The shadow cats hid in the daytime and came out at night.

The habit of the shadow cats is to hide during the day and come out at night. Their eyes can easily catch prey in the dark.

Therefore, most students will choose to hide in the corners prepared in advance after nightfall to avoid the large number of shadow cats that come out at night.

Even those students with stronger cultivation are mostly like this.

Because without a large number of students to help them hold back the shadow cats, they can easily fall into the encirclement.

Lu Chong is just the opposite. He is trying to do the opposite and harvest a wave of enemies in the dark.

The golden cicada clothes not only give him strong defense, but also his eyes can easily see things in the dark.

As for the possibility of being surrounded by shadow cats, Lu Chong is not worried.

With the perfect Nine Shadow Steps, he is not inferior to the Shadow Cats of the same level in terms of speed and flexibility.

The dark night is also his home ground.

He casually slapped away a second-stage Shadow Cat that pounced on him, and at the same time quickly took away the locator on the opponent's neck. This was just basic operation for Lu Chong.

He could easily shock the opponent without even hurting the Shadow Cats.

Most of the Shadow Cats that were slapped away by him would not rush up again because they had felt Lu Chong's breath at close range.

"Sure enough, hunting at night is still the most exciting."

Lu Chong adjusted his combat method while sweeping the street.

In the dark night, he didn't need to take the initiative to look for them, and naturally a large number of Shadow Cats would pounce on him to give him points.

Even if there were more than a dozen Shadow Cats surrounding him at the same time, Lu Chong could easily shuttle among the cats with the Nine Shadow Steps and come and go freely.

By nine o'clock that evening, Lu Chong had already scored 128 points, and he successfully entered the territory of the third-stage Shadow Cat.

At this time, the scores of the 100 students on the score list had slowed down.

Xiang Yueya, who ranked first, scored 356.

Qin Chuan, the 100th student, scored 201.


In the monitoring hall, Wang Tong still stared nervously, switching back and forth between Lu Chong's live split screen and the score list.

Li Chengjun on the side smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous. Look at how brave your student is. He dares to hunt alone at night."

"He is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers."

Li Chengjun sighed, "If this goes on, I don't think he can survive tonight and will be sent out."

Wang Tong ignored Li Chengjun, and at the same time he was a little worried about Lu Chong.

He felt that Lu Chong should not be an impulsive and aggressive person, but why did he violate taboos and act specifically at night?

"Even with his martial arts skills, he would be in danger if he moves at night."

It was almost ten o'clock, and almost all the students had hidden themselves.

Not only to avoid the large number of shadow cats that would come out at night, but also to conserve their energy and prepare for the sprint later.

The actual combat assessment is long, and endurance is also an important consideration.

In the front row, Principal Fang of the Third Middle School also saw Lu Chong's performance. Although he was amazed by Lu Chong's perfect nine-shadow step, that was all.

He looked at Principal Wei on the side with confidence, but found that this old friend had fallen asleep in his chair.


In the dark night, Lu Chong still did not stop and continued to go deeper into the hunting ground. No shadow cat could stop him wherever he went.

When he entered the territory of the fourth-stage shadow cat, his score had more than doubled to 271 points.

"Finally I've made it into the top 100. Keep working hard."

Lu Chong continued to go deeper. The number of shadow cats rushing up from all around began to decrease, but their strength became stronger and stronger.

However, they still could not pose a threat to him. The Nine Shadow Steps and the Stone Breaking Hand of the Perfect Realm were enough for him to deal with it with ease.

Lu Chong stayed in this area for more than an hour, and his score reached 351, jumping to second place on the list.

If the number of the fourth-stage shadow cats had not begun to decrease sharply, and had not been harvested by the students in front, his score would have been higher.

However, Lu Chong did not care, and continued to go deeper without rest.

It was almost one o'clock in the morning, and in the silent hunting ground, there was only the occasional sharp cry of the shadow cat.

The number of shadow cats became even rarer, and they became stronger and stronger.

"It seems that I still have to rely on myself to find it."

Lu Chong thought to himself, and began to actively follow the breath of the shadow cats and search in the dark alleys around him.

The higher the level, the higher the IQ of the Shadow Cat. You can't just use force to defeat it, you have to learn to play catch.


After climbing over a wall covered with long vines, Lu Chong entered an old and dilapidated three-story building.

"It's in here."

Following the relatively fresh smell, Lu Chong came to the dilapidated living room on the third floor of the building.

"Who?" A very low voice came.

Lu Chong took a quick look and found that it was his classmate Sun Ze.

In addition to Sun Ze, there were two boys hiding in the living room, but Lu Chong didn't know them.

These three people should have come to the territory of the five-stage shadow cat as a team, and hid here to rest after nightfall.

Judging from their appearance, they were more or less injured, and they were roughly treated with bandages.

The energy amulet will only be activated when they suffer fatal injuries, so they can still hold on until now.

If any student feels that he can't hold on, he can also take the initiative to ask for help and leave the examination room with the scores he has already obtained.

"Brother Chong?" Sun Ze recognized the person and said with a bit of joy.

This guy was beaten by Lu Chong twice, and he saw Lu Chong reach the eighth level of martial arts in a hurry. He was completely convinced and followed other students to call him Brother Chong.

Lu Chong nodded, then looked at the three people with a strange look, and whispered: "Can you really sleep?"

Sun Ze didn't understand, and was stunned for a while and said: "What does Brother Chong mean?"

Lu Chong pointed to the beams behind the three people and let them see for themselves.

Sun Ze vaguely realized something, his body froze in place, and just turned his head to look.

Sun Ze's face turned pale instantly.

Oh my God!

On the beams behind them, a shadow cat with green eyes was crawling, staring at them.

And he was on duty just now, but he didn't notice it at all.

If Lu Chong hadn't arrived in time, this shadow cat would definitely take advantage of their slackness and deliver a fatal blow.

"What should we do? Fighting it here might attract more shadow cats."

The other two students also woke up. They also saw the shadow cat waiting for an opportunity and were a little confused for a while.

This is the horror of the night. Once the shadow cat finds their tracks, they will almost be eliminated because there is no one to hold other shadow cats back and help them out.

Sun Ze looked at Lu Chong, obviously wanting Lu Chong to make a decision.

Lu Chong smiled and said, "It's okay. I think the reason why it didn't take action is that it is waiting for its companions to come."

"Just right, catch them all in one fell swoop."

Sun Ze was stunned and a little unbelievable. Just a few of them wanted to counter-encircle?

"You are crazy!" The other two students were terrified, "We don't want to be eliminated so early."

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