him now.

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